Marvel vs Capcom 1

Now, fair warning, I’m not a bona fide expert in using Gambit, but I will give you some observations that I’ve made when people play with him:

  • MP is your friend. Anti-Air, good priority, and can be easily chained to D. FP for a combo. D + FP, by the way, can keep opponents from jumping in on you.

  • Get used to using FP in mid-air, followed by FK. Most people would block the first, but would hardly think to block the next hit.

  • When your opponent is cornered, try nagging him with Kinetic Card => Jab Cajun Slash. Some people can be caught be surprise with this, though experienced players will see this coming a mile away, and will get out of it quickly.

  • As stated before in this thread, Cajun Explosion is a good way to keep a good distance and get in some chip in a match. Just be wary that there is a very small window of opportunity to jump towards Gambit and avoid getting hit by the waves at all.

  • Extremely cheesy semi-infinite when opponent is caught in mid-air: LP, LK, rinse, repeat. After 50 hits or so, the opponent will spin out.

  • D + FK has some priority, so try using that every once in a while.

Hope that helps!

I’ve been playing Gambit for years now.

Anti-air: Use, If timed correctly it is a free infinite combo.

Strategy: I don’t find Gambit to be a rush character, he has more defense options than offense. Your main goal is to punish mistakes, and catch em in the inf, and if you have a good team mate go for a Duo, and spam royal fluch with your other character getting up close and rushing. (I use Gambit/Strider, Cards + Orbs = zoning ownage)

I really don’t think Gambit’s air game is the best, so I prefer to stay grounded. Being that I’m on the ground alot I have to keep my cool and wait for a mistake and punish. Staying grounded also means you’ll get rushed a lot harder, in which case I still recommend you stay calm and wait for opportunities.
Gambit has stuff to punish almost any mistake, anything your opponent throws that appears to be a mind-trap can be handled easily if you react fast enough.

Don’t forget k-cards and Cajun strike are useful.
I can’t count how many times Cajun Strike has saved me.
K-card is useful on jump happy opponents (I find your average jump happy player will fall right on it, which = a combo or inf)

Combos: Gambit’s BnB’s tend to suffer to knockback problems.
A combo like: s.lp,,,, xx cajun slash can sometimes fail if you were not within grab range of the enemy.
To remedy that I use 1 short combo:
s.lp,, xx dp+mp
This does mediocre damage, but unlike most ground combos ending with lp or hp cajun slash, it doesn’t end up with the enemy rolling towards Gambit for a free grab or combo.

I just say practice your precision, and learn to punish anything thrown at you.
I put a lot of hard work and quarters into my Gambit, and I think I can take on the world with him.

EDIT: I heard some1 bring up America, I play him well to, but I’ll type something up later.

If you connect the middle beam of Morrigan’s Soul Eraser, it does as much chip damage as Lilith’s super, and actually sometimes more. I don’t understand why people talk about the 5 pixels of damage Lilith’s super does.

As for CapAm, I find him to be very powerful and versatile.

Thanks to both of you, I appreciate it alot, funny thing is, those combos aren’t difficult at all, and can be easily incorporated into gameplay…already I can see a difference in my Wolverine already. Strider has always been solid for me, so that’s never been an issue, it was just my secondary character.

If Morrigan is actually better then I’ll probably switch out Lilith and play Morri instead. I really like her character in MvC1. Lastly, can I get an in-depth reason as to why Strider is #1 in this game? I’ve got a few peeps who used to play this alot, and heavily and they keep on arguing the fact that WarMachine is #1, and not Strider…yet I’ve always thought/felt that he was #1.

However, another question is also, that why would some people consider WM better then Strider?

Sorry if it sounds kind of newbish, but hahaha, I’m super curious that’s all, I’ve been around FG’s since 91, but MvC1 is one of those games that I just didn’t bother much into.

Since when does EwaShock play MvC1?

Also, New Era Outlaw is here? Man, talk about the blind leading the blind. :smiley:

Hey NEO, what happened to the [strike]my free money[/strike] that MvC2 tournament you were supposed to run since the end of June?

Also, you’ve never faced me in MvC1, have you?


WM isn’t better than Strider per se. But WM is arguably more important, since he’s part of the best team in the game.

re: CapAM

He’s… okay. Doesn’t have anything really abusable. Good mid-tier character. You need to be considerably better than your opponent to win with him, and he dies to the top tier. I like him a lot, personally, but have to put him away when WM comes out to play.

I’ve been playing MvC for a long time, I can help anyone with mid tier characters and explain some tactics to help fighting top tier. I know a tremendous amount of info about MvC. I’ve never found a reason to use Lilith over Morrigan and I specialize with Morrigan. If anyone wants some inps of LAN Kaillera matches of Morrigan I will be happy to put them up or even record some with some good players.

WM’s infs I would say put him over in a sense that it’s available off virtually any attack at any time vs any characters and it’s honestly the only thing I worry about when playing high level players, so it’s a very easy path to victory and not difficult with some effort. Strider’s damaging basic combos, speed, and abnormal range, mixed with orb whoring lock down and uncomboing guard breaks are a more tactical path to damage since you have to be able to repeat these actions several times, but still very easy, with Wolverine being along the same lines as Strider, speed, huge damage, and also has a simple ground infinite which you don’t see on arcade machines because it is harder to be consistent without a binded dash button, even though many players deny using it.

CapAm, D+LK, MPxHyper Stars and Stripes is 50% and very easy to get in cross under scenarios, not saying it’s abusable, but it’s a quick easy 50% out of nowhere and obviously usable in punishment scenarios, he also takes considerably low damage overall. CapAm in the hands of a specialist can compete with the top tier characters but it requires a lot of effort. The Hyper Charging Star absorbs orbs and breaks through to do damage for one example, and it’s very easy to do when orbs starts.

I’ve always been a fan of Dasrik slipping in some nonsense into his tier listings, suddenly everyone wants to talk Lilith.

Back in the day he tried to rank Shadow Lady up there for a while. I remember he even posted that he entered a tournament with Double Hulk, or ‘Gammani’. Props to him for trying to change the status quo, anyway.

But for the record, yeah, Lilith isn’t as good as Morrigan, and I’d only put Morrigan on the same level as Venom, CapAM and Gief.

Err… I’m pretty sure that’s his crouch cancel infinite. There’s no dashes, it’s corner only, and a bit like Gambit’s infinite, requires them to be in the air. (though I think in dead body mode).

Anyway, the set up is launch near the corner, jab, short, strong, forward, Stomp, RH, otg (can be w/a number of things, a late sj.short before landing, a standing short as you land both work well IIRC) immediately after go into jab, short, down, repeat.

I’m pretty sure that’s what you’re talking about. I remember doing it as standing strong, down, repeat, but I think jab, short, down, repeat works too. you want to tap down very quickly, as it’s just to kill some frames.

That’s his only infinite AFAIK, so that must be it, unless you’re thinking of his beserker rage pseudo-infinite.

You mean my money don’t you ? :wgrin: :wgrin:


No disprect or anything. I just know you to be the guy who made UMK3 seem respectable, so I just found it odd to see you posting about MvC. :stuck_out_tongue:

As for Cap, I prefer c.LK, s.MK x 2 XX Hyper Stars n’ Stripes. More time to hit confirm. Or just plain s.MK x 2 XX Hyper Stars n’ Stripes in punishment situations. I also like c.LP, c.MK, s.HP XX LP Shield Slash, repeat for pressure. If thet get wise to the pattern I don’t do the Shield Slash or do MP Shield Slash instead if I think they’re going to jump.

