I’m not sure if this is concrete evidence or not, but the SNK PLAYMORE USA website has the King of Fighters XI and Neo Geo Battle Coliseum logos listed under the PS2 on their “In Development” page. Check out the link for yourself!
Lol no wonder XI hasn’t been released yet in Europe they were trying to get it released for the US all this time. Good news though better having it released both places rather than one.
Now, grant us also Samurai Spirits Tenka (or the upcoming 6 pack anthology), the Real Bout Collection and KOF98 Ultimate Match in a timely fashion, and I think we’d be in business. :wgrin:
But seriously…I’m hoping that these types of surprises are the start of a new trend for SNKP. With their Taito X2 stuff slated to be unvieled any where from TGS on down, they should really be going all out with trying to make sure that they got a decent fanbase following all over the world, as much as possible. That way, once the TX2 stuff is showcased, we’ll all have reason to celebrate together, as opposed to the rather fragmented scene that existed over the last several years.