Beamwise Ironman is the best assist for Joe. You just have to actually like the character =/
Thought I’d post some notes on the team I’ve been using.
At first I ran Hawkeye 2nd with his poison tip and Doc last with bolts of balthakk, but I pulled a switcheroo and things are workin out much better. Bolts with Joe is decent, but I was gettin too blown up by small characters who would just dash under and happy bday me. Also, the poison tip was ok for an ender after OTG six machine, but it didn’t prove useful for Joe in any other way.
Now Doc is 2nd with Eye of a Tomato, and Hawk is anchor with triple arrow. First of all, Eye of Agamotto is godlike for Joe, take it from Dieminion. You can hide behind it while charging a voomerang, and it can help you absorb projectiles in firefights you wouldn’t normally win. On top of that, it’s a nasty ender for Joe’s corner BnB. They’ll get hit by the OTG six machine and land in EoA, but pop out and still be forced to block it. Or, you can do Joe’s corner BnB, call Doc before they get up, and keep the pressure on without spending a meter.
But prolly the best part about EoA is helping with a mixup after Godhand. Combo into Godhand > Mash cr.jab and Doc assist > free crossup and/or overhead. It can eat up a lot of hitstun, but at the very least you can confirm [Launch > H > L RHK > delay > M RHK > delay > H RHK > land] x2 > Godhand for another mixup.
Hawkeye arrows do stupid chip and also have decent hitstun, so you can confirm into a combo if you’re dashing in with voomerangs. Having that projectile helps my Doc game a ton as well.
Also, shoutouts so PKSkyler who I ran into in ranked earlier tonight. Joe mirror is no bueno. Close match 'til I got obliterated by his Morrigan anchor X_X
I find dooms beam assist to help joe out the most. It literally clears the screen for joe on the ground if your opponent is assist happy> plasma to across the screen and it gives joe some time to get over to the other side seeing how slow he is. The only problem I have with it is that it’s not great for combo’s it pushes them to far back :shake:
Iron Man…
Pick him then. His DHCs are way better for Joe then doom.
Plus its easy to mind fuck people with IM thanks to his new BnB.
To play iron for me would be suicide I hate how he moves in this game>:(.AND I PLAYED DOOM SINCE VINALLIAi like using missles though great in combo’s seeing how during your ground combo if you call him and launch your opponent and go for a triple jump it will all stack in one combo.
Hey V. Joe players
i’m not a V. Joe player myself, but a friend of mine who is starting to play this game competitively is. currently he is playing…
i just want to hear your opinions on which assists would work best for this current team and why.
thanks in advance
What about Arthur? His daggers are like a mini sentinel drones and are a great assist. Arthur is also a great anchor character with xf3 and golden armor. But the real reason for VJoe/RR/Arthur is obvious, they’re all midget characters, and even though that is a great team theme they seem to work well together. On paper that is, I have yet to try it out.
Joe/Frank/Dormamu or RR
Joe is so damn good with Frank holy shit.
I had never used Joe, or honestly even considered using him, until about 9pm last night, when I read his section in the Brady Bible and had an idea for a strategy. And I can say, after playing online random lords and friends who are strong players till about 2am, I was RAPING with this Joe strategy virtually from the start. I don’t even know a combo for him better than ABCS yet so my hits were doing, like, 100k instead of the 500+ I’d expect once I, you know, learn a combo. AND I wasn’t even using meter, was basically just experimenting with moving around, zoning, and getting assist calls out safely… and was still CRUSHING. I’d lose games, but would hit the person 9 times with a clean ABC before they were able to kill a character. Win/loss wasn’t important, but getting the hit before they could get the hit was the goal for the first session. And it was quite gratifying to see the idea come to fruition so quickly and soundly.
Here’s what I was doing:
The strategy actually involves 4 characters, sadly, so I’m trying to decide to either get rid of someone, or just shuffle around. But basically Joe and Morrigan are working as points, Wesker and Doom (MISSILES!) as assists. I was having such a blast with Joe and Morri, that I played the Wesker-less version all night. But when he IS around, the idea is just to call gun shot assist when the coast is clear for a jS (For Joe or Morrigan). But good zoners make this hard to do often, hence figuring the Joe Morrigan Doom variation is likely best.
