Marvel Comics presents Fem-Thor

This has probably gotten Thor more press and attention than ever before, so they got what they wanted. It’s probably one of Marvel’s weaker titles.

Yoko/Gally/Alita take your pic.

Was gonna post a youtube of the ova but I forgot how much it sucked ass in comparison to the actual comic.

Instead I will post this amv of geno cyber because this video perfectly captures what I would like to happen to wack ass feminazis and male femitards.

The social media reaction is troubling to me. A lot of misguided people seem to equate innovative thinking with simple gender swapping.

No, it means the shit heads at marvel can’t read.

I see you are back again ric

Wow, people are really eating this shit up aren’t they?

This shit never lasts.

Spider-man was just killed and replaced with Dr. Octopus for an entire year, then brought back.

They’re about to “kill” Wolverine in a matter of weeks.

They’re about to replace Captain America again.

This shit is just for shock and awe dollars.

Thor’s been replaced before anyway.

That shit didn’t last.

I’m pissed because of this.

Not because he’s being replaced by a woman, but because they’re naming her “Thor” as well.

That’s fucking retarded, that’s the dudes literal name, it’s not a title like king or doctor or anything like that. That’s why it’s such an obvious shock cash-grab, just temporarily replacing him wouldn’t be enough, you gotta make it seem legit.

Thor has a sister now, it’s just been retconned in.

It’s Angela from Spawn.

People speculate that she’ll be the new Thor, but I don’t know because this Thor lady has blonde hair, unless they do some henshin BS.

This shit has just been getting absolutely dumb as of late, I mean it’s always been dumb, but now it just feels more potent.

This is why I usually stick to reading the less popular Marvel books, no Avengers, no X-Men, no Hulk, no Spider-Man(actually now that Parker is back it’s been pretty good), just B-Listers and below. And pre-Marvel NOW as well.

Best thing I read in Marvel NOW was Morbius.


Hippy Thor is best Thor:

That’s not stopping Hawkeye and Hawkeye.

Thor Girl leveled up

This is why I don’t fuck with marvel no more.

Also, OG Thor now uses his childhood axe? Okay…

First appearance was in August 2000. omg iss hurr durr a grill zomg we hate da feminists uhuurrrr

I wouldn’t complain for something like this:

Hell, why not ? We’ve already had Thor as a frog at some point.

So that’s what happened to Glenn from Chrono Trigger.

of course glenn was worthy

Only if you finished his side quest.

Fuck Flea and Ozzy

now if we can just get white black panther

White Luke Cage and Hispanic Iron Fist would kick ass…

Can we just leave all the characters whichever sex and race they originally started as?
