Magneto mix-up/reset thread v2.0

The timing for it to be untechable is right before the push lock ends, Too soon and you get H, too late and they can tech.

j. M is WAY underrated.

I wouldn’t say it’s underrated. There just isn’t many reasons to use it. I started using j.M when Kanta made his Low Rom video(thought that shit was sick), which is probably a year old now. I found hella cheap shit for incoming mixups. I tried to tell people on this forum how good it was many times, but no one hears me until I make a video demonstration of ______ tech.

And now… everyone wants to talk guard break like this shit new. Alioune Sensei found this shit almost two years ago. :bluu:

Anyway, a month ago… I told you guys I found some new tech, then I said it was a lie. guess it’s time to show it off since no one has found it yet.

Oh, I didn’t mean for guard breaks, I meant in general. You can set up some hella ambiguous crossups with j. M

Tch, you asshole! We need you ;_;

all of magnetos air attacks can work for the guard break, we can all agree on that. I, personally, would say that J. H is the best option as it allows for guard break AND can easily confirm a hit if it does so. j. M does not have as much hitstun and j. S will knock the character to the ground if it hits.

also, Ika, we are not talking about guard breaks as if it is new tech. We are discussing which attack to use because someone asked a question about how it works.

So is the technical side of this guard break similar to the original guard break then? As in:

  • Opponent cannot tech a throw on the very frame on which they* are put into* hit or block stun
  • Opponent cannot tech a throw on the very frame on which they leave hit or block stun

Is that how it works? Or is something else at play?

Depends on which one you’re talking about. If it’s mine, it’s never untechable (unless they pushblock). Blocking j.L just removes their throw invincibility, and they actually leave block stun before they land so you can throw them very low to the ground and it’s very hard to see.

However, if it’s Ika’s guard break setups, you basically get an untechable throw every time they pushblock j.S or some of the following hits in the string and that would be “- Opponent cannot tech a throw on the very frame on which they leave hit or block stun” this.
I think it’s more than 1 frame though.

crLMHS, sj H adf H xx L blast, land, nj uf addf L forces airtrecovery.

I do dash under call wesker and hit em with an unblockable as 90% of hte time they dont expect a reset tthat early and are probably just gonna not airtech or back tech. If its someone I expect to tech forward (lol my friends that have seen the reset) I dash under and call tatsu and hit confirm or set up another mixup.

if you have drones I suspect you can call them before you do the tridash L to set up some free as ish.

A strong player friend of mine, refering to the mag dante pairing, is trying to convince me jam session is the way to go over weasel. Both are unquestionably excellent for our boy. Not including the helping hand in guard breaks (which may win the debate for my friend on its own), are there any good tricks or tactical motifs I should be working on with jam?

One thing he was saying is while flying around at the top of the screen (where id usually be calling missiles), timing a jam call then flying past them is really hard to deal wth,which makes sense. But I’m having a bitch of a time figuring out the best time(s) to call it and then confirm off it from the sky (he said just addf towards them and hit jS, land, launch.

Anyone here have some experience with the magnus-dante pairing? My quest for the perfect mag xxx doom continues! (Dante, Dorm, and Storm are my front-runners thus far.)

Jam Session is too godlike period, you can’t go wrong with it. There are several things you can do with it:

-Million Dollars THC, The best THC in the game if your char does not have an OTG, all you need to do is make them block a stH or just do it raw with Shockwave if they have no air mobility options
-The KBeast Special, jump, air dash upwards, fly and dash around using Jam Session to approach and cross up. Personally I prefer other assists, but Jam Session is still great and you can confirm off it.

  • Gives you really stupid confirms you normally can’t get solo with Magneto ie : Jump up back jH xx L Blast, stH xx L disruptor, crH xx Disruptor, confirms off raw stH. All of these confirms are not doable solo despite how good they are, but Jam session allows you to confirm off all of those, you can even use it during your ground strings on block confirms.
    -It gives you a much stronger start of the round game as Magneto. Magneto is already strong enough in the start of the round, but mashing Jam Session with his OSes make them very potent, and allows you to confirm your OSes on hit, and PUSHES THEM TO THE corner on block, I can’t stress how stupid this is, push them into the corner and get free unpushblockable tridash mixups and great momentum at the start of the round.
    -You get the classic crH/stH call Jam Session xx Repulsion after hypergrav loop in the corner reset for some dirty mixups afterward.
    -You can actually use it to make attraction useful as you attract them into Jam Session, which is a hitbox wall that you can confirm off or set up mixups with if they are on the ground.
    -It locks down for a long time giving you time to set up 1 or 2 high low mixups, you can also set up dirty left rights by hopping over the opponent during the last block of Jam Session which pushes the opponent back.
    -It helps Magneto’s Neutral Keepaway game very well. Magnetic Blasts+ Disruptor and Jam Sessions are very hard to get on in combination with Magneto’s mobility and flight, the fact that Jam Session pushes back on block is very dirty in keepaway.

If you are going to run Magneto + Dante + Missiles. I’d recommend you mess around with the order depending on the matchups, as Disruptor is just as good of an assist for Dante, and Magneto can function solo pretty well with just missiles, so you might want to run Dante first vs Morrigan, and Magneto first vs other characters.

I don’t like Dante/Missiles. If you already play Morrigan, Zero, Dormammu, or Vergil, you really aren’t going to find a better character for a Magneto/x/Doom shell.

