Looks like KOFXI and NGBC are coming to the U.S.! (Look inside!)

heh a lot of people seem to have bought the japanese version (including myself) Now I have to get the US version… I wonder what the release date is going to be… SNK rocks~!!!

Every SNK fan should buy this one to get SNK to bring over more games~!!!

I as well bought the import last year, but I’m not quite sure if I’ll buy the domestic version (I don’t have that much money to spend). But bring on Fatal Fury Battle Archives 2 (the Real Bout Collection), and we’ll definitely talk. Wonder why they’re not bringing NeoGeo Battle Collesium over. Ah well.

If they bring over KOFXI we can get them to bring over NGBC.

That’s great news!

I bought KOF XI when it came out in Japan but I’ll buy the American version as well to support SNK. This game along with AOF Collection & FF Collection might be a good sign for SNK fans about future releases (maybe AOFC’s $15 retail price is a good sign as well?).
I’m guessing RBFF Collection will come out at some point. I mean, it would be kind of awkward to have Battle Archives 1 and no Battle Archives 2.
We’ll just have to have faith on SNK and see what happens.

Sorry to spoil the party but this doesn’t really mean anything.

They had Metal Slug 3-D “In Development” for a good while and you can bet that is NEVER going to be released outside of Japan.
Until Ben Herman or someone from the SNK Playmore USA staff EXPLICITLY states they are planning to bring KOF XI to the US, I would say don’t hold your breath.
Also, even if they DO explicitly state they are planning to bring it over, take it with a grain of salt…

Agreed 100%. The way I see it, the fact that KoF XI will apparently not be packaged with another game represents a potential breakthrough for SNK’s PS2 fighting game library here in the States. I’m pretty sure that SCEA’s attention is focused on other areas at the moment (namely their current hardware), so if they’re content to let their older system become a dumping ground for games they never would have approved a couple of years ago, well, that’s just fine by me, especially if those games happen to be SNK fighters.

Another thing to consider is AoF Anthology’s bargain pin pricing strategy, which suggests that SNK’s localization costs are probably next to nothing (small wonder, considering these games already have English options from the get-go). After all, if they can put a game on store shelves for fifteen bucks, the related production costs have to be next to nothing. Hopefully what this means is that SNK has plans to eventually release all of their NeoGeo Collections in North America. And as FSGamer mentioned, in the case of Fatal Fury, calling a game “Vol. 1” with no Vol. 2 to follow up is pretty nonsensical.

If you live in America and have a long-term case of “importphobia”, the good news is that it looks like there’s never been a better time to be a SNK fighting game fan than right now. Look forward to what’s coming, and keep your fingers crossed for more!

But thats because the game flopped hard. No one liked it so why bother bringing it out elsewhere. I’m pretty sure XI will make its way to the states.

I will be finally able to read the damn endings…

My thoughts exactly. I’m all for more games coming stateside regardless of what they are. But to know we’re getting a gem like XI is icing on the cake. Can’t wait, I can’t easily play JP titles at home yet :confused: lol.

What he said :open_mouth:

I hope this is solidly confirmed soon, and not another case of Accent Core’s PS2 USA release date that never happened. It’ll be nice to get back into KOF again.

Fuck yeah!!!

As long as they get it out sometime before the end of the year I’ll be happy.


judging by the rating system on all those PS2 covers, those look to be European releases.

though I believe Ignition has released DS games stateside before.

That’s the PAL version, which has met with inexplicable delays for over a year now.


By the way, here are the KOF XI endings in (fan-translated) English if no one has seen them yet…

I am almost as ecstatic as when I found out that Batman Begins did not suck.

looks like I’ll be buying this shit again. I hate swaping.

Finally a new fighting game in the US thats worth playing, there is a God!

Thank you Jesus. About time KOF XI gets some love here. Hope it goes multiplatform…cough cough Wii cough. I need more reason to play that. Although i think i’d settle for the PS2 version just fine. =)

Nice…it’s on now!!!