Looks like KOFXI and NGBC are coming to the U.S.! (Look inside!)

Changed the thread title.


Good shit works…now even more will take a peek!

damn, been waiting for these in the states so i dont have to do the filthy swap shit anymore. thanks for the heads up.

i guess this means ill be playing some SNK games now

KOF 2006 & AOF Anthology didn’t get pushed back, which is a good sign. Also, AOFA’s release date wasn’t announced until about month before and in the end we ended up getting the game two weeks before we expected.

Great stuff! Now can we get a SS collection?

awesome news.

SNK rocks :tup:


I wonder if that means it’s XI and NGBC in a pack… :o

Well depending on how soon SNK gets KOF XI and NGBC out here in the states the better. It’ll strike two games off my import list (came late to the scene). If it takes longer than I like, well, I’ll import 'em. Shit, I’d still by the US version too, I remember having a lot of fun with the few KOF games I played and the more that get over here the better.

For what it’s worth, the SNKP boards show KoF XI as slated for release in September and NGBC slated for release in October. If anything, this pretty much proves that these two games will be separate releases and will not be part of a compilation.

If you’ve even been remotely following the SNK PS2 situation over the years, you will realize what a great thing this is.

SWEET~!!! They are probably going to cost $20 - $30 bucks also I really can’t wait now…hopefully KOF Orochi, Nest, Rebout, 98 also come to our shores.

Well that’s soon enough for me :wgrin:. I take the “Only compilations” rule has been lifted then? Either way looks like good times are ahead.

KOF 2006 did get pushed back maybe 3 times before it was finally released, they promised to release that anime(KOF Another Day) along with the game if one preordered at Eb/gamestop but they never did. Metal Slug anthology was delayed for a long ass time before it dropped, so I wouldn’t be that surprised if that happened to at least one of these games. I’ll wait for them nonetheless.

SNKP is just pumpin’ those games out !! :wow: :clap:
I haven’t played SNK fighting games for a long time, but they’re doing a great job reeling me in.

I’ll be buying them all when they’re released.


I would love to play Neo-Geo Battlecollesium.



Grow, scene, grow!

X-Box Live?

thats excellent news.

Regrettably not. But of course, KOF2k2/3 and Maximum Impact came to the Xbox afterwards.