Magneto mix-up/reset thread v2.0

I just call an assist and do meaty H disruptor. The blockstun always causes them to fall into the assist.

I do TK disruptor :h: so i get the same effect, but instead i’m getting two. i only use this in cases when somebody tries to jump out the blockstun and i have missiles out

Anybody got some good incoming setups with Hidden Missiles?

All I’m doing now is crossup S or j.M,j.H xx magnetic blast, is there anything more potent?


Jump over dead body, call missiles, jump over deadbody again at the last second so oponent comes right into them > hit confirm off of that with Hyper grav or j.:h::s: xx addf j.:h: > combo


call missiles, dash right into the corner, attraction as they come in, now they have to block the “cross-under”

That’s all I have right now. anyone have something better?

Not sure if this is new or not. But a new fuzzyguard mixup was posted by Struc. Props to him:


Basically you do an instant overhead off a fuzzyguard setup(extremely easy to setup off sent drones) or a throw, do instant overhead jM or jL boxdash crossup magnetic blast reset. This extremely cheap and comes out very quickly, and I’m sure with drones you can do addf JH, instant overhead jM, boxdash crossup blast and you may be able to link all of those together. Once again check the list on the first page of this thread to know which chars can be instant overheaded.

WOW that’s fuckin sick

This thread is awesome. What are some good setups involving Akuma’s Tatsu?

some very basic mags/wesker stuff. not very fancy but ish is deadly.

I take it this is what you mean on the second one? I couldnt get it to work off a kill, and attraction doesnt appear to be safe if someone tries to footdive or something of that sort?


As you can see, the video (off the not-so-good camera on my iPhone) shows an incoming setup which can be confirmed off of with j.L, j.S (or a raw HyperGrav if you can’t be fucked to be fancy), However when I tried to set it up off a kill I couldn’t get it because the attraction moved the hitbox of my downed opponent and caused the next character to come in from the other side of the screen. Has anyone got any possible solutions to this, as I would really like to be able to use this off a kill in matches.

it’s just timing. FiChamp uses it. But yeah, that’s it.

To anyone else who plays Mag w/ Missiles, Ive been running Mag Dorm Doom for weeks now. Just wondering if you had any tips for when, after a long range missile call (to time is spent getting into range to mixup), they chicken block the missiles, any good setups or followup mixups for that situation? Cant throw because they’re in stun, and cant mixup as they land because they can hit a buton. Should I just mash on stand jab until they land then make a move? or some kind of “jump loop”-ish block string? Just wondering how to make it so up-backing doesn’t reduce the danger any. Thanks!

(ps. any other tips for missiles-Mag would be great too, not just chicken block offense. That’s just the specific situation giving me problems sometimes)

i’m thinking you can do sj addf mag blast or box dash mag blast once you get your timing down.

hey guys :3

Where the fuck have you been

GFs + Spring Semester + Diablo 3 vortex :3

These are both pretty fascinating. The latter because Ive never really explored attraction/repulsion gimmicks, so this kind of thought just never occurred to me.

For the former, the midscreen one, knowledgeable as I am about the game, I really had/have no idea about manipulating their “spawning” sides when not near a corner. Is it all based on what side of the corpse we’re on? I guess I just dont understand exactly how your trick is supposed to work. But I blame this on myself, not your explanation. Mind going into a little more detail about what’s happening here? The corner one I can mess w/ and figure out, this one I need my hand held a little lol Thanks!

I’ll record three of them for you tomorrow, cool?

(quoting his signature lol)

Yeah, really I’m just curious what you’re doing off a midscreen Tatsu that lands? Seems to push them too far away for a confirm, but I’d love to be wrong about that. I’m assuming you don’t, like, only call Tatsu unless they’re cornered. And it doesn’t seem like wavedashing or tridashing would get you there quick enough unless you start the process before Akuma even appears on screen (and even then, would it?).

Not askin’ for a strategy guide on the duo or anything here, just curious how Mag can capitalize off a landed ‘cane midscreen. PS. I think triplexraider may actually be lookin’ for that strategy guide :stuck_out_tongue:

Cool, thanks! I mean, whatever’s easiest for you. Make a vid, type it out, hell PM me Ill shoot you my cell number if its easier to explain it verbally. Whenever I’m askin’ someone to do me a favor, I always do whatever I can to make it as easy as possible for them to oblige.

Short answer: whatever takes the least time and effort on your part, do that. :slight_smile:

I’m not sure, as I don’t play mags/Akuma, but I think that you can confirm a tatsu hit with

Dash > forward jump > j.:l::s: xx addf j.:l: > st.:l::s: