Marvel vs Capcom 1

Dudes in that first vid sucked. Why would you want someone to learn from that?

I used Orange Hulk, just for the speed variance. Didn’t he give up the super armor (or defense maybe?) for speed? God I don’t know, it’s been so long since I played.

… TrueSephiroth “Anyway of getting better quality of those ECC matchups…I mean, dear gosh, the colors make you delusional”

Yeah, no super armor, a little faster, and can do an extra hit off the air combo. Kind of a throwback to MSH Hulk I think.

Normal Hulk is the better turtle.


:rofl: hard at the duo RV that got raped by Ouroboros.

Hulk isn’t special. But he does well against Wolverine.

Can some peeps give out some staple juggles for characters like Strider and Wolverine :wgrin:? I know a few ground combos for Strider and all, but how do you do the one with the extra aerial jump as seen within the Ecc vid for his aerial combo, that was beastly and it took off a tremendous amount of life away. I’ve tried it, but I always seem to do it too damn late. Most likely because I don’t know the aerial combo setup for it which is the real problem.

Also, any staple Wolverine juggles? I’d be looking for those as well.

I read on that Tier Listing and they posted up Lilith as a Top-Tier contender…damn, I would seriously want some information about her…if anything I’ll switch Wolverine for it, just because if she has that kind of potential, I would not mind trying that.

So again, any staple Strider/Wolvie/Lilith combos/setups/strats, please post them here.

I’ll be looking forward to it :rofl:

For Strider it’s easier to double jump combo off a LK than anything else, so the air combo would be LP, LK, MP, MK, pause LK, dj, LP, LK, MP, MK, then you can cancel the MK to an air swipe and it’ll uncombo and still hit doing full damage. You never want to do the air dash attack in an air combo because they can always LP roll upon landing and punish him easily. He has several breakable but comboable air combo variations that do up to 50%.

Here’s a show off Strider combo but it has a double jump in it but less hits for whatever reason in it:

Strider 99 hit

Wolverine a very common corner scenario would be LP, LK, D+MP, HK, sj, LP, LK, MP, MK, D+HK, HK, otg D+LK, D+HP, j forward and you can sometimes continue an air combo, land and create a possible rethrow situation into the corner with a mashed punch throw, and launch again to the same combo.

Wolverine show off combo showing use of the speed up, assist, ground inf, normal jump, rejuggle, air combo I mentioned to otg:

Wolverine 41 hit

And another Wolverine corner variation:

Wolverine rethrow setup

I have no idea why Lilith would be ranked above Morrigan. I probably have more Morrigan experience than everyone on this site combined and I have never lost to a Lilith player as Morrigan. Lilith does a tiny bit more damage per combo, but her projectile range is limited. Morrigan can combo her Silhoutte Blade up to 4 hits into a ground combo doing about 40-45% total depending on the character and when you cancel to the super. Also Morrigan’s Soul Eraser hits about as fast as an Hyper Viper Beam, while Lilith’s multi projectile super is terribly slow and easily super jump stall avoidable. Lilith has a difficult ground super jump cancel to air dash infinite, Morrigan has a corner otg to juggle inf. Lilith’s rising DPish super is good for anti air.

Here’s a hot Morrigan combo:

Morrigan 21 hit

So you’re money matching Eddie Lee and Wigfall, right? You’re gonna prove they suck and they have always sucked. ECC vids are pure crap, right? Now bet it!

I think someone is lying about Lilith being top tier

Thanks, judge.
I’ve been playing this team for a little over 8 years now, so, you know…every once in a while, I’d try something new with them and see what I can come up with. The LK, MK setup, for example, was something I found completely by accident. I’m glad I did, though, because it made my games a whole lot cheesier.

Now, since you’re having trouble against Wolverine and Red Venom while charging, what I can recommend is this: RUN.

Both of these characters will royally PWN Mega Man and then some if he’s grounded. As such, try to keep somewhat airborne during the fight, and try to come down with a J. LK, J. MK to try to open them up for an attack, or Aerial Rave them if they get too close. If they try to ambush you from the air, however, remember than Mega Man’s Mule Kick (FK) can knock most characters straight up for a combo.

What I would do also is have Leaf Shield on me. Horrid startup? This I know, but once that shield is active, you can’t be pounced on. At least, not from the air. Wolverine gets PWNED if he stomps on it as you fire it off, because he’ll just be juggling on those leaves and leave a nice opening for you to FK and combo him.
Or, you can Rock Ball and C. MK or LK it and keep them on their toes for a while. Either way, it’s up to you.

I know for a fact that it’s tricky at times to fight and charge at the same time, but, in that case, I treat the arcade stick like a piano. Treat the other five buttons as keys and let them flow when I perform a combo.

