nah you’re able to, but the window for it is very tight. i’ll try to get a clip up of it soon
what are your solo incoming char mix-ups/ set-ups? preferably for anchor mag?
mine are
- hypergrav, if they block, tri jump/box jump grab.
- dash under launch
- super jump over them as they come in then air dash down H to cross up (corner only)
if any of these fail i just continue to tri jump and pray.
wish i could add more to this list.
i wonder if the fanatiq sentinel special works similarly for mag, where u go flight, S, they block, dash up grab
Without assists?
Aside from the ones you mentioned, I do:
j.:H: xxMagnetic Blast st.:l: into combo. If they block, Magnetic Blast is + on block so you can follow up with a tridash mixup while they’re still stuck in the corner.
Standard air to air j.:h: :s: addf j.:h:st.:l: into combo
sj. addf j.:h: xxfly j.:s: overhead
With assists, its a whole other story. I’m starting to do Drones + tridash mixup and if they block I do IAD side switch as drones are hitting and Magnetic Blast into combo.
i see. still, wouldn’t you agree Centurion Rush is the optimal high/low assist for this setup due to its anti-rawtag properties?
My two cents: What usually do with Iron Man (I think I’ve seen Joker do this before) is I call repulsor blast and attraction then box dash Magnetic Blast . Gets me a pretty dope mix up in the corner. Keeps them there long enough for me to get all sides mix up.
For anchor mag though, I do the same thing, but if they have no bar I still do attraction, sj iadf MagBlast :l: / or I do what Din0 posted, which is really good to do as well.
I would say Centurion Rush and Somersault are some really good ones for a high/low setup.
have yall seen this i thought it was pretty sick mixup with attraction i never seen it on here so maybe it could be useful to some of yall
A note on the characters you can instant overhead using fuzzyguards or crouching(sent/nemesis).
You can u/f jM for the instant overhead then go addb jL for double overhead and still comboable, or air dash down for direct low.
off of a throw, dash forward, tridash S, as soon as you land wesker assist, IOH L > combo.
if you time it right they can’t jump out of it.
I’m sure the first tridash could be an L but it wont be as tight of a set up.
shoutouts to my boy Sami aka DruggedFox for showing me this.
I think Neo was using this for a while, problem with this tech is if you use in a long set they can easily blow up the unblockable setups by holding raw tag like all the other unblockable setups in this game.
Even still Magneto still has setups against the inevitable raw tag so he should be able to use those on incoming characters alone or with the right assists
if you mistime the unblockable, follow up with anohter overhead L. youll get a nice high/low/high mixup.
Your bring up a good point Mayho. Magneto’s setups, combos and mix ups are so flexible as they are dangerous, his potential to be a seriously threatening point character won’t be ignored given time.
Haha yeah I have to go back to point mags over anchor more often.
some info from the GA FGC facebook group –
So when you’re fighting someone that tries to TAC counter a lot (phoenix etc.) just leave a gap in your combo and punish their attempt.
a pretty straight forward example is,
corner combo relaunch, instead of last hit into an ‘obvious TAC’ do ADUB L, S > combo. the L should whiff and your S will punish their S because That Magnetic Clap HitBox,
edit - fixed my example. lol dunno why I typed frly fierce.
good looking out man
for a vid example. Mags can and should incorporate this into a lot of different situations.
Yea Tokido and Champ are notorious for doing that
haha yeah I need to watch more streams.
anyone got incoming mixups that are safe from x-factor cancels?
atm i just throw a magblast and mix up from there, but this is problematic against characters with airdashes, double jumps etc.
there has to be a way to maintain the pressure, i’ve seen marlinpies doom throw the opponent when they xfc his incoming mixup, but i always get scooped lol
xf cancel throw is an epidemic where i play lol.
I guess you could do hte standanrd, call assist, gravitation, barrage of high/low Ls.