Looks like KOFXI and NGBC are coming to the U.S.! (Look inside!)

Dark Geese, tell them to bring them to Xbox 360 :frowning:

Iā€™ll pass the word and lets see if they listen this time!!! :lovin:

I though that NGBC was to come to 360 at one point and the canned itā€¦Maybe MS will reconsider though based on hyper fighting on live, the new ST and PF coming to live, and the fact that SF:AC was added to the backwards compatibility listā€¦I wish I could just blackmail people to get my way instead of hoping fot shit.

I want Fatal Fury Special to finally come out :frowning:

It looks like Sony doesnā€™t care anymoreā€¦

Itā€™s a bit late, but still good news.

well snk playmore wanted to sell these games in the america for full price of a standard ps2 game, but sony doesnā€™t want that unless it was part of collection or anthology. snk doesnā€™t think its games are worth budget prices but now that ngbc, kof xi, and etc are best collections in japan anyway, snk will be able bring them over under reduced prices which is cool with sony. sony is not really anti 2d. iā€™ll probably buy them again so i donā€™t have to disc swap which is annoying and just for support or collection. i also think its great news for peeps who havenā€™t played these games yet and yes kof xi and ngbc can get more exposure. just hope snk playmore usa can port them over to u.s. systems with out any glitches, bugs and etc.

Iā€™m getting all 3 games without hesitationā€¦

Well tell em to fix, the looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggg

loading times in NGBC and were in business.:wgrin:

This is great news. I was just about to import these games but now they will be cheap as hell now. Iā€™m so glad that I was too lazy to get this the first time around!!

Iā€™m glad everyone else will finally have the chance to play these games if it all goes down. Iā€™m not super-pumped about buying these games again, thoughā€¦Which I know I will. Especially if I get a PS3.

Iā€™m just surprised that we are actually finally getting the games. The best part is that they are going to be really inexpensive too.


theres no way i can possibly be awake
i still must be asleep.
seriously and XI

just gimme samurai showdown II and Iā€™ll be happy. Seriously I miss the competition

any online play in KOFXI or NGBC?

Import versions nopeā€¦unless you live in Japan that is.

that makes two of us! am even buying a 360 so i could playing them on! :looney: mind u thats the only reason im going to get an xbox for kof xi !:wink:

Ermā€¦I dunno if you were being sarcastic, but theyā€™re on PS2.

Youā€™re an idiot.

wow!i was not at all ! stupid me! I really tought ttheyā€™d be backwards comp to the 360 with ONLINE PLAY but i guess ill buy them just cus i cant speak fluent japanese heck I cant speak any jap so I ll just buy em just to spend money!:lovin: