Looks like KOFXI and NGBC are coming to the U.S.! (Look inside!)

Lol, nice av cowdisease.

I really hope there’s a sequel to Garou sometime in the future.

And that idea to license songs to Guitar Hero is great.

Can any of the fatal furies coming out in Fatal Fury Archives live up to MOTW? I only played FF 1 so I have no idea how the others rank up.

Dropping by to say that the 98 remix of 94 Esaka would be dope as FUCK in Guitar Hero.

That’s hard to say, a lot of people (myself included) consider Garou: MotW to be the best SNK fighter ever, so that’s some pretty lofty company right there. Not to mention Garou obviously came much later than any of the early FF titles, when there more games to draw “inspiration” from (hint: 3S).

Having said that, Fatal Fury Special (on BA Vol. 1) is an excellent fighting game in its own right, probably the best of the early FF games. Great cast, tight gameplay, line switching sucks but hey, that’s why you avoid it, right? Still, I don’t think you’re going to find many people here who will tell you that FF Special is a better game than Garou.

And seriously, all of the Real Bout games (BA Vol. 2) kick ass, I could play any of them for hours on end. I especially love me some Real Bout 2, but I would stop just short of saying it’s better than Garou. Cross your fingers and pray that Vol. 2 hits our shores, but then again, if it wasn’t, there’d be no need to label the first disc “Vol. 1” would there?:wgrin:

The hell is real bout =p? All these fatal furies confuse me.

Are any of the Fatal furies around Super Turbo level of play ; )?

ST level of play? Thats Fatal Fury Special you are looking for in general.

Real Bout is the remake of Fatal Fury 1 and 2 but actually canon…

And Real Bout was the original name of Fatal Fury…before it became Fatal Fury…

what address did you e-mail to? every time I try it never goes through.

I forwarded my original, bounced email that I sent to info@snkplaymoreusa.com to their Tech Support email, techsupport@snkplaymoreusa.com. They thanked me for alerting them to their info@ email problem and replied to my questions.

I am so totally stoked bra! :wgrin:

one time I sent them an e-mail about upcoming PSP games, and I got a personal, informative response; I’ve e-mailed about 3 times afterwards with no reply whatsoever since…

I think it has allot to due with the fact that there is only a hand full of Xbox copies floating around. I would say it’s more scarce than MvC2 or pretty much any other fighter for Xbox. I’m lucky enough to have a copy, and I really need to start playing it more myself as it is a great game.

Neowave? Scarce?

When did this happen? Because I need to start hording them, since my Gamestop has like 80 of them.

Ha, I didn’t know that, but it must be true.

I replayed Fatal Fury 1 just for kicks the other day and “Real Bout” is written in a couple of the backgrounds.

You serious I haven’t seen a copy on the shelf since it’s release. A few people I know have tried to find copies locally and couldn’t, maybe it’s just my area.

My game stop has a few copies of Neowave also.

The PAL version of KOF XI is suppose to be out this week but the torrent has all ready been leaked…:rock:

europe have to suffer


SNK Playmore’s Localization team strikes again in 2007.
Wow, and to think KOF 2006 had such a good localization, but everything since then has been handled like shit.

I am going to wait for the American version of the game

Wow… that’s pretty bad. Glad I bought a Japanese copy up front (it doesn’t have any of those bugs). Seriously though, I’m a programmer, and I don’t see how it’s possible to screw up translating the text of a game in such a way that it creates bugs like those. Let alone let them get past QA. It’s like they didn’t even bother to test it… what? did they just run a translator program across the code and call it a day!!!