[May 25, 2012] Ultimate Fighting Game Tournament 8 - Infinity [EVO 2012 TS] (Northbrook, IL)

Well now i know i wont have to wake up super early to go to the tournament on friday. Glad the schedule is out.

Come early anyway. Fun auction events starting at 1PM. Fun and Games corner is open by 1PM as well.

I’ll be awake by 9 AM. The breakfast they serve is way too good to sleep past.

I am sure i will be there a little after noon

so what does the ufgt t-shirt look like this year?

Black shirt, UFGT8 logo on it. Pretty classy!

soundz goood~

New announcement/trailer for THE ONE TRUE GAME at UFGT8

Ok So I’ve got the packages together for UFGT 8! We did it for Civil war 4 and it worked out well and now we are doing it again. If you are coming from Boston and would like to go to Chi-Town for this tournament, we have some sweet hassle free deals. Package #1- Round trip Bus, hotel for 3 nights, registration and food will cost you $450
Package #2-Round trip Bus, hotel for 3 nights, and registration will cost you $425
Package#3-Round trip Bus and hotel for 3 nights will cost you $395
I am offering these packages for folks coming from NYC as well for $15 less. Please PM me if you want to go, and I will need At least $225 no later then May 16th at midnight, (which is in 10 days) for this to work, and I need at least 4 people to make this work as well. If you need more details please PM me. Look forward to seeing you at UFGT 8!

That was a great vid Keits, loved it!


yall just dont know

Hilarious vid.

Remembers Frosty Faustings and grumbles

I’ll get you, fLoEEE! Why didn’t I just pick the guy with the sword?

I’m set to fly the fuck out from California for this!!! Who’s more hype than me right now?!?! Nobody! I can’t fucking wait! Chicago, Beer, Fighting Games!, Balrog Ball, and new fucking friends here I come!

Thanks again man! I can’t wait to be there :slight_smile:

Just booked my flight!! HYPPPE.


Hey everyone! I need as many “likes” on youtube for my video as possible to win a trip to Evo this year plz plz plz vote for me! [media=youtube]e6YUvkcxKWA[/media]

1K bonus for MK players.

Damn that’s dope that Neatherealm is putting up money for MK. I wish SNKP had even 1 employee who knew how to network with tournaments organizers :frowning:

IFD x UFGT x Humbag x Huh?

Still plenty of time to register for the hypest, most fun, most relaxed, most Keitsy, most Humbaggiest tournament of the year!