Marvel vs Capcom 1

You can tiger knee it, but it’s 50/50.

My friend plays a top notch chun.
He’ll tk it for punishment purposes only.

Does Chun’s air super have invincibility frames, cause It’s gone through some projectiles?

thx for the ecc vids…
subs to thread

I don’t play with both WM and GWM, but I have selected them before just to see how they are like.

I play IM in MvC2, but just hate WM for some reason.
I prolly just hate the fact that airdash and fly are 3 buttons instead of 2.

My team is Gambit/Strider.
Simple to play chars, Gambit’s broken inf, and Strider’s orbs.

Yeah…those two together are sheer therapy.
One of the core reasons that the War Machine team is top-tier in this game is because of the dual War Destroyer Variable Cross. Does some decent chip, and can outright kill an opponent if he’s careless and gets hit with a missle. That, and the fact that WM can seriously keep a player pinned with Smart Bomb -> Dive Kick XX FK for some serious damage. What I’ve realised, though, (from experience) is that standing MK from either WM can keep players from running in, particularly Wolverine, and buy WM some time to fly up into the air again.

However, a lone War Machine can be outwitted…for example, you can actually avoid being hit at all with a War Destroyer if you just walk (NOT dash) forward towards him. However, this only works if you are more than half a screen’s distance away from him when he starts the move.

In any case, do we have any Mega Man players in the house?
In this game, my team is Mega Man/Roll. (Though sometimes, I dabble with Wolverine/Mega Man).
You’re probably curious as to why I play that duo, but, when you’ve played them as long as I have, you’d notice that they do have several advantages, and a few things that quite a few players overlook as well. So, for your convenience:


  1. Mega Man’s (and, by extension, Roll’s as well) Beat Plane is BROKEN.
    You’re probably wondering why I’m saying this, seeing as how it doesn’t necessarily do as much damage as Hyper Mega Man or Rush Drill. Well…take a look at this:
  • You can use the move to chip and run away at opponents. Tap ALL of the buttons as quickly as you can as you near the opponent (Each Punch and Kick releases a shot and a bomb respectively at a rate dependant on how fast you tap said button(s)), and then back off (but still keep firing as you do so) when you know the HC is about to expire. While doing so, you can actually try turning your opponent around so that he’s facing the wrong way when you start firing at him (just be sure to stop firing shots as you try to do so, because you might just end up keeping them in block).

  • There are a lot of setups for Beat Plane. Some of you can name several off the bat, namely, a charged FP, Leaf Shield or an Assist. However, what some people do not realise is that the simplest (and cheesiest) setup for a Beat Plane is a simple LK, MK. Just hit them that simple two hit combo, and you can immediately cancel into a Beat Plane for some free hits. That is most likely one of the reasons why the Beat Plane’s startup in MvC2 is extremely horrid- you can actually setup for Beat Plane WAY too easily in this. A jump-in FK can also stun an opponent long enough for this as well.

  • Beat Plane can actually counter and evade some hits in progress. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen Wolverine try to stomp me, only to have me use Beat Plane JUST as he’s about to hit me, move quickly away from under him, and plaster him while he’s vulnerable. Or when an opponent tries to call an Assist, only for me to fly over it and hit them when they are still in their ‘summon’ animation. Since Beat Plane is invincible during the white flash, you can actually get the drop on somebody trying to attack you and counter right back. It will take timing, though. On a side note, Beat Plane can basically nerf Strider’s Ouroburos as he starts it up. Just fire to keep him pinned and shoot out the orbs if he tries to fire them to hit Mega Man. By the time the Beat Plane expires, the orbs do as well. :rofl:

By the way…for those of you who want to try these tricks out with Beat Plane, remember, TAP, not RUB all the buttons. Rubbing on the buttons will not produce good results, and will result in you not flying the plane properly.

  1. Roll’s LP => FP can launch OTG as soon as an opponent is knocked down. Weird, I know, but it does work. Try Rush Drilling them or even throwing them to get them to fall (remember that Roll excels at throwing), and then LP, FP to pop them up. Theoretically, you should be able to pull off an infinite if you end the combo with a throw close enough to the ground for Roll to do LP, FP again.
    Also, Roll can mess up opponents by tricking them as she comes close. Walk up, throw, and when your opponent comes to, crouch and LK, MK, FK, Roll Buster. Chances are, he’ll think you’re coming to throw him again, and it might slip his mind to block low.

