Yeah, Ragnarok is a great story. It might even be my favorite Thor comic. The first issue of it was right after Jurgens finished his run, and Oeming did a great follow up to close that chapter on the character. Oeming didn’t even completely ignore the Jurgens stuff, but he actually made some reference to it.
Just read Onslaught Reborn #4. Loeb and Liefield are soo useless.
Also picked up Mighty Avengers. Decent read. Although the thought balloons in this issue seemed a lot more annoying and unneccesary.
Amazing spider-man is a decent read, but the story is dragging on way too long. Bring on one more day already.
that’s the thor that i’m hoping returns. because i could see that thor hooking up with hulk and that would just be awesome.
HAHAHAHAHAHA You all are wrong about that being Ultimate Hawkeye or Bullseye, because it’s completely ULTIMATE DEATHLOCK!!!
If that is then loeb gets the thumbs up from me, for turning the guy from an old cyborg into this grifter type hitman.
If Loeb fucks this up though I’m gonna boycott all of his future comics and demand that he quits the industry.
Then hopefully Marvel shall be smart and BRING TEH GREAT LORD BRU unto this title. He shall bring the HOLY POWER into the Ultimates!!!
P.S. the Thor chick is valkyrie since Giantman is on the team and if I’m correct they did bang it up in the bed???
Starlord has all possibilities of being awesome, best team evar.
Just popping in for some random hate. The last issue of Loeb’s Wolverine finished. It was…
Artwork was good and there was lots of blood and those are the only good things I can say about the issue. I’m calling up DC to see if Superboy Prime can knock out some reality wall in 616 to overturn this trainwreck…
last Wolverine ish
Wolvie killed Sabretooth with the Muramasa Blade. First he chopped off Sabretooth’s arm, he tried to heal it back into place like only Loeb thinks he is able to do, didn’t work because the blade makes it so you can’t heal from it’s blows. Then he cut Sabe’s head off. In the end Victor Creed went down like a CHUMP talking about “KILL ME I’VE REVERTED TO FULL BEAST MODE KILL ME!” This epic fight to end the Wolvie/Sabretooth rivalry lasted only about 4 pages with really few panels, lots of splash panels. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! Damn, another MVC2 character bites the dust… at least he’s reunited with Birdy - “Yeah boss!” Lol but still, DAYUUUMN…
So yeah my enthusiasm for Ultimates 3 has gone way done. You cut me deep J.Loeb. MOMMY MAKE THE BAD MAN STOP! :crybaby:
On the plus side things in Marvel get overturned anyway and things revert to the status quo sometimes so I can only hope…
I’d say Bullseye because he has one on his forehead sort of like the movie. That and he is using a gun, which I know isn’t a Bulleseye thing but it sure ain’t Hawkeye. At this point in my mind, no matter who it turns out to be, I am calling that character Ultimate Grifter, because that is who he really looks like.
Who knows what is planned for this, it scares me to think about sometimes.
I hear Ron Lim did art on the most recent issue of Cable/Deadpool. If that means anything to anyone.
Edit: Buy Ant-Man.
Also on a few occasions Ult. Hawkeye has used firearms, it isn’t uncommon for him to do so, he just prefers bows and the like. Ult. Hawkeye is in someways like 616 Bullseye, he used a fingernail or something to slaughter a whole room of guards lol.
Meh the Ultimate universe is weird, tries to be realistic and surreal at the same time, can be rather…confusing at times.
Is the original Ult. Iron Man mini-series worth buying?
the villains cover for Ultimates 3
So they gonna fight the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants plus Venom? Strange…
EDIT: Get Loeb away from Sabretooth the wounds are still too fresh. :crybaby:
Awesome cover again, that Blob is fucking tight, reminds me of the Violator from Spawn.
Kinda a let down they are fighting the Brotherhood + Venom, not really epic to me. Wtf is Venom doing anyways lol…teaming with the damn muties?! That’s so beneath him.
I think Ultimate Iron Man was quite good. I only read it when it was being serialized, and if I recall correctly, there were a couple delays between issues. I do remember not being too high on it until maybe the second or third issue. I’d like to read it all in one sitting, because I liked it.
Plus, Orson Scott Card is one of my favorite writers. I pretty much love anything he writes. If you enjoyed any of his work then I am sure you’ll also enjoy Ultimate Iron Man. Out of all the novelists-cum-comics AUTEURS over the past coupla years, Card’s got to be at or near the top of the tier list.
Oh man, I can’t stand that Ultimates 3 art. It looks like Joe Mad’s been taking lessons from Pat Lee. If those covers truly represent Loeb’s ideas for Ultimates… Looks pretty lame. After reading sano’s Wolverine spoilers, I am convinced Tim Sale is the secret to Loeb’s success.
Ya seriously I wouldn’t say this a few years back but now Billy Tan > Joe Mad.
Also I like the brotherhood being back but this would of been WAAYYYYYY better in Ultimate X-men. The storyline for the brotherhood has been building up in that book for awhile in kirkman’s mediocre run. (still surprised that his Antman series is a hit.)
Where’s longshot at??? He should be with Magneto side by side as his new student.
Wolverine looks like he’s taking the biggest dump ever in that cover art
joe mad lost it years ago…the min he stepped away from battlechasers.
seriously does look like some pat lee shit. I need to see some sequentials before i’m sure if he truly lost it. He’s dynamic but just doesn’t have that flair no more. Am i the only one who misses liquid doing all the colors on joe madd art and tim townsend on the inking?
lol@cap with no neck.
Damm endangered spiecies keeps getting more and more intesting
xmen 201
the other one that also doing the research is DARK BEAST
cant wait for messiah complex
that foos still alive?
Well DUH. That shit was hella obvious. Worst plot twist ever. As soon as they mentioned another I was like “Him AGAIN? Jebus.” I don’t see how anyone could be surprised by that. Also, endangered species is wack to me at the moment. Everything Beast has done has been out of character and much of it just plain doesn’t make sense, but that’s a story for another time I guess.