just gotta look at which way they tech and air dash at the same time as them while buffering the motion for magblast + assist call
I just wanted to say for anyone who was curious, Vergil’s rapid slash assist is pretty godlike in replusion resets. Apart from invincible hypers, it catches pretty much everything. A forward tech results with them staying in the corner, and getting hit by assist. Back tech produces the same scenario, with the exception of a small gap between the edge of the screen and the opponent when the assist is blocked on a forward tech (yay for j.M crossups in that case). Regardless of which way they tech, if they don’t block/mash/try to jump, the assist will hit and pop up the opponent for an easy confirm. If they do block, they get put into grounded blockstun, and give you enough time for a free mixup. That’s godly.
Did I mention this catches raw tags? Well it does.
The basic setup I’ve been using (you can use it pretty late in your combo) is BnB->Grav loops-> st. H (call vergil) xx repulsion. S.Jump, ADD j.L, cr. L
If they get hit by the assist, the air L will whiff and the cr. L will catch them, allowing for an easy ABC combo conversion. If they block, both lights will hit for a difficult to block high/low mixup. You can of course omit the super jump altogether and just go straight for the low instead, or fake high and go low. If your opponent is somehow able to survive the onslaught of mixups they are forced to block, you can always opt for a quick tick throw, which of course leads to a full combo, and if you so desire, another chance to mix your opponent up with repulsion.
As a little side note, in addition to Vergil’s assist being pretty sexy for Mag’s neutral/reset game, because Mags doesn’t use ground/wall bounces, Vergil as a second is basically a DHC glitch (spiral swords ofc). Vergil is totally fair.
And if I didn’t mention it, that reset catches raw tags. Pretty proud of that.
Magneto with only Missiles as his neutral assist: incoming mixups.
What are the best things to do that are actually effective against people who pushblock?
If they’re willing to pushblock, go for the guard break. Theoretically, that would be ideal. If you feel you absolutely must mix them up on incoming, I would recommend fchamps mixup (call missiles and time fatal attraction on incoming char - they get pulled to the other side (crossup ofc) and get hit by missiles).
But honestly the conversion tends to be odd and the timing can be as well, so if missiles is all you have for incoming mixup, I would go for guardbreak or a solo mixup. I’d have to do some testing, but I’m sure you could do call missiles, and then do j. H xx magblast on incoming and find a way to get them into grounded blockstun for more mixups.
Remember, throws are an integral part of mags mixup game. His high/low left/right mixups are great, but it’s the fact that he can tick throw you when the opponent is expecting a mixup and get a full combo off of it (into kill, or another reset. smh), or you can easily scoop them if they try to jump/chicken block your mixups.
Finally, remember that no single incoming mixup is going to be effective on the whole cast… play around with it, set your test dummy to perform the inputs mashers like to use on incoming (helmbreaker for vergil, footdive for doom, etc) to test how safe your mixup is. If they have air mobility or a double/triple jump, you can be sure they’ll use it, on those characters I usually go for the scoop.
Hope that helps
I’m not too sure how to set up the guard break with only Missiles. I can do it with a horizontal assist but with Missiles I’m not too sure what to do. I hate the attraction/missiles mixup since they can just YOLO and press a button and kill both of your characters.
Yep, that’s one big reason I don’t use that mixup. I don’t know too much about guard breaks, but from what I understand mags can guard break without an assist (meaty j.S, time ADDF to negate pushblock, throw as they come out of stun from the meaty S).
You say you have a horizontal assist? Which one are you using? If you tend to have it available for incoming mixups, I’d say that would be more useful than missiles. I have a solid incoming mixup with vergil’s rapid slash… it’s so godly for mags
Nah I have other teams with drones and stuff where I know how to set up the guard break but I’m maining Magneto/Morrigan/Doom now and I don’t know how to set it up with just Missiles since my Morrigan assist is Dark Harmonizer lol
I’ve played morrigan as long as I can remember… love that bitch.
But yeah, if doom is all you have available I’d go for the aforementioned solo guard break or solo mixups/lockdown for more mixups. Gl
im confused. what are you guard breaking with? pretty much any character with a guard break does it by themself. assist call are there as an alternative(eg. opponent doesnt pushblock).
- block, no tech ; 2) Block, tech ; 3) block, mash helm breaker/throw OS ; 4) mash throw, mash S ; 5) mash helm breaker throw OS
The j.L guard break, without that the silly airdash down that gets blown-up by pushblock most of the time. It’s not in the video, but this setup counters pushblock. If they do it, you’re already on the ground and a simple ground dash gets you right under them, ready to jump and throw or do any of the things that Ika Zuchi showed in his recent guard break video.
of course, if they get hit by the H, instead of thrown, you can confirm it by doing :l: magblast
Meaty j.S is better than j.L and it’s safe from xfc guard cancel. the very first setup in my video was a meaty j.S guard break.
Meaty j.S guard break only gives you throw on pushblock or landing. This is throw before they even land or pushblock.
I use both my nig.
Good shit Kanta, I’ll have to start working that into my metagame. That j.L setup doesn’t actually guardbreak though correct? I ask because I play against someone who will tech the throw once he’s seen the reset a time or two. Still, it’s a nifty little piece of tech
meaty j.S gives you more options than meaty j.L. it’s not just about guard breaking the opponent.
meaty j.L is less used and the throw is harder to react to than j.S setups.
It’s all about pulling it out of your ass when you need a W.
Meaty j.S has a 90% chance of an untechable throw since the timing is perfect like… Sent’s guard break setup. But I agree you with. I use j.L too.
Also, forgive me for coming at you like a Mr.Knowitall. I try to avoid these kind of conversations, cause they lead to pointless arguments. We all have different play styles. The option to use or not use that stuff is up to the player.
We’re both in agreement though xD I see how j.S is stronger (it really is, you get a multitude of options from it), but the j.L gives you that one setup that is very hard to predict unless your opponent has seen it several times. S’all good, mang.
damn… i must be the weird one since i use j:m: for the mix up lol
How are you guys getting the guardbreak to be untechable? (referring to the meaty j.S one). The training mode dummy techs it every time when I try. Is it just a timing thing, like a really tight link?
yeah it’s really just a timing issue. the window for the grab isn’t too small. there should be a video on this somewhere