[May 25, 2012] Ultimate Fighting Game Tournament 8 - Infinity [EVO 2012 TS] (Northbrook, IL)

  1. http://ufgtus.wordpress.com/travel-and-hotel/

  2. http://ufgtus.wordpress.com/register/

Yup, Monkey. Check http://ufgt.us/ for all the info. The venue IS a hotel, and you may still be able to book there if you call the number on that page (they are very close to sold out).

Registration was 30 sign up, 10 per game, but its late now and it went up to 40 sign up.

Just quoting myself here lol

If you are asking why there is no BlazBlue, its because the turnout was really poor two years in a row for it and we are already committed to running a zillion other games/events. Feel free to run a BlazBlue side tournament on Sunday May 27th at UFGT8, though.

You scrubs are so free in Divekick. I’ll lose first round winner’s just to play more sets.


Marvel 3 money matches anyone?

Bunny Matches anyone?

Winner get a Bunny.

Ft5, James…Mouse Trap… 15 bunnies.

If anyone’s still looking for a roommate at the hotel I’d greatly appreciate them shooting me a PM so we could talk.

Also are there other good places to ask around regarding this?

This is probably the best place to ask. Someone hit this guy up!

PM DTJB. I’m coo with it if he is. Last time we talked he said we had four, but just ask and confirm. I can’t guarantee but it couldn’t hurt.

Hey quick question about the time and days of Soul Caliber 5 play.

I was looking at the schedule and I wanted to verify if there is Soul Caliber pool play both Friday and Saturday and then semis on just Saturday afternoon. I’m looking to register, but I need to know for sure the times and days for the Soul Caliber play so I can ask off for work. Thanks guys.

It should be very clear on the schedule. http://ufgtus.wordpress.com/schedule/

SCV has two pool blocks Friday (7pm and 9pm), the two more Saturday (10am and 12pm), then semifinals at 4pm, then finals sometime on Sunday.

Is anyone able to offer a ride from Chicago to the event and back? Or at least from the event to Chicago on monday? Also, does anyone have an available room for sunday night only? Any help would be appreciated. I’m in kind of a bind.

Help this man out!

So, I’m pretty sure this is going to be the best event ever. Last year was amazing, but man, this year is gonna seriously blow last year away! Divekick alone will bring this event tons of hype, the shirts are sick (image below) and there will not be many to go around, so be sure to enter the exhibition for your chance to win one! And then you have the Fun & Games/TOONTOWN area, panels, 2 main stages, top players attending, tons of free play stations where players can kick back and play w/ friends/pros… Need I go on. If you want to attend a great event this year, I suggest UFGT8. This is my last post before the event, I’ll see you all there!

P.S. Go #TeamDive :slight_smile:

Pools when?

The schedule page on the website says very clearly when pools go up.

a long shot …but I’ll ask anyway

can I get a ride from the airport?


should land 6pm Thursday

I heard you guys like pool assignments just 45 minutes after registration closed…