Joe’s slow allows cap to do Charging star loop in the corner. I need to explore more with this team. I never tried pulling out a bomb and calling assist at the same time.
Exploiting Joes Assist
How do you guys think Joe anchor feels? I haven’t tried it yet, and I won’t have time to really try it out on people. I usually play him on point because I feel he’s better off with assists like beam assists or log trap. But I’m missing a good anchor. I’m thinking Joe / RR / Jill or Jill / RR / Joe. If Joe’s viable as anchor, then I’ll consider him into my other teams as well, since I’m always missing a good anchor, since I can’t play top tier very well :.
Joe can be played on anchor but there are better options. You also have to take into consideration if your characters can depend on his assist. Not every character can use his assist greatly. His slow combos are basically the same as his x-factor level 3 combos.
I use Viewtiful Joe/Frank West/Coon
I use triple jump then use log trap assist. Some times I use shocking pink to cross up while calling the assist. I TAC to Frank West to use plungers and level up and I have anti-phoenix tech with a level 3 Frank West. And I troll with the coon.
There’s two people I can think of at WNF that use Joe anchor, so that made me consider it. If that’s the case, I have some XF3 combos. Voomerang is somewhat useful for my team because it has high enough durability and lasts long enough for left right mixups with Cap, however, it’s not the safest thing. I’d rather Joe be before Cap on this team. On another team though, I still like him on point. I’m just having trouble deciding who should be with him.
Hey dudes, haven’t been around these parts in a while, but I need some help. I like my team, but after finding some really good local competition, I think I need to drop Strange. His Eye assist is amazing for Joe, but the good Doctor was just getting obliterated the moment Joe died.
Anyway, I’m thinking of replacing him with Ammy ice assist. It seems like I can get similar setups with ice (i.e. after Slowing the opponent), she looks like she has good synergy with Joe, and putting Hawkeye arrows behind seems like a good idea.
I haven’t dug in the video thread yet, but I know I’ve seen some Joe/Ammy tech floating around here. Can you guys direct me to any vids or have any quick synergy tips?
Hey guys, I’m a very new Joe player, so I need some advice on a team. I want to use Joe/Taskmaster with vertical arrows/ Wesker or X-23 with their respective otgs. The plan is to use taskmaster to keep my approach effectively safe, and occasionally throw a low assist early on in the combo to set-up an unblockable situation with Joe’s jumping S. Problem is, I have no lockdown assist to speak of. Does this team setup need it, though? I could change it up to Joe/Deadpool (Katana)/Ammy (Star, obviously), as I am a bit more familiar with Ammy and Pool. Or a halfway between the two team ideas.
My question is what Joe assist technology exists out there. I saw from the video tasky can abuse the bomb assist a certain amount of times, but what use is there for the other two assists?
And Warioman, I don’t know too much about Joe/Ammy, but I can assume it keeps them still on approach for low attacks and Joe’s standing overhead. That’ll be a pain to predict. Also, I’m assuming from other cold star combos I’ve seen, you could launch them, they get hit by the ice, and you do a very low air combo. I’m thinking this could work somehow with one of the longer-delayed bombs set-up before the launcher to relaunch, but I haven’t really been in the lab with those two.
Anyone noticing more Joe’s online?
I got a message from some guy (Playing Wesker, Dormammu, and Chris no less) That Joe was “Cheap”
Dude I’ve been playing Joe since day one Vanilla… Cheap is the last thing I decided to hear about him.
So someone found out an infinite with joe and dante. Well im happy now lol
Just yesterday I got this message against someone:
I sent him back a message saying that Joe’s options are not on par with other hybrid zoners (Zero, Morrigan, etc.) but he hasn’t responded back.
These accusations may have resulted from streamed play of Dieminion and especially Kusoru
I’m pretty much set on making a Joe/Dante team and from reading this thread, it seems like I need a beam assist. Would Magneto be OK or should I just use Doom? Any other suggestions besides beams?
I can’t really comment on magneto since I don’t play him but I hear he is a great anchor. I use strider as an anchor because I don’t use a lot of meter with joe or dante and they build a good amount with their combos. Also Joe and Dante can get some sneaky mixups with the vajira assist. To answer your quesiton Doom is a good fit for the team because he can help with the voomerang spam and help Dante with some blockstrings.
A little trick I like to do when joe is low on health and I have two bars to burn, use a random six cannon dhc to Dante’s devil trigger and teleport. If it hits then you can combo after it, if they block then you can start your offense with Dante since they will be in block stun.
Strider could be a cool anchor too, might test him out. Can Joe combo off of the hard knockdown from Vajra? (I’m assuming you use vajra because… Why wouldn’t you?)
Six Cannon DHC to Devil Trigger was the first thing I tested with this duo because I remember being hit with that particular setup once online
Well I didn’t come up with much. You can end any combo that ends in otg despardo with another if you call his assist right before you jump.
[media=youtube]9yk6VxunXu4[/media] That has a lot of dante/joe stuff.
Thanks man! I guess I’ll try Strider. If he doesn’t work, I’ll try Magneto or Doom.
Hey what do you guys think are the best assists for Joe? It seems like everyone always gravitates towards the log assist from Rocket Raccoon, but I’m sure there are others. Dr. Strange’s EoA is good too, but it doesn’t help rush down for Joe and I like to play rush down Joe
So far I’ve tried experimenting with Sentinel Drones and it seems to work really really well since cross up RHK will make the assist super safe. I’m sure Dr. Doom missiles will work to a similar capacity, but not as well as Sentinel’s. Any other ideas for assists that help Joe rush down or get in?
There’s no “best” assist for Joe; he’s pretty versatile, so choosing assists depends on your playstyle/team composition. A good vertical control assist like Jam Session or Hidden Missiles supplements his keepaway. Lockdown assists like Cold Star and Drones make his mixups even sillier. Beams can be used with IAD voomerang spam to easily and safely approach your opponent . Although I can’t comment on OTGs, Joe benefits from almost any good assist. Experiment and see what you like.
Is joes dp assist invulnerable at all ?
No, but I think I’ve seen it with invulnerability when used as an alpha counter. Can anyone confirm this?