Marvel Studios | Hide Your Eyes, Hide Your Ears

Okay now that is creative :rofl:

So have you guys already discussed how shit Captain Marvel was in endgame and why she wan’t needed till phase 4? Because I got a fucking list down lol

Her limited role was for the best. No way they could have someone join the team this late in The Game and completely over shadow everyone else.

I think they did her justice. Especially “all thier guns are firing… At something…”. BAM!


Wow, great, now I’m a neckbeard and live 20 years in the past and what other insults I’ve missed while looking over the last couple of posts just because that scene seemed completely unnatural and out of place in that particular moment to me.

I’ll just pretend my other persona chose Kassandra next time I play AC Odyssey or that it was a dream that I’ve always considered She-Hulk and Samus Aran among my favourite characters from pop culture or that I think Wonder Woman is DC’s best movie yet.

No, liking those things and not liking a scene where Captain Marvel conveniently gets knocked back into a group of 20 women just waiting there for her in the midst of a huge battle and hoping that some Wakandan warrior with a spear can somehow help her in that moment isn’t very silly and only in there for political reasons is contradictory and can’t realistically happen.

Black Widow and Scarlet Witch had tons of strong and empowering moments throughout the entire MCU and all of them felt natural. This didn’t.


eh? She was never the focal point to begin with. Her being limited in end game was fine. She’ll get her time to shine.

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We know it was force fed, but that happens in all movies, c’mon lol


The teaser at the end of Infinity War made me think she was going to play an important part of Endgame, which means you might have to watch her movie first(I haven’t seen it yet), but turns out she wasn’t that big at all.

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It wasn’t tho.

You know we’re discussing comics right?

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We really at the point where peeps are crying bout the fem squad scene? Like no other movies have cornball shit like that except it’s a bunch of dudes? Fucking lol.


Females like fire are bad.

No, it only happens when it’s done poorly. If you have to point at the gender of someone to make people notice, that’s done poorly. If it naturally evolves through the narrative, it’s done well. Ideally you don’t even notice the genders. For example, the No Man’s Land scene in Wonder Woman. Without Diana they would have never broken that line and yet there was no unnecessary ‘look, she’s a woman’ moment in there. She just did her thing, liberated an entire village and let the deed speak for itself.

Also, case in point, that movie was directed by a woman.

In Endgame it was one minute Ocean’s 8 instead of one minute Alien.

Agreed. People say things can’t really happen in a comic book movie, yet there is no issue with a roid raged Grimace doing random select on who lives and dies with an assortment of magic space rocks attached to his knuckles.

Dumb things happen in comic movies all the time. It was a bit force fed, but . . . .


That whole moment with the “A-Force” was done just because it was a moment that they wanted on screen for the final showdown. There are a lot of logic defying moments in that final sequence, but it’s a movie. It was just spectacle and in that moment, that works perfectly fine.


I get why some people don’t like it… They can’t suspend their disbelief for that moment.
Just like my friend and Tony making his own glove that can house the stones.


We both know that’s not why most fans don’t like it.


100% disagree. Why even bother using the pager to tease the audience if she wasn’t supposed to be a big deal?

Yes and no. Her being limited was a shit way to write her out of the movie because she would invalidate the OG6’s last mission. She would have made a 3hr movie a 30 minute one.

She already did and her solo movie was ass cheeks.

  1. Carol is a plot device who has no substantial arc in both her solo movie and in EG. It makes sense that she wouldn’t have one in EG however Black Panther had an origin story in CW and that still felt like a Captain America movie.

  2. Carol is too OP. Not only is she so strong that she makes every fight boring as all fuck but there’s no stakes in both her fight against Star Force/Ronan and no stakes when she goes 1v1 Vs Thanos. She literally tanks a direct attack from him. Also this would have been a clever way to show a weakness to the character (Thanos depowers her with Space Stone) to give her more weight as a character.

  3. Carol tells the Avengers why she hasn’t been around and part of that has to do with her acknowledging that the earth has defenders but other planets don’t. How did Carol even know earth had champions? If she knew that then how the fuck did she not know who Thanos was? I mean if Ronan defected in Guardians 1 and became a bigger tyrant under direct order of Thanos how the fuck did she not know any of this? I mean she leaves to go stop a war involving one of the Kree’s biggest commanders but nothing comes of it from the moment she leaves till EG?

  4. They didn’t even utilize the fact that the Avengers name came from her so basically XYZ things happens to XYZ character and their journey ends without the truth coming back in full circle. Some may say that it’s irrelevant but I say that that’s a fucking important part of the Avengers mythos and I don’t know why it’s not a big deal.

  5. I know some people might say I’m being a dick because she’s a woman but I was rooting for Scarlet Witch to hand Thanos his ass and she would have if Thanos didn’t call in an air strike..
    I don’t know how anyone can defend this character in her current state because she’s fucking terrible. She needs a Winter Solider make over to make her feel like she isn’t deus ex machina whenever it’s convenient for Marvel to write themselves out of a shit situation.

  6. Thanos ship being destroyed should have been a team effort but Ant-Man, Hulk (they castrated him in this movie), Thor, Scarlet and maybe Valkyrie.

Fuck this character I swear to god lol


Sorry, but that’s exactly what she is until she starts fighting other cosmic level entities.

Welcome to comics.


The MCU is heavily inspired but the comics but the whole point of the MCU is to filter out the dumb shit. Her just being an ace in the hole nuke is atrocious writing.

Why not?


It’s like you’ve literally never read a comic before. You’re bitching just to bitch.

Her power cosmic is next to nothing compared to the actual cosmic beings out there in the marvel universe. Some of them which will undoubtedly be introduced as we go forward in the MCU

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You gotta remember they nerfed a lot of characters in Endgame so it wouldn’t be over in 5 seconds.


They’ve nerfed people across the board in The MCU. Just look at Scarlet Witch. Wtf is even her power? Don’t even get me started about Ultron