Let's rock, baby! - The Viewtiful Joe Team/Assist Thread

So uh, I decided to start using Joe again in Ultimate after dropping him from my Hulk team in Vanilla, and I was wondering if Spencer and IM would be good characters for Joe, and if IM makes a good anchor

IMO Ironman’s Unibeam assist is Joe’s best assist. The durability of it and active frames along with Joe’s voomerang spam gives Joe the edge in projectile wars. Plus due to Joe’s ridiculous overhead and the fact that Ironman’s unibeam doesn’t knockdown on hit allows Joe to go for nasty resets and mixups. As far as IM being a good anchor, there is much debate over that. He does A LOT of damage in X-factor level 3. But his movement to some people really hinders him. People feel he gets zoned and rushdown too easily. I play Ironman as anchor but there is so much to learn with him that I can’t give a definite answer on that. But regardless his assist helps Joe so much.

I can’t say anything about Spencer, Nova, and Magneto.

I’d like to know more about Spencer if anyone has advice…

i’ll vouch for Iron Man as anchor. I’ve seen Flash Metroid’s iron man first hand, and although he Joe was good, His Iron man was phenomenal. Full screen tri-jumps/overheads. I’m sure he got tweaked in umvc3 which may make my opinion irrelevant, but even so.

Does the shocking pink assist damage the point character during all situations?

Except during throws or invincible frames.

that’s a shame :confused: thanks though

Im currently using Magneto/V.Joe/Zero Magneto with Joe shocking pink assist in the corner allows for some sick resets!

that’s pretty great to hear, I’ve been thinking of something similar with Joe/Magneto/Ammy, does that sound viable to anyone?

So I’ve been running Joe/Nova/Doom a lot lately and have been doing pretty well with it. We have a weekly gathering for games at a place in my city where I’ll be recording some sets. I’ll post up some videos here of my team next time I record just in case anyone is curious!

I’m trying out a new team: Joe / Doom / Strider. Joe obviously works well with Doom, and Strider’s Vajra is nice for combo extensions, letting me get an easy 800k BnB, and 600k off throws. I’ll have to experiment a bit more to find out if this is a viable team.

So in the end my team is Joe/Dante/Strider. If you guys haven’t already I would suggest watching this video here. It shows some of the good synergy joe and dante has together. Dante is a great dhc partner for joe. A little trick I like to do when I need to get joe out of there is to random six machine, dhc into devil trigger and teleport behind them. Joe and dante build a lot of meter together so strider can come in and use it all if it comes down to it.

When I was messing around with frank/joe/strange I found a way to level him up to four with no meter.

cr.M, cr.H, S, J.MMH Tools of Survival H, cr.H call joe bomb, S, J,LM, snapshot, (bomb hits) land, S, J.MH, Knee Drop, call strange, Snapshot, Snapshot

Ill have a vid up in a little bit.


Bad quality I recorded from my 3ds lol


Best team you could possibly have for Joe.

I’ve been using Joe/x23/Doom with voomerang/ankle slice/plasma beam for awhile now. this team has ridiculously cheap shit, and pretty much an answer to everything. the only problem is if I pull doom in, its hard to get dhc’s to connect from either joe or x23 so I typically leave joe in till he’s gone.

I’m also thinking of rolling with a Joe/RR/Doom team with spitfire and missiles as the assists but I’m not too familiar with the coon yet. any other suggestions to fill a slot? I’d rather not have a character where I’d be using a otg assist also and was maybe thinking joe/doom/trish or doom as anchor again.

Zero/Joe/ Doom
Ryujin/Grovy Upper/Plasma Beam
this team has some pretty legit chemistry

Do you guys think Joe needs an otg assist?

Also, any suggestions on a Captain America assist that works well with Joe?

You’re welcome, Kusoru :wink:

I don’t know much about the good captain but his shied slash assist will allow joe to pull out a bomb and continue combo. I think there is a video somewhere.

Oh, really? Please do find! I’d love to see that in action!

I"ve been meaning to make a video of that. I’ve made a bunch of bomb combo vids in the video thread. Characters I’ve been meaning to add are Captain America with Shield Slash assist and Dr. Strange with the Eye of Amagatto assist.