Dante Missiles can put in work although it’s not optimal. The Japanese Dante VXDante uses it very well and he pretty much plays Dante with only Missiles, (Dante/Missiles/Phoenix). I personally don’t play it since I don’t play Doom. But I agree with Dino. If you are going to play Mag/x/Missiles shell might as well play Dorm or Morrigan in the middle. And if you are going to play Magneto/Dante might as well play Wesker or Vergil or Zero.

Yeah, but I mean, what else? jk That was an EXCELLENT response, thanks! Incidentally, the ‘KBeast Special’ is the thing my friend was telling me about that made me consider Jam over Weasel in the first place (Weasel shot is SICK for Mags as well).

As for swapping the order, just like w/ Dorm and Morri, a big part of my game w/ the team is Shockwave xx Million$/DT (depending on the situation), essentially putting Dante on point anyway. Not saying it’s right or wrong, but when I play Mag xxx Doom, part of the main idea is playing xxx on point with the option of Disruptah and Missiles, so I fully agree with what you’re saying, but Mag is just too strong on “FIGHT!” (incidentally, in vanilla my main was Dante Mag Sent, but the order was for DHC-glitchiness)

I do agree Morri and Dorm are the optimal xxx here. I’m kinda sick of mis-executing Morri’s fireball couplets (not every time, but enough to start feeling unreliable), but the team’s too fun to ever abandon. And Mag Dorm Doom I love, I’ve just been sort of “auditioning” other xxx’s. On paper, Dante seems like he should be excellent with missiles, especially when he also has Disruptah. Unless my Magneto just get’s blown up, Dante gets both assists.

Don’t get me wrong, I love morrigan and dorm. However, subjective as it may be, I think vergil is by far one of if not the strongest second for the mags ___ doom shell. That’s the team I play.

Here we go again, threatening to derail the thread topic, but does vergil have a solid gameplan with missiles? I mean, its arguably the games best character with arguably the games best assist, but yet you don’t see missiles-vergil very often. (Of course I’m assuming you run missiles, but that’s only because mag’s your point. Though plasma mags pretty fun as well.

Vergil definitely can benefit from missiles in a variety of ways, but the main reasons I say he’s a sexy second for that shell is

  1. Magnus combo with tempest ender dhc to swords loop = 1-1.1 mil for a 2 bar (meter positive) combo. It’s very rare, even off of a throw, that you are unable to ToD a character, even starting with less than a meter. If your magnus is dead, this works just as well with a doom combo dhc to swords.
  2. His rapid slash assist is pretty incredible for mags and doom, not just in combos, but particularly in the neutral/mixup/reset game.
  3. If my mags is having problems with someone else’s team, vergil usually does well in taking care of any strategies that mags has a difficult time getting past.

I really could write endless paragraphs over how much I love the synergy of this team, but to answer your original question, usually when I’m playing vergil missiles, I set myself up so that I’m in devil trigger, and from there I spam st. H xx judgement orb and stinger xx judgement orb to control spacing while calling missiles. When vergil is in devil trigger his normals can be canceled on whiff, so essentially what you end up doing is throwing ridiculously long hitboxes all over the screen. Not to mention it’s exceptionally easy to catch even a very good defensive player off guard for rapid slash after you’ve frustrated the hell out of them with judgement orbs.

Lots of the conversions for the aforementioned vergil/doom play style can be wonky, so that much you’ll have to feel out on your own. The above gameplan is solely for neutral game/lockdown vergil. Once you get a feel for that you can mix in rapid slashes, teleports, disruptor crossups, crossups using lockdown and missiles (my favorite), etc. Don’t forget his air dash in devil trigger, it’s godly.

The basic concept I built this team around is all of the characters work well solo, work incredibly well with whatever assists happen to be available to them (though doom+ disruptah assist is meh), but absolutely first and foremost, the second an opponent gets tagged by any of the millions of projectiles flooding their screen, I can confirm, convert, and kill off of a single hit. If you have any questions about this team’s synergy or situational strategies/matchups/whatever, just ask. I’m very passionate about this team :wink:

Dante/Doom means you don’t get any overbearing anchors on your team. Jam Session is okay for Doom and I don’t like Missiles for Dante but either are optimal. Sentinel skyrockets in effectiveness when given Jam Session in comparison. If you wanna play Dante/Doom I suggest Dante/Doom/Strider.

If I had the patience to master Morrigan then Magneto/Morrigan/Doom would be my go-to team almost 100% of the time. IMO the best point Magneto team.

People are overrating morrigan. She’s a bitch, and she’s hella fun to play, but most of the time you’ll be running harmonizer as your assist, and that really cripples mags in the neutral/reset game. Not to mention she’s not optimal for dhcing either.

Like I said, love playing morrigan, but she is not the best second for that shell when you look at things from a broader perspective

Holy Shit,

I feel like a complete idiot for just finding this out now since most players use stS to cross up.

But did you guys know that stH is a fucking retarded crossup in the corner that can be done really late and is a x100 times more easy to confirm off? And can be made even safer than stS. The really sick part about it is it pushes them to the corner even on crossup so you always get a nice fat juicy confirm, so with my team I can dash call task stH S at the last second and it’s safe on block due to Task arrows and is a fat nice hit confirm on hit??? So good. I don’t know why I didn’t think of this before since stH is basically a grounded version of jH which as we all know has a 360 degree hitbox like stS.