Marvel Comics Thread

I just read NA…

New Avengers

[details=Spoiler] Is Bendis random as hell or is all this supposed to make sense? Where the hell the symboites come from?? And why didn’t the Danielle’s spirit image come up during Dr. Strange’s mojo?(I assume she was too young or something, but…)

And who the hell is The Hood? I know a short series came out with him a while back, but I skipped it. Guess I should go to Wiki…

Just read New Avengers. Seems like they’re dealing with way too many things at the moment. Skrulls, Red Hood+ deathlok, and now
new Avengers



. Just seems a bit too much. Also I don’t like Yu’s artwork (probably one of the minority on this one).

Also read Ultimate Power. The backstory conspiracy is revealed in this issue. Was above average for a Jeph Loeb comic. Everything was good… until the final page.

Bendis has a plan, although the timeline between this book and Mighty Avengers is all sorts of crazy. I mean all this is happening across two books enough to make your head spin.

Edit: The Hood is basically or was normal guy (Peter Parker like origins) that got powers (hinted at being demonic) and started doing dirty, but wasn’t full blown evil yet. In New Avengers, he is now being built as one of Bendis’ new major villians.

Well I wouldn’t just say NEW MAJOR villian he’s building him up to I’d say he’s building up to the Joker Status which is being the “Godfather” of all Supervillians in the MU.

I’m catching up on my Amazing Spider-Man books since I’ve been out of it for a while now. I picked up ASM #539-544. Of 539, I got the varriant cover (Resembles ASM# 100). I could have bought the varriant to ASM 544, but compared to the normal cover, it felt way too plain. Plus I loved the throwback to the old days that was cover 544, right down to the “Still Only 399 cent” :rofl:

I must say, Garney’s work has grown on me. When I first saw his pencils in ASM, I really didn’t like his art. The final page of ASM 539 where Peter is in the black suit and lightning flashes was freaking spectacular.

Here’s my take on ASM 542. Peter beating the crap outta Kingpin was good stuff. Peter was not only pissed, but he was focused so it wasn’t hard for me to believe he took him down without Fisk getting in a single hit. I read all the classic Spidey vs. Kingpin battles and Spidey never came through any of those fights unscathed. But this time it was different so I don’t have any beefs with Peter scoring a perfect in that fight.

ASM 544. Wow. Great writing and great artwork. And after everything he’s done, Tony Stark STILL has gasp a heart?! :wow: Now that, right there folks, is good writing. :clap: I’m gonna miss JMS on ASM. The final two page spread of Spidey swinging off in his classic red & blue costume was beautiful. Man, I can’t wait for Friendly Neghiborhood Spider-Man #24.

Speaking of FNSM, I need to get caught up on that as well. My comic shop has FNSM 14-16 on hold for me. I’ve been wanting to check the Debera Whitman story for a while now. I did pick up FNSM 23 and the first Annual. Where’s our freakin ASM Annual, Marvel?!

Stuiped question about Secret invasion

I know its all about the Skrull pretending to be one super hero or the other but if they wanna act as a super hero they need to have the super hero super power right? How are the doing it i mean if the can take super powers like Sentry’s they should be able to bring the all planet down with ease

I wouldn’t say its a stupid question.

Anyways, after going back and reading Avengers:Illuminati #1, i wouldn’t put it past the Skrulls if they were able to replicate powers especially when you factor in the experiments that they did on the Illuminati before they escaped.

Recent Marvel comics I read:

Wolverine - HOT DAMN! THIS HOW HE IS SUPPOSED TO BE WRITTEN!!! Too bad about the terrible artwork though… still man just by reading the last ish of Wolverine you’d be all caught up on who he is!



A look to his past check, him making fake claws when he doesn’t know he has real ones like he did in the WildCats X-Men crossover, check, falling in love with a woman who dies in his arms CHECK CHECK CHECK!

Hulk - Man that Cho kid is smart, seventh smartest? I dunno man they should downgrade Beast or something and give him a raise ha ha! Speaking of Hank -

Endangered Species -



Dang man Scarlet Witch wiped out all of the Mutants in the Alternate Futures! Days of Future Past - No Muties! Age of Apocalypse - No Muties! Bishop’s time - No Muties! Cable’s time - No Muties! Damn man I’m scared when I pop in the second X-Men movie will their be Muties on that I swear Scarlet Witch was not playing? :looney:

X-Factor - Yeah, was that Mr. Sinister or wasn’t it? :looney:

