Magneto mix-up/reset thread v2.0

^^^ That"s some sick stuff man

**c.H, S, sju H, adf H, magnetic blast L, trijump H, c. H, S, sju H, addf H, jump M, H, **magnetic blast L, land call sentinel assist, j. H, magnetic blast L

The forward jump works because I let him reset at a low height. If you find yourself resetting a bit higher, you’ll have to wait until just before they pass over you and neutral jump :h: and continue as normal, as a jump forward :h: won’t hit.

i know this is not necessarily true, BUT, being that he teched forward, wouldn’t he be already holding the correct position to block this cross-up?

Absolutely he would, but I figured most players who do tech forward tap forward once then return to holding back. especially when they see the Drones coming

Good point, good point.

If they do block the cross-up, they’re either incredibly stupid (for holding forward while they land on Drones before the cross-up) or have ridiculous reactions

Man I just realized I can’t do any of this shit high. No more playin magnus on point when a blunt’s on rotation lol

That’s why I switched to Thor/Hulk/Sentinel when I’m …enhanced.

Alright I found that this here:

man how the fuck does this video look better than the second? stupid stages lol that’s why for me it’s always either training room or danger room (STFU CHARLES)

Btw; how exactly is the fuzzy guard with magneto done? Is it just a superjump and normal jump with the :l:s?

You can start it with both tri-jump :h: or :l: and it’s a normal jump with :l: afterwards, addf cancelled into :l: again.

btw, you can do trij.:l:>j.:l: xx addf :l: > j.:l: xx addf :l: > cr.:l::s:

That’s five fuzzy overheads and it combos on hit. sick, right? :stuck_out_tongue:

[media=youtube]kC20O1lFELQ[/media]just to prove i wasn’t kidding lol

3rd post updated with fuzzy guard data

I found some juicy stuff guys.

The fuzzy guard j.:m: cross ups that work on Nova/Wesker also work on other characters but all you need to do is air dash forward and time the j.:m: right and it’ll hit as a cross up but you’ll still be in front of them. Probably character specific… I don’t see it working on rocket raccoon and company but it’ll probably work on most of the cast

If this is a viable set-up, then hello mvc2 all over again

So basically sj :u: dash :f: :m: ? I’m thinking of doing some MvC2-like assist setups that could lead into this:


I was doing it consistently before then I played some Saints Row 3 co op… now I’m back in the lab and I can’t get it to work anymore… wtf. sj adf :m: still gets you really, really ambiguous cross ups though. Like way more ambiguous than Dante’s

Once I get home I’m gonna record some of those set ups. Like I said before, I got some old school type set ups in mind and I think yall might take an interest into them.

On a side note: I just played online for the first time. Never again.

I thought people said the netplay was decent? Even if I know what the other person is gonna do, there isn’t a god damn thing I can do because I don’t have a scuba license. I regularly go even with my crack buddies who are REALLY, REALLY good and yet I fall prey to Dr. Derp jumping :s:pam because of how bad the netplay is. It’s not as bad as Vanilla but god damn, it’s still really bad.

I have FiOS and was playing someone who lives not even 20 miles away and it was still like a half second input delay.

Online Magneto makes me a sad panda

I’m really loving the videos in this thread (especially Kanta’s) but besides that, Magneto just got extremely boring after his “he isn’t like that in the comics” changes, thus me dropping him and Ultimate. lol