  2. Mega Man’s Mega Buster charges at a rate of about 1 hit per in-game second. So, by all means, this should mean that you can get infinite hits off of the attack if there is no time limit, but, even if that was not the case, the boundaries of the stage still put a cap on the projectile. Also, the projectile moves right through an opponent as it hits, so, to keep them in the fireball and continue the combo, you can:

  • Move forward
  • Tap LP, MP or LK, MK
  • Use Beat Plane and force them forward

Note that you CAN charge another fireball as the first is still battering your opponent, so you can basically chain a LK, MK and then release FP as soon as the first projectile expires.

  1. A big ‘DUUHHH!’ here, I’m certain, but Rush Drill is invincible upon startup and execution. It’s funny how easily some people can forget that. What people also seem to forget, is just because I may back off with Rush Drill, doesn’t mean that the super ends there.

  2. Spiderman suffers against Roll at times, for several reasons:

  • Exploding Bouquet can actually negate a Maximum Spider. Spiderman will just bounce off of it and fall back down.

  • One of Spiderman’s biggest advantages, deep J. FK, often won’t work against Roll because she can simply walk under him as he jumps and kick him straight up with FK as he attempts to use the move.

  • Roll can use Beat Plane in the event that Spiderman tries to use Web Ball to keep his distance from her.

Note, though, that I say ‘at times’, because crouching FK will still pwn Roll.

  1. Red Venom will have a cow against Roll, primarily because his infinite aims too high above Roll’s head to hit. I remember a match where my Mega Man got pwned by Red Venom, but, as for Roll, he suffered a lot because he simply can’t hit her with some attacks.

Well, those are my two cents, anyway.
I still play this game from time to time, but everyday, you learn something new.

I love this thread. MVC is so great.

Roll 4 Life.

My main team is Roll/Venom “Team Innocent”.

What exactly made War Machine top tier in this? I mean, what’s his gameplan outside of duo team attacks?

Whats the basic gameplay for a rookie StriderRine player (me)? What makes this duo so effective ?

Warmachine’s got that ill rushdown. Even w/out the duo, GWM pairs up nicely with Strider, Chun Li and Gasp Zangief. He cant block! His Smart bombs keep you at bay and his knee rush down allows him to bounce to safety.

Reg-Warmachine is as fast as fast can be and will take your entire energy bar if you slip up. His Rushdown knee is comboable which is almost unfair.

Good Read, a must for Rockman players. (I say Rockman, cause I play Jap version)

My Rockman is one of socal’s best, though I still have trouble against Wolvies and RV’s.

I know, charging is neccasary, but I find I suffer to Wolvie and RV while charging.
I don’t charge, I shoot for zoning purposes only, if my enemy is on the other side of the screen I’ll just jump, mk (it beats out a lot of aerial normals), then shoot upon falling, then just wavedash foward with the bullet acting as a sheild.

I use Hyper rockman only as an anit-air. I find sometimes Wolvies will try to pull a j.d+hk xx, Hyper Rockman helps here. Same for RV’s that throw a c.hp on wake-up or something.

I really don’t use Rush Drill or Beat Plane. Because of the startup time, most ppl can stop what they’re doing and block then counter-attack.

I use the simple magic series BnB, I’ve never had the time to come up with a high damage flashy combo.

watch for your self [media=youtube]OViwGUMma_M&mode=related&search=[/media]

Anyway of getting better quality of those ECC matchups…I mean, dear gosh, the colors make you delusional when trying to watch it. On another note…I would love to use RV/Strider more…however I fight alot of DWM players…so RV gets raped pretty seriously whenever I try to use him.

Lol…probably not using RV to his full potential, but yeah. All this talking has made me play this game more and more…Strider taking off nearly 40% on 3-4 hits is freaking beastly. Also, I was watching those ECC matchups of Strider’s Air-Combo…how do I do that one shown in those vids of Strider stopping and then doing the extra jump for more stringed hits.

I know Strider has the extra jump, but whenever I try it…I’m always too late or whatever. What’s the actual attack combination so that I can try it out and test it. That aerial combo is just madness. If only MvC1 Strider had MvC2 Strider’s better animals and teleport, hahahaha, Locking down+Orb traps would be even more ridiculous.

try these vids


What do I do with Wolverine when I duo team is activated? Fatal Claws?

Now that GPPO supports MvC1, my heart smiles forevermore…

depends on the situation, you can do his DF-2punch super over and over for chip damage. Or if they get hit you can do his DF+2P super, if you have good timing after 1 of your characters does a super you can combo into his F,D,F+2p super

I do believe that against certain Duos, Wolverine can wait and then Berserker Barrage X at the most opportune times. It can (against DWM for example) deal damage while at the same time avoiding the missiles.

Sick Flight mode combos/uncombos

No talk about Hulk?

Hulk is alright hes just mid tier. Havent seen anything special with him