Maj quits and thanks eventhubs for stealing!

Have you seen the size of the SRK embedded videos? Nobody is going to watch it in that format. Every time I’ve watched a video linked from the SRK front page, I’ve gone to the source to get the full size.

I feel for Maj. Many might think the money thing is petty, but people shouldn’t think it’s about greed but understand that value is associated with the work that Maj does. To see someone else profit from that work while actually financially causing losses to the source content to a point where it’s unbearable, regardless of how passionate you are about the work…now that’s tragic. It’s easy to think that money makes the feud only about money. However sometimes people have to realize that it’s when you understand the complexities associated with why this money is causing troubles, that’s when you understand how important it’s effect is. Important enough to care about when it affects the passion.

Good luck Maj. You don’t deserve this situation.


I wonder if EH will post this news :lol:

When EH posted Keits’ interview with Seth at NYCC, I politely commented asking for them to link and credit SRK as the source. My post was removed and my account was banned.

If that’s how business at EH is done then that basically confirms what Maj is accusing them of doing.

Rest in piece, Maj. Sorry for accidentally breaking your fish tank. Those Totinos were too good to let go.



eventhubs is a shitty regurgitated news site anyways

STealing is such a strong word. in this case i dont believe it fits. Doesnt everything belong to Capcom anyway? Why are people going to eventhubs? Ive never been there but if they are doing something better then SRk, then srk needs to step up their game.

Ive been reading this and I dont really understand. All of this hate and drama because of some sf videos? For real? Man, im rollin’ over here.

I hope it’s right into your grave.

Most of the people defending Eventhubs are really missing the point. It?s not about Maj not making money. Realistically, he never wanted to make it big with this site and he created it as a way to support and contribute to the community, which he has been doing since I first met him in like 2000. This guy has always cared about the community and did everything he could to help it grow.

Eventhubs is making money through other peoples? work. Through very little effort of their own(taking other people?s stuff) they are making thousands of dollars. By taking what other people write, by embedding other peoples? vids, by copying other peoples? work, they are making thousands of dollars.

Think of it this way. You spend months or even years cleaning and building for something you love. And one day, your cause gets the limelight, and some guy swoops in, and takes credit for what you do, and is given thousands of dollars for showing people your work. How would you feel? Now know that this person is doing this to lots of other people. Yes, your work is getting out a little more, but at what price?

It?s more than just money, it?s more than just credit, it?s about the integrity of the community. If EH was doing this all for the community, if EH was actually trying to give back to the community and was trying to be something more than a way to make money, I don?t think anyone would care. But fact of the matter is, they go around taking everyone else?s hard work(people who work for the community not for money), and wrap it up and sell it for money, not giving anything back to the community. They don?t give a damn about the community, they only care about taking advantage of idiots and making money. Is this anything wrong with this? No, it?s business, and they have every right to. But it?s still a scum in the fighting game community and their feeding off the idiocy of people.

You mad?

Screw the haters I like event hubs, everything is nice and organized in one area.

it’s like a quick guide to everything. As far as the news goes I think they should handle it a bit different maybe redirect vids to the site they are taken from, instead of just crediting it at the end or start of a article. And only posting part of the articles while linking the rest.

The guides are just samples imo, if anything it encourages people to look elsewhere for more info.

I can see why maj is hot tho

I like eventhubs. I use the site multiple times every day to check on news, frame data, tier list, character information, event coverage, etc.


The site design is simple and everything is accessible within a couple of clicks. The information in the news section corresponds to information that I want to see and that I find pertinent. Also, I first started visiting the site, because it was always high on google search results.

Compared to SRK news and iplaywinner, the site is simply nicer to look at.

All this talk about content being stolen and videos not being credited is disturbing news to me. Please find examples of this being done and I’m sure the site will give credit where it’s due and make changes to accomodate to the original content producer.

You stupid?

/ / / /

Yea… Chindogg. Care to elaborate? Give us visual proof on your account being banned along with the reason eventhubs gave you.

Redirecting sucks, I don’t care where it’s used or why it makes it better. If I’m on a website looking for content and in order to see the content I have to redirect to another site, I’m not going to do it, and I’ll stop going to that site as well.

Redirecting ranks up there along with pop-up ads and flash content for “shit that makes people hate your website”

Which is why everybody hates reddit, right?

Disabling embedding to force people to click through to Maj’s youtube is impractical because Maj wants to be able to embed his own videos on his own site.

This is a really sad state of affairs. Maj is one of the best contributers to the community and he always comes out with really amazing stuff. There’s a very limited number of players who both understand the game at a high level and are able to express that knowledge in writing in a way that other people not yet at their level can understand, and there’s even fewer who are then willing to actually take the time to write that stuff down. Maj is one of them and it’s always terrible to lose someone like that’s made such irreplaceable contributions to the community.

I have to say I’m disappointed in how this has gone down though. I always thought Maj did all this stuff 100% just out of love for the community and to spread knowledge. If he wants to make some money off of it, that is absolutely his right and I wish him the best of luck with that, he is a great guy who gives a lot to the community and it would really be amazing if he could get at least some minimum return to make it worth his time - all the man wants is to get the equivalent of minimum wage, he’s not exactly looking to get rich here. But, honestly, Maj has made basically no effort to actually monetize his content. There’s almost no advertising on his site, it’s not optimized, and he doesn’t do much self promotion. When I read about this I was surprised because I had no idea that Maj was even trying to get some money out of this.

Eventhubs is successful because 1. They got in on the ground floor - the original Eventhubs site was for 3s and went up well before SF4 even came out; 2. The site is well optimized for search and comes up very high in Google; 3. They do a great job of aggregating content.

I mean you can complain about them making money on other people’s work, but honestly they are just reprinting material that was released for public consumption. It looks like they don’t always do a great job of attribution and I hope people do a better job in the future of calling them out when they don’t provide proper credit, but the content they republish was meant to be spread to the larger community. If Eventhubs was a small site that didn’t get 3 million visits a month, not many people would care that they were republishing this material. Also they aren’t selling something they didn’t create, they are just getting ad revenue from people viewing content they aggregated - it’s a small but important distinction, much like the line between copyright infringement and theft.

I hope that community content creators like Maj who value their own content and hope to get some return on it do more to make it clear that they want some value out of this, and do more to actually get value. If Maj is angry that EventHubs is making money at all, he has every right to request that they stop posting his content, but honestly I don’t think that would be good either for the community or for Maj himself - there’s a very real benefit to getting your videos posted on a website with 3 million visitors, even if you aren’t getting any direct monetary return.

If Maj is angry that Eventhubs is making money off his content when he isn’t, I don’t really think that’s a valid complaint when Maj has put no real effort into making money off of his own content. That is like getting angry someone beat you in a tournament when you haven’t practiced or trained at all. Of course, the reason Maj hasn’t put effort into monetization is probably because he is more focused on creating that great content to begin with, but there must be people he could reach out to to get some help.

Maj I hope this ends up just being a little break for you while you find some way to get more out of what you bring to the community.

I hope the EventHubs guy also sees this and gives a little back to the community. He’s definitely making some bank and although I don’t think he has an obligation to, I think it would be beneficial for him to do more to make sure that he continues to have a steady flow of actually valuable content. Based on the fact that he started the site in the 3S days and wasn’t just trying to cash in on SF4’s popularity, I think he does want to make a positive contribution to the community, and part of that would be to help ensure that the people who produce the best content like Maj are taken care of, and that his site doesn’t just turn into a shitty news aggregator. The sites that have more staff and revenue channels should partner best content creators to make sure that the flow of valuable content doesn’t dry up.

Indeed sir… Indeed.