Magneto mix-up/reset thread v2.0

and this is what happens when i dont get put on stream at majors :’( people dun know lol. it is really good and its much harder to see since there is no dash that is done like with the S.

Out of curiosity, what are you doing for your welcome mixups/setups with Mag for this team? I’m completely shot-in-the-dark guessing here, but somehow trying to make a meaty rapid slash assist crossup or something?


I too would like to know. PM plux :smiley:

Pm’d, hope that helps.

getting ready to work on another episode of the magnus guide. this time i’m going to be working on just about all of magneto’s current combo reset situations and guard breaks while @Alcheymyst will be working on hit confirms, throws and conversions. keep ya posted

Try doing some audio commentary in the guide much like Darchon’s Morrigan guide which is pretty godlike:
Makes it more useful and easier to follow what you guys are trying to explain for begginers. If I grab a HD PVR after my exams I might do a similar video guide with audio commentary.

@leafcolonel sounds good bro. thanks for the tip

I know this is kinda 101, but what are the exact inputs for the air plink dashing that has mags scoot so quickly across the screen? My phone can’t do tildes so ill use dashes, but is it just, in flight, L+M-H x n? Any trick to timing it? I feel like just aduf addf aduf addf has been sufficient, but figure might as well speed it up if I can.

Also, to my fellow padwarriors with dash buttons, do you find using an L+M button helps or hurts? Thanks!

for the airdashes you can just sloppily mash out L~M~H and different dirrections really quickly, and the result will end up being a psuedo forward plink dash in the air…

Well, the multidirectional way I already do pretty well and pretty fast. And its felt sufficient. But I just asked in case the plink dash proper was significantly enough faster to make switching to it worth it.

Alright, this question is a bit basic but I’m curious what kind of response(s) it’ll get: say I’m mag backed by drones. I dash back up against the edge of the screen and call drones (best way to call them btw if anyone reading isn’t aware). The opposing character is 3/4 to full screen away. So I want to now approach and attack/mix up. Assume for this situation the opponent will be connected by the drones and will block them.

The question is, how will you tend to approach? Simply wave dash? Sometimes if you do so right after the call, you’ll get there almost too soon and be vulnerable to stuff before drones provide any kind of cover. Do you tridash? As in empty trijumps for movement a la doom? Sometimes feels a tad slow.

Both ways can work, and I imagine both are used. But I also figure, even if so, that there could be an ideal timing for it. Maybe a slight delay between call and approach? Maybe not. There are prob a few good answers, hence my curiosity what you guys think. But are there any ideal ways to translate a safe drone call from afar into a guaranteed or near guaranteed mixup (again assuming they will block the drones, so something like random chaotic flame isn’t a consideration)?

I’ve been playing almost strictly missiles mag, but have been getting more and more into mag doom sent, and find I’m far less oppressive with drones than missiles. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

Well, let me start by saying that even if you call sent off screen, any decent player with ears will still hear him and either avoid blocking drones, or snipe sent. So if you’re going to pick up that team, I’d say getting them trapped in drones is probably moreso important than your mixup game.

As far as approaching goes in most cases, I would personally rather be on the ground so I can figure out what my opponent is scheming. I would be apt to use wavedashes to approach, so if they do throw out a “random” chaotic flame, as long as your wave dash execution is on par, you can just block it instead of getting bopped in the middle of a tridash.

Anyways, once you’ve figured out your approach and getting them stuck in drones is when trijumps come into play, but even that should need a little practice. Every time you catch someone in drones, you should be getting off two to three mixups off, but to do that you can’t just spam the generic trijump overhead and expect to land a hit. Practice your mixups so you can hit the opponent where you believe they won’t block:

  1. Tridash overhead
  2. Tridash fake high, go low
  3. Tridash to other side, hit low
  4. Tridash to other side, tridash high
  5. Learn when you can throw opponents and be able to feel when they will try to mash jab, and when they aren’t expecting it
  6. Boxdash magblasts make for decent left/rights on some opponents, but i like integrating high/lows in with my left/rights

And remember if the opponent chicken blocks drones, dash under is another very effective mixup/way of layering more mixups on

I recently started plinking my trijumps and I’d say they’re about 50% lower to the ground and waaaaay more ambiguous, so yeah… I’d recommend checking that out too.

