explain please
i have a trouble vs jumping guys… vs cross ups (spider man j.fierce , wolverine j.round house…etc) i use colossus but i want know other answers vs this.
Block better. Jump. Dash. Don’t get caught in positions that are bad. Do neutral position anti-airs (joystick neutral IIRC helps you cross up a little less).
Is there a Training Room for MvC1? I’d like to see actual damage from combos if possible so I know how to optimize my chains. =\
You’re kinda goin through what I went through.
Just do everything Preppy said, and this may sound funny, but learn all of your weaknesses.
Figure out what your having trouble with and find a move or strategy that fixes that problem.
If you’re having trouble with crossovers and jump-ins, then learn to use s.mp, s.mk as a low anti-air tha leads to an inf.
Position yourself a little bit further from jump-happy players, unless you can land something on reaction you really don’t have much working for you.
Wolvie vs Gambit is a bad match-up in general. He has so much over Gambit, he’s fast, and he leaves very small windows for punishment. This kills the fact of Gambit being a punishing char. Just chillax and stay on defense (blocking is free, and Wolvie doesn’t have any lockdowns that chip, so there is nothing wrong with turtling and waiting for punishment opportunities)
Practice, practice, practice.
I’ve spent over an estimated $30 of quarters just trying to get better with Gambit.
It takes time and brain power (seriously, I think gambit is the only char in the game where you have to put in more thought than a chess game)
Well, that’s enough typing for me.
i do this vs jumping guys:
1-dash under
2-jump with air throw
4-call colossus
i can block… i know this (i am suck not stupid) when i say i have trouble is because i want punish this move …some times i try 3rd option but not work well vs some moves
i need more info about gambit … i have troubles vs gold warmachine and red venom
pd: thanks you
If someone jumps in and tries to hit you with virtually any jumping attacking and goes for a combo, you can attack with a jab or short inbetween their air attack, them landing, and continuing. It’s very easy with Strider for example but can be done with others. It’s more difficult to time against multi hit air attacks. So essentially a jump in can lead to a full counter if you are paying attention.
from SMB:
I’m really glad I found this thread. MvC’s never been my best game because it felt so different than XvSF and MSHvSF, but ever since I moved to Arizona, the wife and I have been playing this game alot atthe local Gameworks. The competition is decent but after racking up 9 wins with my Ryu/Spider-Man, I’ve fely encouraged to get back into it and give it a good try. I think I’m just getting past my scrubbiness and 9 wins did feel pretty good. I only lost cause my mk was broken and I was fading.
I didn’t realize that both character were so low on the tier list so I need to up my game. I’m going to start off with Wolverine, he’s always been one of my favorites. My Spider-man’s pretty good but I’m thinking of giving Hulk a shot.
Can anyone point me in the direction as to where I can get a good stick that’s compatible for Dreamcast? Their shit is still $1.00 a game!
Wow I got 2000 neg points for this, is it a record ?
maybe because theres a sticky at this top of this very forum about ggpo
hey guys what teams work with Venom? right now I play Strider/Red Venom I just wanna know what characters he works good with in general
Red Venom/Strider works good. Red Venom doesn’t really have much use for super-meter… but he’s an excellent battery and individual character. With Strider you get a safe switch (tag-team super) and also great individual character. Strider can also use the meter for ouroboros.
Red Venom/Wolverine also works very well as Wolverine has great use for super-meter.
ok thanks,so i was good after all…
ok so i just picked up rv. any help would be appreciated
meh thats easy learn his infinite combo and spam high low FP
You also with red venom you want to throw since you can go into his infinite combo from a throw and it cant be tec’d. GWM is a bad match up for Red venom you cant infinite him and he will do tons of damage to red venom
I got a Marvel vs Capcom rom for MAME, but there’s like a million controls for each player. What controls are necessary and does anyone have any suggestions for controls for 2 people?
I hope this is the right place tho ask >.<
red deer canada.
Just go to edmonton. WCCC is coming up.
I’m too noob. I’m a smash bro’s kinda guy. I just decided to download MAME and MvC. xD
With Gief, what can I do after C.MP /\ SJ.LK, SJ.MK, Air Lariat, after the larait, I land, and my opponent is falling down. I just usually do J.HP, but I’m pretty sure I can do something else, I just don’t know what =/
-go for his strong (MP) throw as they land, which equals another air combo
-SPD or Super as they land
-dash forward and cross up with another C.MP
-Jump Lariat (you’ll land first and can continue your offense, or go for a throw).