Marvel vs Capcom 1

its happening. november 10th.

I can’t believe you’re going to use Morrigan, Mag. I presume Wolverine/Morrigan w/Collosus?
Judging from how much time Justin has to get sharp at this, and his typically patient style, I’d have thought he’d play DWM, probably with Psylocke. I think you’d be better off playing Striderine, surely. I know you’re good with Morrigan, but come on… she’s not that good, especially against the top 4 or 5 teams.

this shit is actually goin down?

Awesome, which tournament, and also, can someone post the vids when it’s done…I want to watch it!

i kinda wanna see a rv gwm team. i hope we get vids

lol Plz deathscythe, get over it. That shit was so long ago it’s not even funny. I
have the balls to say that I was wrong and you(and everyone else) was right,but when I was saying whos top and whos not, it was by personal experience(and that’s from online only, so yeah I was wrong and i admit it).

Oh and btw last time I played you(about 6-8 months ago) I got a perfect on you on kaillera(with strider).When that happened you started to bitch about lag and delay and just left the room.So you of all people should know that delay is a bitch.

Anyways, I stopped playing Marvel 1 and started playing 2 again,but one day I’ll go back to marvel 1 and I hope to see you on GGPO so i can own you up for giggles(again lol).

Lol sounds about right.He needs his 3p and 3k to do his wm infinites.LOL

You should go for striders air combos due to the fact that he can uncombo you twice(in a combo).Maybe I’ll post up that double uncombo next week.

some tips with lilith ??

Her super chips OK, so use it as a ghetto War Destroyer during duos. She has good air rushdown.

Other than that, best advice would be to pick Morrigan over Lilith, imho.

does any1 play Ryu?

Lilith’s projectile super is worthless. There’s almost never a time when you can’t avoid it. Judge what would you like to know for Ryu? Remember he has Ken and Akuma properties as well so if you like either of them things change.

My small little “arcade” place that I go for DDR got a MvC1 machine, the game is really fun, but no comp for the game where I live.

I’ve been playing this game online and i’m complete garbage. I use Captain America/Cap Commando

When I get my stick back,all show you foolish mortals how to play mvc1. I still have kalleria I think.

Hardy, har, har.
Yep, it is I. With my carrot. And my SELL-ER-REE.

The atomic toilet of death happened.
That, JAVA closing down (temporarily) and rb falling ill all k.o.ed the tournament indefinitely.

Unfortunately, I can’t guarantee anything until next year, as rb (who usually helps me out with these things) isn’t going to be available until that time. I will, however, let you know when I’m ready to rumble, you can count on that.

Nope. That I haven’t. Just be warned that I’m seriously keen in that game, and I’ve been practising very religiously as of late. It’s amazing how, despite quite a few years of experience, you manage to learn something new every once in a while.

thats cause that team isnt very good

i pick strider and gambit in this game
i am a very bad player i know the basic infinite set ups but i have a lot of troubles for play gambit…

like??? what do you have a hard time with? Can you be more clear?

kaillera? it’s all about ggpo now…

learn to punish
Gambit has an answer for a lot of things that are commonly used in matches.

not going in depth, too lazy.

I play Spiderman/Jin and im pretty good.