Magneto mix-up/reset thread v2.0

I’m trying to comeup with stuff using Cold Star on incoming, since I feel like the only thing I can go for after snap is guardbreak setups, are there any other stuff you can do? I’m using Mag Doom Ammy (missiles and cold star)

dash forward + ammy, crossup s. H.

Cross up stH works really well with Ammy. Basically try to meaty them with jH xx :l: blast while calling Ammy beforehand to lock them down. Setup some unseeable high/lows with Ammy assist. I’m sure copying Marlinpie’s old Vanilla setups work too.

Slightly different approach to Jam Session incoming mixup.
Fly, j.H unfly then react. 1) Pushblock : call jam, dash in jump throw. If they tech jam locks down, run high/low.
2) Get hit: unfly then S.H into corner combo.
3) Land on ground : call jam a little before they land. I’m calling plink throw a plink dash with H so that you get throw or dash. Throw them in the following way : plink throw, hold up forward, then plink throw up forward throw. If they jump, should end up in dash jump throw. If they stay grounded they might tech the first throw. So you repeat the plink throw for ground/air cover. Any air techs and the second ground tech they get locked in to jam session.

There’s still only one 50/50 in there. I’ll work on it later. Should beat the usual options though invincible reversals are annoying. Against those I will have to use j.M for the harder timed air throw or j.L and risk them taking the hit.

This thing is unwieldy. I have to use something else.<br><br>[land] walk forward for a bit > st.H + spence > attraction.<br><br>Then you can like, hop over them or whatever. It’s just good to put them on the ground and standing right next to you.<br>

It’s a good reset, not gunna lie but there are a few problems (since I main the team and have discovered this reset long ago.)

  • It is quite easy to block even for the first time (unless your blocking skills are not quite good)
  • If done incorrectly (done too slow or too fast [the followup]), the opponent can grab or low you.
  • Birthday is possible (empirical evidence.)

However, there are pro’s as well.

  • tick throw.
  • keep in block stun and use your other assists for a mixup.

It’s a good find, but in my experience is one of those one-time uses.

You can cr.LK them before they even recover from the spencer grapple, so they’ll only be throwing you if you fuck up.

but yeah, it’s not very good.

Damn, 19 days since last post? What happened to this forum? Lol anyway…

On welcome, I’m finding when I jump up meaty and do something like jMH xx blast while calling assist (cold star as of late), my opponent will mash throw and actually grab me as were falling before the cold star connects. Should they be getting this throw? Its fucking annoying they’d even attempt it let alone GET it. Lol

Space yourself out of range for the throw. It’ll keep you more safe from xfcs too.

Always go the for OS box dash xx mag blast L especially if you’re using cold star. Have you considered trying sj addf > flight/mag blast into a overhead/unfly, fake low/throw? I do this with jam session and more often than not, getting the throw into tod or since jam session sends them so farther back while still airborne and go for another throw or hit confirm into tod.

Another unblockable throw reset
throw, boxdash jM, jH~lowassist, land, tridash L.

You can’t upback the tridash L if you use Wesker assist, and the timing is free.
Play around with your timing if oyu use another low.

yo, that’s mad gay xD good shit.

The way resets should be :smiley:

i’m very close to getting some guard break setups to work with shadowblade assist.

Close, will need something as I’m gonna be picking morrigan up full-time soon lol , here’s some stuff I been working on, this thread has been quite lately:

1st two setups are modified slightly from RayRay’s grav corner setup, if you hypergrav slightly further from the corner it pulls them further enough to let you cross them up, backed by drones this gives mags left/right and high/low mixup opportunities, 1st if front tech, and the other is back tech.

the 3rd 1 is using a bait reset, most people nowadays will see the throw coming and tech, this is what we want as the tech forces the opponent to land directly into drones for some high/low mixup, the others are just some possibilities, if they fwd tech, like guard breaks and what not but it’s not guaranteed, the attraction,repulsion/gravitation is for messing about, not something to do regularly as I can see the robot getting hit from repeat offenders, but its something to mess with none the less.


so I’m sure you’re all aware of cr.h knockdown properties, just wanted to point out that if done close it can set you up for a perfectly spaced tech-chase.

regarding the second mags/wesker throw reset I posted a while back –
upon further testing I have found that its not pushblockable, even midscreen and you can’t hard tag out of it at all
if you do an invincible super I safe jump it and punish the super, so no bionic arms.
to alpha counter you’d have to time it frame perfectly
and you’d have to know which one is hitting first, since the mags tridash and bullet hit ~1frame apart
only thing that really works is lariat as point haggar.

again the reset is –
jump box jump M call assist H
you press assist right before you press H
then just tridash L and win

anybody got some dp assist stuff with magneto on unlisted? pm me or something or at least put it here ^w^

No tiengo nada, perdon. : /

I don’t think there are good enough DP assists in the game to justify going too much into stuff with them. Exception being Lariat, Jill Somersault and Hulk AA, but who the fuck uses Magneto/Hulk?

Man fuck all that. I’m gonna work on some Magneto/Shadowblade stuff tonight if nobody else is doing it