Marvel vs Capcom 1

lol, thats classic.

PLEASE BET IT, If its so free for the online players it will be WELL worth your time to fly to any random spot to challenge Wong/Arturo/whoever, since you’ll get PLENTY of action, as in easily get 5k+ worth of bets.

I think thered be a pretty good turnout, there is still a following out there for this game. PFH Lake is right, This is a bettter fighter then MVC2 and its got longevity baby. Lets get some tourneys going! Let MVC1 be hype again!

Justin, the copy of MVC1 I brought to Web2zone got scrathed and didnt work. Not that I wouldve taken you up on the MM but perhaps I wouldve gotten drunk and went for it if the disc wasnt shot.
Also, this GGPO isnt perfect but man, its pretty damn good. Obvioulsey Ive played in the arcade ALOT, and I do prefer it but I really have to give GGPO its props. MVC1 is fun as hell on this shit.!!!



Y orale vatos!!!

Also, Internet guys: You dont get to fight Bison as the first character so why wuold you want to go against people like Jwong and Arturo? Start out a little smalller, you cant go from stage one right to the boss!

I would love to see an OG vs PC MvC1 face-off. Oh well.

If it happens, I did learn at EVO2k7 to always bet on Wong.

That was either T-kimura or Vice Versa.

MvC1 get Hype!:rock::smokin:

One of these days I gotta go train with Dasrik.

the only reason well I think people stopped playing MVC1 was MVC2 came out and MVC2 was just a new game, people didnt know how broken MVC2 was yet. Sure mvc1 is a little broken but still id rather deal with the tiers in mvc1 then stupid storm sent bs

Sorry I really don’t believe mvc1 will have a strong showing at EVOL. Xmen vs SF would have a better turn out and that tourney already happened at EVOL2k6. Props to Vic for that. At NEC there is going to be a MVC1 tourney. Well see how many people are going to enter.

That was T-Kimura…If he was honest and say

“I Don’t Want to embarrassed myself in front of the whole crowd”

It would be understandable…but he goes on saying, “Waste of time”. If someone is gonna say that then they should not talk shit anyways.

Its like Halo players online compare to Halo players on MLG.

Cept they know the difference between both.

Magman in the other hand is cool in my book, he goes outside of his house. :rofl:



there are 16 players in CT that would go to Evo for MVC1, I know thats not much, but its a start.

I have an MvC1 board in storage. I’ll try and get it down to EVO2k8.

16 people plus whoever else wants to enter that should be enough.

can’t play this game on a ps2 control shits too hard. i need a new stick :confused:

they have mvc1 for ps2???

Arturo offered to rape you in person lag free, a block from your house and you declined because you can’t do shit without macros. You could be the best MVC1 player ever; doesn’t change the fact that you’re a bitch.


my fault i meant ggpo with a converter

Ijust started playing this today online and Im having a lot of fun.

did the japanese ever play mvc1?

i got my money on wong and arturo. red venom ftw.

RV/Strider, Striderine or WM/Strider ftw! I seriously want to see this shit go down…too bad you can seriously do some sidebets from like across the states…otherwise I would bet on Wong/Arturo to win it.

Now I seriously want this shit to go down, OG vs Online Players…lets see this for real…even I’m getting hyped about this shit now.