Marvel vs Capcom 1

Were are the old threads?

I remember been one here in FGD besides the one that is locked, and another on other games threads. I can’t find any of this threads. If someone can direct me to them or any other good marvel thread I will appreciated.

Videos- [media=youtube]Uw3Yi7n0EyE[/media]


MvC1 101-Mostly winning strategie

MvC1 Tiers-Mostly tiers ranking

MvC1 Infinities-Mostly (duh)

This can be the new 1.

Just keep the offline vs online stuff outta here.

We don’t want another closed MvC1 thread

EDIT: or ppl banned

Strider/Wolverine/Red Venom/War Machine/Gold War Machine

That’s your game right there.

EDIT - Best part about the first thread was someone claiming Spidey to be top tier due to this crossups. Yeah. Right.

DS, you forgot Chun.

May I ask what is Strider’s biggest air combo? (that works on every1)

I’ve only seen big 1’s on Hulk/Zangief

I dunno. The most I remember about Chun in this game is being able to counter GWM. But, that’s about it. =/


I would find this match-up completely in GWM’s favor.

Kikou-Shou. Me thinks. Does hella damage on GWM when I pulled it off on someone.

Strider/Chun is anal probage man.

Just mash out lightning kicks all day. I believe GWM would not be able to move. I believe it was in an NKI video where GWM was gonna pull out Protocannon and Chun just spammed those and went for the whole life bar. Memory is fuzzy, but yeah…

EDIT - G.O.T. is correct. Massive damage.

DUO TEAM ATTACK EDIT - Thread needs more Dasrik and Sabin.

Dasrik lives maybe 5 mins away from me, and I still haven’t played him.

Why bother with an air combo when s. MK > s. HP > s. HK > HP Gram does like 33% damage?

Especially if you add j.roundhouse to that for startup? Good God. The damage! Ridiculous. Strider’s ground game was so top in that game.

You can activate proton cannon while in the middle of the kikou shou if you get caught in it, and return the same amount of damage to chun since she cant mvoe for some time after kikou shou, not exactly a game winning strategy.

spidur mann dis tops cuzz da cross ups r 1ee7

I liked this article a lot:

  1. Pick Roll
  2. Hope your opponent doesn’t feel like beating up a little girl
  3. ???
  4. Profit

Natch, before people start asking:
^starting with this one, Taikoubou has the whole ECC MVC1 circa 2000 final 16 series up for viewing, has basically all the good high level stuff

Nice videos.

 Officially the search feature sucks.  I have been serching manually and I found alot of 5 or 6 posts MVC1 threads.   But I found some goods one too, even when they are not what I was actually looking for.  Im gona post some of them to save Dasrik and Sabin from having to talk so much about the game again, lol.  These guys are too much.

MvC1 101-Mostly winning strategie

MvC1 Tiers-Mostly tiers ranking

MvC1 Infinities-Mostly (duh)

Im not playing this game lately but I have seen a lot of interest since it was add to ggpo, so, bump.

lol just played this on my friends psp today, was running through it with wolverine and jin till he wanted it back