Gief example:
[Gief Combo to FAB break]( Addictz Combo Library/Sinala/Combos - Window Media Player Friendly (wmv avi)/giefbreak.wmv)
Gief example:
[Gief Combo to FAB break]( Addictz Combo Library/Sinala/Combos - Window Media Player Friendly (wmv avi)/giefbreak.wmv)
disclaimer: all Zangief strategies stolen from Viscant, circa 1998.
Jappo: re: Gief
After air combo ending in lariat, jump up and do a knee dive. This will make them flip and land on their feet. What comes next is all mind games:
Note that it doesn’t work well on MM or Ryu, since they can mash out after the MP throw and block the air combo. I’m not sure if anyone else can mash out; I forget.
Funny, as Ive been playing a lot of MvC2 lately (and still sucking with Magneto) since Tekno Junkies came back (sorta; new name, but arcade in same location). Haven’t touched MvC1 in a long time. But nonehtless, I’m going to go out on a limb and say if you don’t play WM/GWM, you won’t beat me.
I need some help with WM here. I have no idea what to do when I’ve got my oppoment in the upper corner. lk,fp,3p don’t work anymore then. But I’ve seen some people do unfly, fly. I just don’t really know how the combo string would be.
That’s a pretty long limb you’re going out on there, Ultima.
I’ll go on an even further one and say you seriously don’t know me and this game at all.
You see, unlike MvC2, I don’t need ‘certain-characters-that-everybody-and-their-grandpa-plays’ to win matches. As a matter of fact, the only top-tier I’d even go near is Wolverine. Otherwise, it’s children you’ll have to deal with. :lol:
In all seriousness, though, you’ll have one seriously nasty surprise waiting for you if you enter a match with me and make the unfortunate mistake of judging a book merely by its cover, because I assure you, I do think outside of the box and I know how characters move in this game. Most of all, I know what people assume is going to happen in a match, and I know just how to royally screw it up.
So, to make a long story short, screw top-tiers in this game.
I sure as hell don’t ‘need’ them to handle anybody.
Ultima, I will admit, you are a very good opponent. Probably my very nemesis down here in Trinidad. But, you don’t know the New Era Outlaw unless you’ve seen him rock and roll in this game.
By the way…I take it you don’t check out GATT much these days? I sent you a PM for a little sweat I had organised, but I didn’t get a reply. I’m planning to have another sometime after the holidays, seeing as how most of my competition are wrapped up in exams or work.
No, I don’t check out GATT. I’ll respond to that after this.
Concerning MvC1, I’ll let you in on something: I’m MUCH better at MvC1 than I am at MvC2. That’s because, sadly, MvC1 has a lot more rubbish that you can get away with than in MvC2, which is why MvC2 > MvC1. In fact, I’m actually terrible at MvC2. But I’m… okay at MvC1. It’s still my best tournament fighter to date, I’m not especially fond to say.
Lies. ALL LIES!!