As for Beat Plane, I often pull it off in the air for purpose of safety…doing it on the ground just like that is like putting a sign on Mega Man saying ‘Hit me, PLEASE’. Because of the quick startup and the torpedoes that can drop below, Mega Man can actually keep himself safe throughout the whole process. It also doesn’t hurt to take some flying lessons (I mean that quite literally…I’ve seen people make a beeline with this super straight for the enemy instead of bobbing and weaving to avoid trouble.) This is my most often used super combo. I suggest you practise with it and see how you can make the most of it, because, like I said, it’s broken.

To me, Hulk needs Colossus or some other assist to work with to make him feasible. He can’t make that many openings, especially not on the more nimble characters, anyway. What I can say, though:

  • Jumping LP has some decent priority. It can actually butt characters in midair right out of an attack. I’ve went up against some well-known effective air attacks with this, such as Spiderman’s J. FK, Wolverine’s Jumping Jab and Fierce, and Strider’s J. FP. Timed right, Hulk’s headbutt with Jumping Jab can negate all of them. Just don’t go overboard on it, because that will make Hulk too predictable. Vary between that and J. LK (which can chain to MK followed by Gamma Quake) if you want to keep your opponent guessing.

  • Gamma Quake is your friend. Basically safe, and you can cause somebody jumping in to back off with this move (or surprise them). I also like chaining this after a jumping LK, MK or a jumping FK, because it actually does some impressive damage. On a more important note, it can screw with War Machine if he jumps and attempts to bomb.

  • Gamma Charging after blocking a projectile sometimes works, but I find the timing very tricky. Miss and you’ll pay, is what I do know.

You know…ever since I saw that tier ranking, I’ve found myself asking people:
"Why is Lilith top tier over Morrigan?"
She lacks the keep away game Morrigan has with her fireballs, possesses the same normals (more or less), and doesn’t really show that much of an advantage over Morrigan, head to head…at least, not from what I’ve seen.

Some people suggested that she’s quicker, or maybe her QCF+ PP has a better recovery time, but…I’m not sure. I don’t play with her, so I can’t really tell you to be sure.

I’ll give you some core combos with him:

  1. C. LK, C. MK, C. FP, Berserker Barrage X
    You can actually juggle OTG with LK, MK, MK, FK or even a simple FP afterwards. Be warned that if you miss with the OTG, it’s a setup for a counter-attack…

  2. FK, Super Jump, LP, LK, MP, MK, D. FK, FK
    If Wolverine is slightly above your opponent and close enough for Head Stomp to hit during the Aerial Rave, go for it. Flings your opponent straight into a corner if he’s not already there, and is a guaranteed setup for an OTG LK, MK, MK, FK if you are already in the corner.

  3. Berserker Rage (Speed Up), LP, LK, MP, D. MK, D. FP, dash, repeat until counter is about to hit 20 or 21 with D. FP, Berserker Barrage X, OTG LK, MK, MK, FK. That’s without an assist, by the way. You can get some mileage with Michelle Heart, but only if you are now starting the combo and Michelle does manage to hit as you begin.

  4. (near corner) MP Throw, Berserker Barrage X, OTG LK, MK, MK, FK.
    MP Throw sets up some wicked crap. Be sure you can time this quickly, though, because this one can be easily rolled out of as soon as your opponent hits the ground.

Anyway, hope that helps.

I think the only difference notable in Lilith’s favor is the usage of her inf but honestly I don’t think that’s enough to put her over.

I’ve played as both and I always felt morrigan was a bit better. She DOES feel quicker though, as do a lot of the other secret characters in this game.

Lilith has chipping duos. Duos are good.

Reveal to me secrets of how to not suck at playing Gambit.

So that I may go forth into GGPO.

So, I hjat eto be the newb and ask this but, how do I get the timing for the wolvie inf off? I read “s.lp,, down - repeat.” that doesnt make sense. Where to the dashes go? between every lk and lp? I keep getting a s.fp when I try to dash at the end.

I haven’t played MVC1 in a minute but is CapAm any good??

id say hes above decent

how about some mvc combovideos =]


j.hp is good, big range.

So is dp+lp, really safe poke, and alternately you can combo into it after a chain.

Cajun escape stuff (d,u+K I believe?) are good for running away or alternatively for giving chase as iirc you can control where and how he lands.

Cajun explosion is reasonably safe and works as a reset button of sorts whe you’re pressured.

As for strikers, you’ll probably want to use Colossus or Psylocke so you can tack on the s.lp, infinite or Royal Flush afterwards.
That’s all I remember, perhaps someone more knowledgeable (iirc Sabin is an XSF and MvC1 Gambit player) can add or correct.

Good look, muh nigga