This way Morri can build easy meter, but the main idea is that with Joe’s excellent mobility and ability to call assists while doing whatever high in the air, getting Doom missiles out safely is a piece of cake, as is timing more Voomerang pressure so as to transition from missile call to missile call. I just try to be as annoying as possible with Voomerangs, unpredictable movement, and well timed jS’s. And basically Morrigan can do the exact same thing with her air FBs and fly cancels, etc. Shit was too fun, and with no combo damage, no meter use, and only an hour of experience with the character (and less than a week with Morrigan), it was still a rape machine programmed only to rape.
I shudder to think how good this could be if I’m actually doing damage!
Joe, I feel, overall is a very stupid character. Just learn his combos and learn how to incorporate assists into your combos and you’ll receive so much salt from your opponents.
Joe is Viewtifully stupid
Im having trouble with an anchor for my team of Joe/Dante. Any suggestions?
Sort of new to the VJoe forums, hello fellow Joe players!
Joe player here, my current team is Joe/Deadpool/Dante (used to have Deadpool as anchor in vanilla, but I’m liking Dante as anchor this game, might switch back n’ forth though)
I feel Joe is really good in this game, and draws alot of salt when ppl lose to you. LoL
I’m just having a problem with his BnB (the one that uses M groovy upper). I have the H groovy upper BnBs down, but the timing for the one using M groovy is kinda tricky. Also, I stopped using Deadpool OTG assist and using Quickworks instead, it helps Joe with mix-ups awhole lot.
Dante I use weasel shot and that gives Joe a great zoning and mix-up set up as well.
Im having a tough time figuring out Joe’s good slow combos though, and what seems to be frustrating is using a consistent combo WHEN my opponent is slowed.
Any suggestions?
With M Upper, you should pay attention to when Joe’s purple aura disappears. That and when Joe falls afterwards are good visual indicators to continue the combo. Sure it has a tight window, but if you can do H upper, it won’t take long to transition to M.
Thanks, I’m definitely going to pay attention to those visual cues. I seem to get a better hang of it, but it’s not 100% consistent, more like 70%. Guess just more practice and all that.
How are you liking She-hulk as your #2 post-vanilla?
Oh crap I forgot to change my sig! <_> I had switched She-hulk out for Iron Fist you see. Though to be honest, I think they’re gameplan is pretty similar on point. Ghost’s chain helps them get away with a risky offense. I also use Joe as anchor now instead of first. It has pretty interesting results. Dieminion’s Joe showed us how good his hybrid zoning/rushdown could be.
Another suggestion for your Joe would be to practice his IAD Voomerangs and TK sj. charged Voomerangs. Your opponents will sometimes get impatient towards the latter (won’t respect the blockstun), leaving you with an opening.
Hmm never thought of V.Joe as anchor, I played him often where I had done a TAC and he ended up as Anchor and he’s seriously very good as anchor, but I think him as point is best because of the assists that give him extra dmg/mix-up setups. I honestly don’t like Dieminion’s Joe, he spams too much and although he has a good zoning, his rushdown is pretty inconsistent. For a pro level player, he should have certain BnB combos down, and he drops them all the time. Same with his Morrigan, i feel he just enjoys frustrating his players with the keep away game, and is enough to chip them with his “rushdown”.
Yeah i already do IAD Vooms and the TK sj charged ones are great, but i feel like i get in the bad habit of doing them with an assist out, and sometimes ppl catch on and do their Hyper to hurt my assist
Also tried IF as 2 for a Hsien-ko/Fist/Spencer “fun” team that I’m trying to get more serious, but as much as I love to play that team, it’s pretty frustrating how Hsien-ko’s normals get beat by so many things, and how IF can be zoned out very easily. Also his dash is annoying, reminds me of Fei longs, where there’s a slight stutter step that leaves him vulnerable to alot of punishes, not sure if that’s just online but i feel it happens all the time. So i’m stickin’ to my more serious V.Joe team and F.West team atm.
Greetings Joe players! Outside of my two main teams I’ve been experimenting with team combinations for Joe for long, long time now. I definitely like using Morrigan both as a character and for Dark Harmonizer to bolster Joe’s meter building. Now my other teams are Cap/Nemesis/Doom and Chris/Trish/Doom so I was considering just using Doom as he’s who I’m most familiar with.
So I guess what I’m asking is what assist type do you think benefits Joe the most? Is Dark Harmonizer a good idea since I’m using Morrigan? Aside from Doom, I was considering Ammy (cold star), Akuma (tatsu), and Nova. I like the idea of RR as mentioned above but his very low health kinda worries me.
Do you guys think that Nova/V.Joe/Magneto is a good team?