were playing the same team hahaha, Zero aint that bad, mags to me is just as good IMO. In the corner you can do the nova/repulsion set-up with vergil except you go for the untechable throw. You build like 3+bars and you kill them, soooo many ppl sleeping on mags.
You’re probably doing the double jump too fast or you’re not returning the stick to neutral position.
I still don’t understand how the untechable throw thing works. I remember Alioune posting a video on it but yeah.
I was gonna do a ton of labwork today after class today but some shit popped up. Dentist appointment I forgot about, spontaneous date, supermarket visit, cooking dinner, and Big Two is pretty soon…
its pretty simple how it works, basically how it works is you call an assist and the same time the assist hits the opponent you throw them. For some reason when the throw and attack come out at the same time the throw cant be teched. Try this out, go to practice mode turn on guard all, and throw escape on. Call wesker assist (samurai edge) and the same time the bullet hits them, throw em. If you did it too early you get a throw tech, if you do it too late you get his fierce and the dummy blocks your attack. If you do it just right you’ll throw them and you’ll see his throw do 5 hits instead of the usual 4. The great thing is mags ALWAYS gets a combo off of throw
I’ve been getting into this non-corner reset research and I’ve found some dirty, dirty stuff as long as they don’t have the air mobility to escape. If they do have air mobility and they’re not retarded, you can expect them to use it, so go for sj air throw
I tried guys. Sorry for the horrid quality but I’m uploading from my POS android. Excuse the Korean pop in the background as well. 2NE1 gets me hype.
My normal BnB (omitting :s: at the end and letting them recover forward), call Sentinel drones, sj :ub:, air dash :db: :s: into combo. You’re essentially superjumping just before they cross you up so you don’t change what direction you’re facing, then crossing them up as you land.
I’ll work on getting some footage with quality better than this “charcoal smearing on a cave wall” video I’ve shared.
YEEEEEAH, sick. Are the drones effective on keeping them lockd’d in case they tech back?
^ Yeah that’s why he’s able sj and crossup
Oh and Aerial, bro I’ll try to record that so if you dont’ get your clear version up then I’ll have one up. win/win
btw what do you think of this combo (since the sent threads are pretty much dead. i might even make a thread for those dudes over there too LOL)
Wouldn’t it be better to end that with a TK Rocket Punch L into Hard Drive loop?
no because if i were to be doing that, then i’d be doing too much and using too much bard trying to kill the other person when this is just for easy damage =/
EDIT: well it actually depends on the meter available to you. example: if you’re trying to get them in the corner and get a mix-up, then your best option would be to TK rocket punch xx HD since it brings them to the corner while getting in some easy damage.
If they can’t teleport, air dash, or double jump away, they’re gonna get locked down no matter which way they tech
It’s a solid combo if you can start it without many hits. I find a lot of my sentinel combos come from j., j.
unfly j.
double jump :uf:, j.
j.:s: so I can’t really do many extended combos like that unless I’m doing the double jump swag combo.
Personally I’d end it with TK Rocket punch xx Hard Drive to push them to the corner for a Plasma Storm or mix them up on their recovery
I guess so, but to me doin the tk motions is just too much work using sentinel imho
I have no problem doing TK RP in every Sentinel Combo I do, so different strokes for different folks I suppose. I primarily use it because it doesn’t matter where I start the combo, I always end up with corner positioning if I don’t have the meter to KO right htere
TK fireball motion feels alot easier in Ultimate for some reason. I’ve been getting it at least 95% of the time where I used to only get it 50% of the time in vanilla. Plus you get Rex0r moments where you get to TOD the opponent when it otherwise would not have been possible. Good combo though, I’m gonna start using it as my BnB since I fail at double jumping D: .
On topic: the tech in this thread is amazing.
Playing theory fighter since I’m not at my “lab station” atm lol, but for the :l: EMD , try testing out TK motions coupled with assists. Example: TK EMD :l:+:a2: then either push/pull into a high/low mix-up(assuming your :a2: is either Drones, Centurion, Plasma/Unibeam basically any assist that cause a period of blockstun allowing you to dash up after the tk motion).
EDIT: Btw Aerial I re-wrote some of the thread to be posted on facebook since they don’t have the icons, for other people who aren’t on SRK and [ofc] gave you credit (I called the note “Dirty Magnus” lol)
I’m flattered hahahaha. I’ve also found a way to apply mid-screen mix-up options to corner scenarios… I’ve got a lot that I haven’t posted yet.
I’ve been refining a triple side switch reset that’s pretty promising so far. Though I’ve been having some difficulty applying my Drones mix-ups to Vergil’s Rapid Slash since the hitboxes don’t become active until a little bit in front of Magneto. A simple backdash, call Vergil, then dash back in has been making these applications a lot more viable.
and we’re just getting started lol. I really think the new mags i just letting us open up to so much unexplored shit…so to that i say, thanks ultimate mags!
I did something I haven’t been able to recreate. A cross-up that hits from the front.
I was messing with air recovery forward midscreen and I did my MvC2 reset that I posted before but I did sj :u:, air dash :db::h:.
Maybe it was a glitch or a one off thing but I did the aforementioned reset and the :h: hit from the other side but I was still in front of the dummy with my back to it.
I’ve done the same set-up again and again but I haven’t been able to do it over. Although I found that you can choose which side you want to hit them from with the air dash :db::h: It’s SO ambiguous.
Uh oh ya nigga bloo bout to hit up the lab once more!
I applied your reset to air recovery forward. The j:h: hits as a cross-up with the part of the hitbox behind Magneto. You’ll be facing the opposite direction for the j.:h: cross-up but you turn around for the magnetic blast
Filming this on this map was a NIGHTMARE, that’s why it looks so shitty. Luckily the lightning didn’t strike during the reset so you can still get the gist of what’s going on.
Sorry guys.