First thanks for the recommend, I will find a issue to test the waters if I want to pick up the eventual trade.
Secondly, I actually wasn’t that put off by Ramos art in X-Men. Yeah, it does give off a much lighter tone than a lot of Carey’s stories seem to aim at, but for action heavy stuff like Carey’s second arc and the Wolverie CW story, I liked his work.
Although if X-Men got another artist that could do solid work on time, I’d be singing their praises too. Carey is just the best non-superstar writer to land on a core X-Men book in years.
I liked Spider-Man: Reign. The artwork is beautiful. The story itself was just pretty good. I thought the first issue was great, but the rest of the issues were very conventional. It seemed to be a very straightforward Spider-Man tribute to The Dark Knight Returns, without that much meat to the story.
Reign’s about MJ dying so I’m not touching it with a ten foot pole. Just another one of JQ’s fantasies he wishes he could have done in 616…
Not really a fan of Gwen. The death makes people forget how she hated Spider-Man, blamed him for the death of her father and loved Peter Parker. Could they have worked out? Possibly, but that relationship needed a lot of work, it’s not as picture perfect as people like to imagine. Like Black Cat loves Spider-Man and not Peter Parker. Of the three MJ is the only one who has always accepted both, to me it’s the relationship that made the most sense.
Besides JMS said Gwen boned Norman Osborne and also revealed that she never even had sex with Peter Parker.
Course Gwen is more of a problem with creators who grew up reading her and can’t let her go. Majority of fans today don’t care. I don’t know why they need to shove her down our throats today yeash we read back issues ya know… well some of us. Both the industry and fans deal with death very badly, it’s always been that way.
In Wizard here’s a quote from Roger Stern (Spectacular Spider-Man writer 80-81)
about Gwen’s death that wraps up my feelings. Don’t worry, for his one quote there’s a quote about from Loeb saying killing her was a big mistake waaaaah! Who knows maybe he wants to make Spider-Man Blue a series, which was a good mini series but the motivation behind it paraphrasing Loeb’s words in CSN was waaah the movie is making people forget Gwen and now the kiddies won’t know who she is oh nooos… This coming from the man who just offed Sabretooth in the lamest way ever talk about big mistakes… :rolleyes: Anywho, Stern -
*“It never ceases to amaze me how many older readers still think of Gwen as this sweet girl who was destined to be Peter’s soulmate. They must have missed those early issues where they first met in college and she kept snubbing him. Gwen was pretty nasty in those days. You really have to wonder how people would have remembered her in not for the tragedy of her death.” *
Extremis was OK. Nothing too bananas. It just really leads into Ironman getting his eventual control of ALL technology without using the Armor or a computer.
One More Day was pretty good. I liked it. Knowing that Tony STILL has a shred of compassion makes it all the worthwhile. See, Batman would have stuck to his guns and be like “Nah, bitch, you crazy.” Hopefully, this pacing will carrying on into the other 3 parts of the story. Also, the latest Hulk was pretty good. VSlash called it(you know exactly what I’m talking about).
Iron Fist: If you’re not reading this, then I can’t help you anymore. Also, Uncanny Xmen was pretty good. Big things are coming(i.e. obvious character resurrection[s]).
Also, did anyone else here read Silver Surfer: Requiem? THAT was some good stuff right there. It hit the heart. It was probably one of the better Silver Surfer stories to come about in this day and age.
Oh, and I like how Silver Surfer had wings in the Ultimate universe when he first appeared, and now he’s on the surfboard. Gotta love the fans.
About Requiem, I felt it was way too dramatic with the writing. Yes, we know he’s a good guy, stop telling us on every fucking page.
I have Reign and I love the covers, and some of the interiors. Storywise, it’s not badf. Nothing amazing though.
Ramos needs to fuck off. I don’t wanna see his fanart, especially since 50% of DA artists are better then he is. How he ever got in comics is a mystery to me.
OMD sucked ass. I actually like JQ as an artist artist, but he shouldnt draw Parker out of the mask. Horrible. I saw his OMD sketches of him in the suit though, and those look sick.
I dislike all X-men right now, except X-Factor and New X-Men. Astonishing takes too long to come out to be taken seriously. Horrible 90s garbage.
I remember Gwen’s first appearance and ya she was pissed off at peter for awhile (but it was due to Peter ignoring everyone who talked to him since this was the first time he was coping with Aunt May getting injured in the series).
Hell even Harry didn’t like him that much in his first appearance since he kept on ignoring everyone. Way I see it Gwen and Flash where meant for each other but once flash supposedly went to “vietnam” Peter made his move for Gwen. IMO I think that was kind of low for spidey to do back than. Though I guess the writers were still in decision of who to put as Peter’s Girlfriend.
Well truth be told the Surfers with the wings in Ult.Extinction were only Sliver Surfer’s clones.
Apparently the real sliver surfer is serving under a king instead of galactus.
Yeah, he serves under someone else. I forgot that those Surfers were clones. Goes to show how much I paid attention to that book. Fuck, it was so late every issue I just read it with no real care.
Wow. I guess all it takes for sano to completely dismiss a comic is anything vaguely anti-MJ or pro-Gwen. And all it takes for sano to fully embrace a comic is a Nightwing appearance.
Did you know Nightwing made a cameo in Reign?
I think sano’s head exploded.
I love Extremis. I think it’s my favorite Iron Man story. To me, it just presents a definitive and iconic interpretation of the guy. The plot’s simple but driven, and the story also explains his origin without dragging it on too long. Not only that, but it really spells out who Iron Man is why he does what he does. Plus, it really feels like a complete graphic novel. The story has an ending and is just satisfying.
