MAKE IT RAIN! - The Storm Thread

Storm always has been, and always will be my point character :smiley:

Can’t say I get the hype for keeping formerly godly characters at the same level. So what if they aren’t as good? What’s the big deal? As others have said, if they aren’t, new characters will rise to that position. If you wanna tier hug, the option will always be there. Why would it be terrible for Storm (or Mags, or whoever) to not be totally dominating this time around?

Storms specials look a little slowed. Big deal.

Lightning attack and tri-jumping will even her out.

The thing is, the God Tiers in MvC2 didn’t rise their day 1 or before the game was released. Mags was thought as trash early because he couldn’t fill the screen with crap. Obviously, that changed.

Once people can sit down, and toy around with these guys, I think we’ll see what these characters can really do.

This and this exactly people. Note- Iron man seems slow as all hell until he’s ADDFing you. Then, he looks like a flying metal Flash.

Also, her normals seem as if they have some scary priority, so there’s always that.

I like the visual flare of her moves, but I’ll reserve my judgement on her gameplay till I actually get to play her.

So hype!!! Storm was always the most fun to play in MvC2. She looks like she’s making a great transition.

LA x2 xx Lighting Storm looks a little nerfed, because it can’t DHC well. But, I think her new BnB is going to be OTG Typhoon xx Hailstorm. Hell, it looks like she might even be able to relaunch with that OTG Typhoon, it pops them up pretty high.

Perhaps her Alt Costume will be her Original, that would be sick.

All she needs now, is her Big Robot Ally.

Probably gotta DHC 3/4 through LS. Thats cool tho. LS xx KFC xx LC xx Ammy’s elemental

This wont go un-acknowledged.

Travis Porter is wack…so it will


V (sig)

viper and storm im hype.

There is no better theme song. So this is the theme song.

Make it
Make it rain trick.

throws elbow

hahaha at the forum complaining already. this game is not as fast as mvc2 so that’s why everyone is thinking to much about nothing. Storm looks great and when i say that i mean gameplay wise.


So Syke how is storm looking for BRUSHWORK?

storm made me really really really sad Thor’s lightning isn’t blue

Can’t KFC in the air remember???

oohhhhhhhhhh poodle shit!!!

And BrushW0rk aint BrushW0rk without Trish. Doom is the only perm 3rd member right now (2nd is Dante) Plus I know for a fact that shit works

Storm looks fantastic, glad to see she made her way into MVC3 (even though it was rumored/spoiled all over the place).

Dormammu - Storm - Amaterasu
Talk about full screen punishes…

Dorm doesn’t have a full screen punish, only horizontally on the ground

You can jump over it (well if you can before the start-up), can’t jump over Ice Storm and Amaterasu’s elements hyper