Marvel Comics Thread

terry moore and ramos doing runaways after whedon

jimenez and guggenheim (sp?) exclusive to marvel.

ramos’s style does not fit into the marvel world…his style is best suited for more kids/teen oriented comics. Runaways seems too mature/realistic? for his style of art.

Yay for Terry Moore, boo for Ramos.
Phil Jimenez in Marvel is good news:tup: Great art.

eliis and bianchi on axm. this is some very good news. i love ellis’ thunderbolts and bianchi’s art has grown on me a lot over the last few months. i can’t wait for their axm run.

I think Ramos will do just fine on Runaways. He drew two or three pages in the Runaways Saga one-shot and it looked nice. His style has that youthful and exuberant look to it that should probably match the tone of the comic.

Ellis and Bianchi on Astonishing sounds pretty awesome, too. One of my favorite things in the universe is when grizzled British writers rape my childhood.

Hopefully, I will get to see Bianchi’s art on a story that doesn’t come off as lame.

I am not familiar with Moore’s work, but I think he is also doing Spiderman love Mary Jane, hopefully he will be good on both.

Surprised The Eternals are getting an ongoing. It must be selling well in HC.

Immortal Iron Fist was the book of the week for me. Even though it was just a side story explaining the one and only female Iron Fist, it was still good only because of next month’s issue.

Amazing Spiderman was also good this month. Spidey is definitely pissed the hell off and I’m actually digging it. And for some reason, I can’t stand Mighty Avengers. I think it’s the worst thing Bendis is writing. That whole Ultron ordeal is complete crap to me. It’s just pointless filler.

I did like this month’s Hulk, though. I like the fact that Miek and Rick Jones each have their own similarities in the way they first encountered the Hulk. Greg Pak is definitely writing up some good shit.

The thing I don’t like about Mighty Avengers is the art. It’s so cheesecakey. It makes me feel embarrassed to read comics like that. It’s like someone looks at a comic like Mighty Avengers, and you don’t even wonder why people in general think comics are for kids.

Yeah, Frank Cho has to go. I keep seeing Liberty Meadows when I read it. Not exactly the image I want to first think about when I look at an Avengers comic.

I have a couple of oddball questions:

1: When teh hell did Henry Pym leave his wife for Tigra?

  1. For the Mighty Avengers…is the whole thing supposed to be going on during World War Hulk? (seems like it, with the way the old suit Iron Man came down and announced Tony’s “death”).

  2. Any plans for them throwing all of Endangered Species into one book instead of having me waste money by buying like 6 others for just a few pages of story?

Getting me a little jumpy waiting for Messiah Complex. Kinda funny that the High Evolutionary just brushed off Hank.

Blob is HAWNGRY on that Ultimates art. WTF @ Magneto just fucking stopping and posing in mid-air.

Mystique - "Um Magnus, come join us in the ‘Challenge of the Super-Friends’ poseoff."
Magneto - “Come X-chicken welcome you to are nothing DEAD!! HA HA HA HA!”

Agree on all but Spidey and Avengers, I haven’t been a big fan since “The Other” crap came around. I’m going to hate when Iron Fist is over, that’s one of the best comics i’ve read in a while.

I also agree with you two on the Mighty art, that crap sucks ass. Only thing I liked was the first issue appearence of GODZILLA! Wonder Man looks friggan stupid, has like a woman’s hairdo from the 50’s.

Spidey’s been pretty good after the events of The Other. Well, mainly the Civil War tie-in stuff and now with the whole Kingpin arc. Straczynski’s run has been pretty rough around the edges, but he’s done some good stuff as well.

Iron Fist being over? When? Is this a limited run? I thought it was an on-going series?

It is an ongoing, guy thinks it’s going to be canceled for some reason. :looney:

Yeah but how long is he going to stay?You know artists & writers have a VERY BAD HABIT of doing a book for a about 3 or 4 issues then let someone put their inconsistent stuff in & leave.It’s like they are mercenaries or something.

People need to stop scaring me like this. :sad:

For the first time in ages, I’m super pumped for Amazing Spiderman. I loved the JMS run to start, but it got old quick, when it became apparent how hard he was trying to mess with the character and his legacy, instead of just telling good, if not monumental stories.

Plus, I would by a book with McNiven on art, no matter what, even if it was just Archie Vs. the Punisher over and over again.

Iron Fist and Luke Cage need to have a Cable/Deadpool kind of comic.

Yeah, but that wasn’t very funny.

They both work better as separate characters. If you read Brubaker’s Iron Fist monthly, you’ll notice it. There’s just more mysticism behind Iron Fist on it’s own. Cage is just a regular bruiser who belongs on a team and he now has that with New Avengers(even though Iron Fist is on that team as well).