Magneto mix-up/reset thread v2.0

RayRay has a video on that that he posted a few months back. It might be hidden on his account, not sure.

I’ve been using this for a while and i did share it before

Thanks, didn’t catch it the first time, it’s pretty useful and a lot easier to setup than the meaty blast after the jS.

Ooof. Harsh as fuck xD

Man RayRay has leveled up sooo much since his MM with Fanatiq. His Magneto was amazing before, but now its just a fucking work of art. He even turned his Ryu into a legit threat by somehow giving him both high/low and left/right mixups. My favorite player to watch now by far

It’s some very nice tech. Its similar to the set up I do with Mags/Wesker with the hypergrav loop into air S in to backdash unblockable that chases techs, but seems much easier to time consistantly. Def gonna add this in with my akuma tatsu.

Can this be done as late as possible in the combo? been trying to get it down with the combo counter finishing at about 24 hits with the Hyper Grav loop, but they always seem to be able to jump, to much hit stun?

Hyper Grav is a guaranteed soft knockdown so it shouldn’t matter how late in the combo you try it

Unsure if this is new, or even completely useful, but in dicking around in the lab tonight I discovered that, on bigger characters, you can do instant-overhead j.:m: and immediately ADD into j:l: and go into c.:l: c:m: c:h:, etc.etc.etc. Hope someone finds it useful.

Edit: Tested on Haggar. Yet to test on robot, Hulk, or Nemesis, but I’m sure it works on them too.

Yup I discovered this and posted this a few pages ago. You can do addf jL to make it easier to do(ADD jL is faster than addf, heck even addb works and combos, but addf is recommended) and through both you can simply go addf or add into crL directly after the instant overhead(it’s basically near impossible to block any of it considering it’s a guess instant overhead into a fast high into low, you have to guess and pushblock). Check the fuzzy guard list to see who instant overhead jM works on after setting up a fuzzy guard.

EXPOSED… unless this is you huehue

The guy who made the video is actually “Breslinabrb” who posted above me. Good on him to actually post a video of the tech.

didnt notice that he posted in the thread lol that videos old though :stuck_out_tongue:

Ahhh the vanilla days, how i miss them so much, my team was nasty! Magneto/wesker/Akuma.

Yeah thats me and thank you, i go by VS| Breslin now since a guy in Scotland decided to start sponsoring players :slight_smile:

hyper grav > st:h:/st:m: xx gravitation/repulsion/attraction delayed~liberation(3C) xx…

what that does for you is when you’re playing point dormammu and you get 3 creators, get magneto in and combo(that above example) it makes em glued to the ground for some good damage. doesn’t stop characters that teleport i think. gonna get an clip up soon working on each direction of recovery

that shit isn’t unblockable though. it’s a cute mixup, but some things can happen: They can bop your assist, they can bop you, the can block the assist (charges gone)…

Also, it’s a lot better to do 2c1d or 2d1c (meteors/volcano) and get some serious lockdown/damage.

that goes without saying though lol i know that they can smack the assist when it happens but 3C has a lot of hidden potential for crossup magblast lockdown so that they can’t jump. i’m just trying to find a use for 3C cause it would seem kind of stupid for capcom to give him such a good move in beta (it would otg in beta marvel 3) and then make it complete shit. i just won’t believe it lol

plus i’m already trying to work on a better setup than the one above at least somethin outside of the corner

EDIT: also kanta you have any good ideas for dorm and mags?

3C is too gimmicky to be practical.

i “found” some corner setups concerning your general knockdown tom foolery with Dormammus 2D1C/2C1D/1D1C & 2C

#1 cr.:l::m::h: :s: tk gravitation xx 2C (used as combo ender after an add:s:

#2 cr.:l::m::h: :s: sj[:h: add/f j:h:]~ land {:a1:2C1D}j:h: magblast:l: (high/low mix up after meteor knockdown)

#3 cr.:l::m::h: :s: sj[:h: add :s: land :s:]~knockdown repulsion on forward tech and call 2D1C/2C1D/1D1C/2C (most optimal are meteor and volcano)

#4 cr.:l::m::h: :s: sj air:h: adf magblast:l: land :s: air :h: adf :h: magblast:l: land st:h: :qcb::l: [sju add air :h: st:h:]x2 xx ( :a1: 2D1C/2C1D) forward tech repulsion…

these are pretty cool i think


2d1c/2c1d is ridiculous and as an assist it’s godlike for obvious reasons. i’m starting to get into the habit of doing magblast crossup with the volcano/meteors but i kind of like 2c confuse people trying to call assist

Man this is a lot harder than it looks. I’m having a lot of trouble getting the magnetic blast to come out early enough to hit them back teching. Difficulty is very character specific. Much easier to hit on dante than magneto.