now that i think about it I don’t care what platform they coming out for I ll buy anything that snk makes ( even if it’s got major gitches) dark geese knows what Im talking about so i hope yall support the company that has brought you some of the best fighting games of all time for once!
Now that I think about it, shut up.
man! now I can’t tell if your being sarcastic:looney:
I’m talking to spudlyff8fan.
According to the new forum, NEOGEO BATTLE COLISSEUM is expected to be released in October
Funny how SNK always has the habit of releasing their hits 2 years ago or so right when their new game for (XII) KOF is about to be release.
It will probably be released again with xi and xii together. There are many ways to take money again from the fans.
So far it seems like FF Battle Archives vol. 1 will be released in August, KOF XI in September, and NGBC in October. Nice.
Now THAT would be sweet! I imported KOF XI,but if this package comes out then it’s a must-buy for me!
Hopefully UM gets a US release, but I’ll probably say no, I won’t wait- and I’ll just order me up a Japanese PS2, Tenka, and UM when it comes out (pending SRK review and testing of course)
I’m guessing that they will get pushed back. . . multiple times.
Lets hope that SNK loves you more than Ignition loves us.
Its weird that NGBC, even though it came before XI, is being released a month later after XI.
What they should do is fix NGBC so it doesn’t load like crazy:tup:
After seeing those Garou vids in the “WTF is garou” thread, it seems to me like SNK needs to bring that shit over here. Seriously, that game looks legit. I’m gonna have to import that even if they do plan on bringing it over.
Garou MOTW is legit…its what many would call the 3s of SNK…by far…its been that way for a while…and it’s better some are seeing it now though late…anything to get people to play more SNK.
Well I’ve just recently gotten into fighting games (used to play some casual for awhile) so I seem to have missed a lot. My list of games to import seems to keep getting bigger:rofl:.
Wow, Atmoswave games actually getting ported to the US. Wonders never cease, what is this 3 now counting NeoWave?
Yes it would be 3 counting NeoWave…and the thing is NeoWave is already here and I gotta bust my ass to get more to play that though its already here!!!
So while I’ve heard the fact that some say “The games arent here” well NeoWave is and more should start playing it!
I’m hoping when the EVO East SNK 2007 vids hit at the end of the month more will be able to see the beauty in many of these games!!
-Dark Geese
MOTW is one of SNK’s best games ever made. I don’t get it why it isn’t very popular.
It came out late in an aging Neo Geo platform and arcade fighters weren’t popular by its release. If I recall, people weren’t crazy about SF3 either, and it took Capcom three times before they finally got the sequel right.
It’s tough to theorize why Third Strike started becoming popular well after its release, although I tend to believe it’s in part because people were seeing what an amazing game it was from the B-Series tournament footage. If the same thing happened to MotW, we’d probably be seeing MotW in the Evolution lineup as well by now.
I sent an email to SNK Playmore USA with some questions. Here is their reply.