For style, I like to throw away my shield, and do s.HP XX Final Justice and pretend like I’m playing MSH again. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d have to disagree with him competing with the top tiers though. “A lot of effort” really means “you need to be falt out better them by a large margin”. Cap has to hit his opponent too many times compared to Strider or WM, who never have to hit you to kill you, and Wolverine has an easier time getting to hit his opponent plus has a stupidly good air throw. It’s a massive uphill battle that really requires a large skill gap in order to be feasible. :frowning:


You got ROM down yet? If not, then it’s my money. :stuck_out_tongue:

I find CapAm to be good for basic players.
He gets repetitive though, doing the same aerial rave over and over, and he has almost no mixup potential.

which is the Cap Am aerial rave? I remember sj.jab X 3, double jump, magic series. Is that the one?

Yeah, his options are far too limited, and while he has a couple of good normals, that means squat in a competitive environment. He’s just a solid character with no BS in a game where BS is the currency. He has a few cute tricks taking advantage of the invincible KKK super against duos and such, but that isn’t anywhere near enough to make him compete.

Just for my two cents, here are the tiers as I see them- This is assuming the player is as good as is reasonably possible with each character.

War Machine
Red Venom
Gold War Machine

Chun Li

Shadow Lady

Captain America

Orange Hulk



gold war machine 3rd. wolverine 2nd. strider 4th. red venom isnt that great.

captains are good, they’re nowhere near that bad. captain america air jab reset does 70% flat on strider and wolv. air reset, pause very long for a reset, 3 jabs, dj lp mp mk up+hk, d+hk (otg in corner) c.lp s.mkx2 cartwheel over and rape it. the thing i like about this is that its random depending on the characters sprite. on bigger ones, it wont cross up, on smaller ones it will like wolv and up to strider.

venom is the highest mid tier, can compete with top tiers.

captain commando is sick, if u smelt a move and hit confirm it into qcf+pp with good reflex, thats a done deal. his zoning is great, dont ground captain fire though they’ll dash and jump on u. col into super is about 40%(hulk)-60%(strider)

strider isnt as weak in this game, remember that.

id put Strider as 1, since he has no bad match ups

war machine, gold war machine, wolverine.

orbs just stall, doesnt do much damage if you dont hit them, which is the usual.

war machine stalls strider’s only stall. better pokes, 1 touch death.

wolverine is 1 touch death for strider.

gold war machine you cant keep locked down for orb rape. hes always in sj, and u get smacked out the air by smart bombs and knee dives.

war machine, gold war machine are not a bad match up for Strider.

Strider owns gold war pretty bad, and War has to run away which is what every war player does to Strider. If you watch the vids Strider doesnt have a hard time vs anyone.

If you use orbs you have to cross up and you will get a hit in, it doesnt matter with Strider’s teleport

wolverine may have a infinite but still you have to hit him and not mess up once; also its not that hard to keep wolverine away with Strider since all you have to do is call assist at the right time then do orbs, and wolverine just wasted his super.

wolverine’s even does a speed up super just do orb super.

Every time ive seen top players play Strider Vs Wolv, Strider always wins so im not sure what your talking about

That combo is no good, you can roll out of

lmfao c.hkxxdp with strider doesnt even combo

then ur gonna tell me strider beats gwm?..alright, if people want to believe u they can.

but look at it like this, gwm SJ’s when strider orbs (which strider has to do in order not to get raped by him) smart bombs cover if u sj up and catch him, so u gotta take time to dash around. thats some of ur orbs wasted already, when u come up and are about to hit him, u may get 1 lp in or something, a pixel of damage, before u eat a knee and bounce back down from his knee dive, PLUS he bounces UPWARD meaning he can SMART BOMB again and then repeat until he has 3 bars and 50% duo chip u. and its 65% with 2 war machine duo.

have you ever watched high level play? Really…

This is what happens when you use GWM vs strider


I have other vids to of top players owning GWM with Strider and Vids of Strider owing Wovl, so yet again I have no idea what your talking about.

As for bad match ups everyone in the game has a bad match up, all but Strider

Yet again this is what happens when you play GWM vs Strider


im sorry to pop your bubble and remove you from underneath your rock, this isnt high level play but BASIC LOW END GAMEPLAY. heres some high level play ,usually the latest PE video is the one which demonstrates latest gameplay strats and tactical oriented gameplay.

just wondering how many top players even went to that tournament