Magneto mix-up/reset thread v2.0

im pretty sure i wrote this in either this thread or another one XD but yes, it does work and its very fast and useful

Doesnt the tatsu push them wayyy too far away for a simple dash-n-jump to connect? Or maybe it’s different w/ jL specifically? It was a loooong time ago when I toyed w/ it, but I remember thinkin’, “nah, this doesn’t work.” lol Man that would be great to have been wrong!! Well, great except for the fact I was finally starting to get my character A.D.D. under control and this would cause a full-on outbreak lol

Wow, nice. Luis, will this even work off a connected sH+tatsu or does the H animation slow the process down too much? Sorry Im not in a position to go into training and try it. But basically, does it take specific setups to have enough time to combo off the midscreen 'tsu? Or will a dash into jL continue combo even “on reaction?” Hot damn are doors opening up for me tonight! Even if they were blasted open by last year’s models of knowledge bombs. :slight_smile:

thats the confirm ive been using, so i say that you could do it on reaction. the st. H into tatsu im not too sure about. ill edit this post after ive gone into training mode

I used to use Magneto/Wesker/Akuma back in Vanilla and Magneto/Vergil/Akuma in the beginning of Ultimate.

I always converted off a tatsu by doing j. :h: addf :h: into full combo

In vanilla all you had to do was wavedash into slide. That tatsu had a soft knockdown.

Midscreen and even when you call the tatsu while connecting a normal? I’ll usually press my tatsu button while hitting an sH or cL or whatever. If so that’s awesome, just didn’t seem possible due to the pushback, Ill have to try it! Sometimes its great to be wrong.


I’m not entirely certain whether it works midscreen. I know 100% it can be done in the corner or close to the corner. If you’re outside of the corner, you can probably do j.:m: j.:h: :l: Magnetic Blast to convert into a full combo. You could also do j. :m: addf j.:h:

Currently waiting for my new xbox to get here so I can’t test it to be 100% sure.

Some tatsu confirms:

Though this discussion does not really belong to this thread, and Tatsu confirms were discussed in 2 other threads recently iirc.

an older one

i’m starting to like centurion rush more

Thinking of trying Attraction mixup with Haggar’s Lariat and Dorm’s liberation (namely volcano and meteors) what y’all think?

You can probably do a meaty st.Fierce xx gravitation + Lariat to set something up.

Fierce xx hyper grab + lariat… Hmmm then go to fly h adf h adf h? Ill try this. Thanks

he meant rdp :h:

Recently picked up team Fchamp (made the choice before EVO btw lol…), trying to figure out ways to incorporate dark hole for lock down…what you guys think?


forgot to put push block in video…after tridash H, you still get stuck in the dark hole which you can dash xx tridash L.

cr.H I think you can get away from it. The hole is infront of the opponent

i like this trijump pressure. does it work still if you call dark hole on cr:m: ?

On hit, after launcher, dark hole will hit and sort of mess up your combo. On block, recovery is too slow for tridash L …which is why I stuck with cr.H+asst1 …seems to work out well. Let me know if you find something out though.

I think I just came up with a pretty sick reset. Dunno if anyone has posted it already, but basically it’s what evolved from a little SJ height air confirm I was messing with, which is just SJ up-back j.H, j.S, addf, j.S, st.H, into whatever combo. Found myself needing corner resets that didn’t use assists, so I came up with this-- a small variation, using Magnetic Blast L at the end instead, and it works off any combo ending with a launcher. I tested it in 3 different scenarios:

  1. Opponent is not blocking
  • Confirms into a full combo with minimal scaling. I cap out at around 600k meterless, no assists.
  1. Opponent blocks, no advance guard
  • Opponent blocks Magblast L, Magneto lands early, can go for an instant throw attempt or overhead
  1. Opponent blocks j.H, with advance guard
  • j.S will whiff, and you can easily cancel into Magblast H on reaction-- again, Magneto lands early as the opponent blocks, and a well-timed forward dash (even if the opponent pushblocks the Magblast) means a free overhead with trijump j.L

I’ll probably try to get a video of this soon if anyone’s interested. It catches even forward tech, of course.

Thanks maz, kinda confused from the explanation. It’d be great if you could record a quick example.

Just posting a new reset I saw RayRay use.

He’s using the fact that Hypergrav leads to a guranteed soft knockdown and does the following:

Edit: SRK is not letting me embed, but its at 5:40

He’s using boxdash backwards blast + horizontal assist to cover both techs and get a guranteed meaty mixup after letting them drop from hypergrav. It’s probably a lot easier to time than Alioune’s tech(which is actually really very hard to time properly btw). Hypergrav also always leads to a soft knockdown unlike crH and stH at their max scaling, which should allow you for one more rep of hypergrav. To get the ideal damage out of the reset, you want a jS ender, but that’s the hardest to time meaty, and gives your opponent time to relax after the pause in the combo, while these soft knockdown resets keep them on their edges as you can go for TAC resets or throw/throw bait resets too.

Edit: I just tested RayRay’s mixup and it worked just as I predicted, boxdash back blast meatys forward rolls, and the fast horizontal assist(tatsu/projectiles etc) will meaty the back roll giving you a guranteed mixup. To make this reset a lot more fun aka stupid, I found out that you can do the following:
Instead of using boxdash backward blast, you can normal jump(not super jump which will give you a combo), addb jH, now depending on the timing and angle and jump position, you get a 4 way mixup if they forward tech, high/low left/right on either side, though it’s forward tech only, and if they back tech you still get the same high/low using the horizontal assist.

I’m reposting this tech here too so it’s easier to find: