Magneto mix-up/reset thread v2.0

Honestly I’m pretty close to dropping the game myself and going back to street fighter or MvC2

[LEFT]I can’t blame you guys. This game is kind of a joke competitively, IMO.[/LEFT]

This game makes you feel like a god when you’re winning but it’s probably given me my fair share of grey hairs when I lose. I don’t know any other game that makes me half as salty.

It’s all about the dedication. If all of you start quitting now, then my work on that ultimate magnus thread was for shits n giggles? Don’t be pussy and quit. Be like Max and squeeze them tits.

Max is both his name and his level of awesomeness.

I like it :frowning:

some basic resets we talk about


Why isn’t this thread stickied yet…? Magneto’s most important aspect IS his mix ups and resets.

Bloo, all white is the only way to rock Mags/Doom/Sent.

BLOOD n black is the way I would roll that team. Dark as night.

Are you mother fuckers talking about my team?

@Kanta: Swag is the only color I pick for Magneto and the crew.

EDIT: Yo there’s this one reset 100% i’m trying to do it’s kinda annoying to pull off, but the shit builds 3.25 meter from 0 and does some ridiculous damage and I think you all will love this next set I’m about to upload.


To be honest those are just day 1 resets that are fairly predictable, but I have some more stuff to record later on. Remember: Do not play Magneto high.

Finally thread stickied. Thanks DarkPhoenix

Some old fashioned [media=youtube]3ViKDRyoXCY[/media] Miss you Aerial and Kanta <3

Im running Mag Doom Sent (and looking above, seems blooda is too, sweet!). So obviously Im trying to force a lock w/ missiles or drones and mixup. My question is what should I be doing when they chicken block my missiles or drones? The block stun prevents an air grab, no? Is it basically just retreat and try again? Im assuming there are more aggressive options, but cant figure it out.

Anyway, IM headin to bed. IM gonna check out blooda’s videos when I wake! Thanks, all!

Actually what you can do is if they are on the ground you can call missiles then box dash over and reverse magnetic blast to trap them on the ground. If you run this setup’s timing correctly, then you’ll be able to keep them in blockstun long enough to go for a high-low mix up.

does anyone know more about Magneto’s repulsion + high-hitting assist (preferably Centurion Rush) resets?


i’m not gonna be able to play people irl for the next few days but i’m dying to experiment with this. judging from the comments, this doesn’t work if they do neutral tech cL. does anyone know of a way around this? perhaps spacing yourself further back (out of range of their cL) then using cH to outprioritize them would work? this is the main obstacle i’m looking to overcome

also, what happens if they rawtag out? can you time it so that Centurion Rush hits the rawtag without Magneto being hit? that’d be really broken

I know this is probably answered somewhere, but couldn’t you theoretically do this same setup with a low assist while you aimed high??


i don’t know about that actually. after repulsion you hardly have any time to cL/cM at the same time as nova; i doubt you’d be able to trijump L for a high hit in time