Looks like KOFXI and NGBC are coming to the U.S.! (Look inside!)

hey guess what

AoF Anthology has been out for over a week now. Better call ahead though, copies seem to be scarce just about everywhere.

we all gotta get together and let SNK know we want a 360 release too :sad:

So I am guessing that the same thing will happen to the fatal fury compilation too.

This is great news as I just found an arcade with XI and its way more fun than I figured (but then again it isnt just kula gato all day all the time)

great! can’t wait!

Hopefully it’s dirt cheap. Otherwise I always have the PS2 version that I never play. My bro dont even play the game and he got 4th at Evo woot. :lol:

yes we do! this would be one of the greatest things that snk could do not only for the fans, but for themselves!

if ur playing scrubs!

If you have the Japanese PS2 version, how about selling it to me the next time you come down to our NC tournaments?

I’d rather buy it from somebody in person than wait 4 weeks for goddamn Play Asia to ship it to me.

NGBC just got added to the list. http://www.snkplaymoreusa.com/in-development.php

Holy crap it did. This is amazing news! :wow:

Holy Shit…MotW not far behind?

That’s awesome!

Again, just as with KOF XI, I already imported NGBC but I’ll still be getting it when it comes out in US as a way to show my support to SNK.
With these games being released in USA and therefore being more exposed to the general USA audience, having SNK games at Evo2k8 may be more likely to happen, who knows?

Somebody pinch me. HARD.

Hahaha They listen to me don’t they!!!

NGBC in the US? Thank you jehova

Well said!

So how many times do you all think this is gonna get pushed back?

i’m guessing 5 times and then it’ll be so hard and rare to find, it’ll almost be like they never released it at all.

It’s possible…very possible given the track record in general and the one in Europe…but its still the best hope we’ve got!!!

Person who made the thread needs to change thread to:

“Looks like KOFXI/NGBC/FF Bat Archives 1 is coming to the U.S.! (Look inside!)”