The first issue, there’s this great scene where a Michael Moore-ish documentary maker interviews Tony Stark about weapons production. You just have to read it… It’s the sort of thing that makes you like Iron Man.
Oh yeah, and the art kicks all sorts of ass.
My other favorite Iron Man story is Iron Man: The Inevitable by Joe Casey and Frazier Irving. That one is about looking ahead to the future- a great theme for the technocrat superhero.
Other classics in Iron Man’s lore are probably the Demon in a Bottle story and I think the first Armor Wars.
I did buy Spider-Man Blue, again I enjoyed it - it’s the motivation behind it that I’m not for. Kind of like how I feel about One More Day right now. Well, we’ll see what happens, hell all Spidey fanboy rants are prolly giving Marvel a lot of sales right now.
Who knows maybe I’ll check it out Reign one day, after One More Day when I calm down some… It’s tough nowadays with Quesada and Didio’s mighty pimp hand to figure out if something is a story just to tell a story or some testing ground for some other motive, interesting times…
Personally I felt Ellis was trying to recreate something with the surfer but just couldn’t get it accepted from JQ or the rest of Marvel’s top editors.
I thought the concept was cool having Sliver Surfer as a cult figure but it was all taken from some rejected Misty Knight mini. So in the end I felt Ellis was doing the whole Ult.Galactus trilogy for to pay rent. Not having no fun like he did with Ult.Doom turning his legs into a goat’s. It seems as though they’re giving him as much fun as he wants with Thunderbolts (yes go read it if you haven’t DS!)
Hopefully when he does Astonishing X-men he’ll have alot of lever to do w/e he wants I just hope he doesn’t do it only to pay rent.
When I first read the old issues of the Lee/Ditko & Lee/Romita era with Gwen, I really did enjoy seeing Gwen. She was beautiful, sexy and kind (well after it took some time before she got to the “kind” part when it came to Peter.) However, the relationship was doomed. As sano said, she hated Spider-Man because the thought he was the one who killed her father. On top of that, I don’t think she would be able to take the revaltion that Peter was Spider-Man. Remember in ASM #87 where Peter revealed to everyone that he was Spidey? Gwen about had a nervous breakdown. She was ready to believe that Peter WASN’T Spider-Man rather than believe he was. As much as they loved each other, I just don’t think Gwen would have been able to accept the Spider-Man aspect of Peter’s life.
I enjoyed Spider-Man Blue. Great artwork, great writing, loved the retelling of those classic Lee/Romita stories.
I do wish writers would stop forcing Gwen, down our thoats, though. Like sano said, I think many of them just can’t seem to let her go and I also don’t believe she would be remembered the way she is today if not for her death.
This is one I’ve been wanting to pick up. Is the TBP out yet?
As for Amazing Spider-Man coming out with 3 books a month and rotating writers… I honestly don’t feel good about that at all. Spideys stories with roataing writers don’t have the best track record. I wish they’d just keep FNSM. I couldn’t get into Senssational after the first 12 issues, though SSM #40 does look like some dope stuff.
I really don’t want Aunt May to day. JMS has done so much with her than most other writers have done in years. Her finding out Peter was Spider-Man was one of the best things to happen to the book IMO. However, if they do killer, she needs to stay dead. After that fiasco they pulled about some actress crap, I really do think they should lay off the pulling-bogus-crap-outta-our-own-anus nonsense.
[quote=Zephyranthes;4265126I love Extremis. I think it’s my favorite Iron Man story. To me, it just presents a definitive and iconic interpretation of the guy. The plot’s simple but driven, and the story also explains his origin without dragging it on too long. Not only that, but it really spells out who Iron Man is why he does what he does. Plus, it really feels like a complete graphic novel. The story has an ending and is just satisfying.
The first issue, there’s this great scene where a Michael Moore-ish documentary maker interviews Tony Stark about weapons production. You just have to read it… It’s the sort of thing that makes you like Iron Man.
Oh yeah, and the art kicks all sorts of ass.
My other favorite Iron Man story is Iron Man: The Inevitable by Joe Casey and Frazier Irving. That one is about looking ahead to the future- a great theme for the technocrat superhero.
Other classics in Iron Man’s lore are probably the Demon in a Bottle story and I think the first Armor Wars.[/quote]
i have to admit that i discovered marvel comics pretty late, to be honest with the third issue of civil war then i started to collect other stories (mainly because i’m sick of shonen manga)
i also read in the past some spidey issue such as the second clone saga (one of my favourite so far)
luckily there’s an amazing collection of spiderman stories in our stores (in italy) where they’re gathering the best (and old) spiderman stories from kraven last hunt to the new avengers birth and many many more
so far iron man is my favourite hero
but i really don’t know where to start reading him i’ll try those issues you suggested
also there isn’t any graphic novel showing Iron man’s origin?
now that i have extremis that can be considered the second iron man birth (i have both italian and original usa graphic novel) but i want to read his real origin before seeing it next year in the IM movie
Extremis pretty much tells Iron Man’s origin. I would go as far as to say that is his definitive origin because it brings him in line with the 21st century.
If you mean his original first appearance, that would be Tales of Suspense #39. If you ask a comic shop owner or someone, you can probably learn where you can find a reprint of it if you want to read it.
Did you guys check out the Iron Man movie trailer? I thought that looked pretty great. It’s giving me high hopes. They got plenty of inspiration from Extremis, too- love that flame thrower scene.
i agree 100% with you on this and i think the movie coming out right now should just be the extremis arc. it would have the origins for noobs and solid everything else for the people who already know about iron man and just want to see him do some cray shit.
plus, how cool would it be to see his armor fly onto his body, from a briefcase?