Apart from that overly apparent stuff, there are ENDLESS archives of good mag/drones players you can watch to figure out different ways to call/approach/lock down with drones, so take advantage of them! Fanatiq and RayRay would be ideal, but by no means are they the only players, nor is their play style the only one. Additionally I know there are some good mag/drones players here in the forums, so take advantage of them! :slight_smile: Sorry I can’t offer anything else, I’ve never mained wackbot behind mags

Lol thanks. Yeah I can cover the drone call and know all the mixup options. My question was just about the ideal way to time the approach. Wave dash is probably sufficient. The above should be very good for someone just picking up the duo tho, no doubt.

I’m trying to make my Mags/Dante incoming better by abusing how throw techs interact with jam session. It seems that if you setup a throw attempt on incoming Jam session doesn’t interact with the opponent if they tech until the opponent hits the ground. Effectively, you use throw techs to ground the opponent and get immediate lockdown for a high/low. I’m trying to make it resilient to pushblock, XFGC, pushing buttons, double jump, dash away, blocking(no push), and delayed push.

Right now what I do is jump towards j.L to prevent the air mobility options. On a pushblock then in sequence call assist, dash forward, time a throw. Done right it is untechable. mistimed you want to still get the throw. if they don’t tech, free combo. If they do, they seem forced to ground, block jam session, while you run a high/low/throw.

Similarly, with no push, j.L has low hitstun so a addf lets you scoop them out of the air. call assist, dash throw lets you again ground them into jam session for a mixup. On throw you confirm a combo.

XFGC should let you dash away/tech counter throws, but I haven’t tested. Delayed push should be hard/impossible because of j.L. There might be a timing where they can block, then 8way dash or jump out or mash j.L but I haven’t tested it.

My problem currently is I don’t seem to cover the push/don’t push option very well. I have to make a guess right from the start. Its safe due to jam covering it, but still a shame to let someone run free.

I could just always go for the throw on a push blocker, and assume they will hit the ground into jam session. double jumpers should escape that though.
Maybe a fly from the ground will put me at a height where adf will grab pushers and nonpushers? If not, the fly should let me get a forward dash, and possibly react/option select the addf for non pushers.

@sjohnst2 have you ever an addf j:l: / :m: / :s: into a dash under after the assist call? i use those buttons a lot for the incoming setup and more often than not, i either get the grab or put them in a 50/50. the 50/50 is just Mags instant overhead fuzzy setup that i use with drones so i can keep them in a constant and consistent blockstring effectively keeping them in the corner for another mix up.

You can also use this setup from ika’s video with the jam session assist pretty good i think

I’ll experiment with that addf into dash under stuff. And thanks again for linking Ika’s video. I lost that one in the shuffle and was going to have to find it. Lots of good ideas in there that might work with jam session.

The one worry I have is how to use jam session in a way that would keep me safe from XFGC. I hope to not have to pop it just because the other guy popped his. Drones makes this easy as you simply call it early in the routine. Jam session may be more tricky.

I have a refinement of what I wrote above that seems to cover all pushblock, no push, XFGC, press buttons scenarios and always leads to hit or 50/50 high low.
It is :
Normal jump j.L immediate dash down (calling jam session), land, dash forward jump throw. You always perform a throw attempt. If they don’t tech, you are done. If they do tech, jam session starts connecting meaty with them grounded. You have a brief moment to identify if they did an invincible reversal, and then run a fast mixup. When you know the setup it boils down to one 50/50 and allows a ground reversal window. However it is straightforward and has some gimmicks built in so I’m going to run this until I have time to analyze what you gave me. I will be following up with what I come up with though. Likely a variation on the Ika stuff.

While writing this response I’ve realized I should sometimes block after the j.L and let jam session hit meaty rather than jump throw. Adds a half layer to the mixup. Guess if you tech or block, if tech guess high/low. All the options are equally threating with Mags/Zero/Dante as I can ToD off a throw or full jam session hit in corner by hard tag to Zero. So just taking the throw and living until a second mixup is not an option.

with jam sessions you can probably try something like
kill other person in the corner, dash back and call jam session, dash forward and attraction

there’s a lot of stuff you can do with Jam, much better then the stuff in that video. I’m too lazy to do something right now, but I’ll get to it soon, I hope. lol

Jam Session is extremely stupid for mixups since it hides Magneto under the mixup so you can’t see fly/unfly or any of the tridashes. There are billion dirty setups you can use with in the corner. Just be creative.