New Avengers Transformers - Still disappointing… I hope in the last ish that big fat tubaware armor Iron Man is wearing gets an upgrade, looks like a real Transformer and he turns into… I dunno maybe a big mailbox. :rofl:

Spider-Man Fairy Tales - This time it was Cinderella Spidey + Knights in Shining Armor style! Hey was it just me or did medeival Uncle Ben look like Arthur from Ghosts N’ Goblins? Ah of course it was just me! Nice tale of how Spidey always manages to screw himself over. Love the Marvel Fairy Tales books, I think Avengers is next! :clap:

New Avengers - Poor Wolverine regrowing lol! Now I dunno who’s a Skrull, confused… I’ll try a Snickers…

marvel december solits are out. Only two books for me to pick up: Loners tpb and X-Men: Complete Onslaught Epic vol. 1

In December Soider-Man’s Brand New Day should start, pretty good chance I won’t be among the new readers though… :sad:

Joe Friday - very late Friday like today late - One More Day special lol! Talks about honoring Ringo too.

[quote=“sano, post:488, topic:23029”]

Spider-Man Fairy Tales - This time it was Cinderella Spidey + Knights in Shining Armor style! Hey was it just me or did medeival Uncle Ben look like Arthur from Ghosts N’ Goblins? Ah of course it was just me! Nice tale of how Spidey always manages to screw himself over. Love the Marvel Fairy Tales books, I think Avengers is next! :clap:

I’ve been wondering if these were worth picking up. From what you say, it sounds like they are.

Just curious but why not? Man, Marvel better not eff up my fav super hero or I’m going to NY and I’m gonna do to Joe Q what Spidey did to Kingpin in ASM #542. :annoy:

Oh I read FNSM Annual #1. About time someone gave Sandman some backstory. All we knew about him up until this point was that he became a criminal by accident and his mother didn’t know he was a criminal/super villian. Peter David rocks.

Brand New Day looks like they will rewind Spidey back 20 years, you know when Mega Man 1 came out! :rofl: Not married, living with his aunt, web shooters and his identity will be a secret again. Marvel does Infinite Crisis on Spidey? I am PRAYING that Marvel is screwing with us and this is not going to happen even though the evidence is pointing that way, we’ll have to wait until after One More Day to find out for sure though. I like characters moving forward and not backwards so no thanks. Well we shall see…

Spidey Fairy Tales is great but the last issue came out since it was only 4 in total, you may want to wait for the TPB. Best issue was, do you remember the first Spider-Man ever in Africa shown during JMS’ Amazing run? HE HAS A STORY! Damn a 616 story in Spidey Fairy Tales I had a continuity whore nerdgasm! :rofl:

X-Men Fairy Tales is also a good one to check out. Cebulski is the man writing these books. :lovin:

New Endangerd spiecies was realy good IMO and it seems like the BEAST COMES WITH AN IDEA THAT TURNS OUT TO BE A DEAD END AND THAN COME WITH ANOTHER IDEA loop is over

endangered species took an expected turn this week the only other line to look at would’ve been the grey’s… but the shiar ggpo’d that entire family line in about 54 seconds.

Corsair would’ve been another choice but he was annihilated by Vulcan. Yep the gutries are pretty much all that’s left. Or they can check with the st croix family I mean they didn’t have as many kids as the guthries but all 4 of the kids were mutants from “allegedly” human parents.

Oh no. Marvel better be screwing with us. I don’t have a problem with Spidey’s ID being secret again. They can even go back to web shooters if they want. No, that does not bother me. But moving him back in with Aunt May, killing his marriage to MJ, that stuff, I have a huge beef with. I, too, like progress, not regression. Joe Q and those other fags need to get with the mothereffin’ program. :annoy:

My comic shop carries a lot of back issues so I can probably find all four Spidey Fairy Tales books. I was looking through the 4th book and the artwork looked awesome! Very remincient of John Romita Sr.'s work. And LOL at Gwen getting killed! That girl can hardly stay alive in any comic continuity! :rofl:

can anyone tell me where to download World war hulk comics :D, ive been looking but never a good site

No we don’t provide information on where you can download comics for free here. Read the rules of this forum. Any further inquiries about this rule just PM me thanks.

Is it just me or is the marvel zombie arc is getting way out of hand. Well the story continues in… i wont even bother with this.

Marvel Zombies 2 looks like it will actually be good, though. It’s got Kirkman and Phillips teaming up again. I don’t know how the Zombies are getting out of hand… There was their first appearance in Ultimate FF, the original series, the Army of Darkness crossover, and now this sequel. And all of these comics have been spread out over a couple of years now.