Let's rock, baby! - The Viewtiful Joe Team/Assist Thread

just gonna go ahead and assume joe is best suited to the Point position…yes / no ?

Yes he best suited for point.

Unless you plan on doing infinites with Joe’s bomb assist then he’s definitely a point character.

AC upper does indeed have inv-frames, I’ve used it to counter spammed Pheonix feathers plenty.

Okay, so I wanna build a team based around Joe. I’ll have him on point - what are the two assists types Joe needs the most? I’m assuming a beam assist would do him well (it does practically everyone else). Is there any reason he’d need a GTFO assist? Anti-Air? Pinning?

Any help is appreciated.

Nope, Log is best assist, past what Kusoru showed you

And yes, Joe is on point usually. Which is RoyalFlush’s downfall, STOP USING ANCHOR JOE DAMMIT RF, THIS ISN’T TvC

Personally I feel Joe needs a good lockdown assist for high/low mixups like Ammy’s Cold Star or Strange’s eye of amagatto.

I’ve been using Joe with Ammy ice for a couple months now (partly in thanks to you, Zoog) and I couldn’t imagine life without it. Its applications are pretty obvious, but you can also use it like Log Trap; triple jump up, call Ammy, flame kick to the other side. If they get hit by ice, it’s easy to Voomerang in for a confirm, if they block it, hit em with a trusty high/low.

In a quest to cheapify my team while still keeping it fun, I’m thinking about trying Hawkeye/Joe/Missiles.

Despite my above post about how great Cold Star is for Joe, I’m wondering if Missiles are just as effective. It seems like the assist would complement Joe’s rush and zoning game well, and being able to TAC into Doom would help Joe’s low damage output.

Hawkeye + Missiles is pretty self explanatory, but does anybody use Joe/Doom?

That combination is gay. Although in theory Sphere Flame might be able to knock the bomb upwards and hit them after the explosion for a soft knockdown.


But I might pick up Doom for Joe/RR/Doom. I’m still looking for a good anchor, so…

Hello everybody!

I started playing with Joe this week

My team is Jill (somersault), joe (shocking pink) Dante (Jam Session)

from what I read here, Joe Dante has good synergy

I’m trying to adapt the style of play because Joe is very different from all I’ve ever played

you have any tips for me?

The first thing you should learn is his voomerang spam.


IF anyone plays with Joe/Ammy could they give me a quick summary on their synergy (if any)?

Joe/Ammy have good synergy because how well Joe’s various tactics work with her. Cold Star assist (which is the only assist you should be using) works well with voomerang spam, though not as well as horizontal projectile assists. Often I use a horizontal assist to push the opponent to the corner while doing voomerang spam and then I call ammy assist to lock them opponent down and go for high/low mixups. But if you only have ammy as a projectile assist she will do fine.

Cold Star is also a great assist for Joe’s RHK mixups. Just triple jump in the air, call ammy assist, and then do either an M or H RHK. You’ll either hit the opponent and cold start will put the opponent in long enough hitstun to do a followup combo, they’ll block the RHK and assist and you can go in for a high/low or crossup mixups (IAD j.S), or you’ll crossup the opponent and the assist will hit them while they are blocking the wrong way. It is an amazing tactic made famous by Kusoru.

And of course there are the bomb combos that I’ve mentioned plenty of times. Ammy has one of the best assists for this combo because she can be used both mid-screen and in the corner which only a couple of assists can actually do for Joe. Doing these combos will increase Joe’s damage potential by a siginificant amount if you can throw in a second assist. with just ammy you can get over 750K with one meter. With an extra assist you can get over 820K for just 1 bar. You will get 950-1000k if you use 2 bars. Note if you use ammy to lock down your opponent and you want to go for a high/low mixup wait till ammy is done attacking before attacking. If done right, you can call her out again to do the bomb combo.

DHCing is good too. Doing Okami Shuffle into Desperado is kind of tricky but with a little practice you can do it consistently. Six Machines bullet is huge. Plus ammy has good supers to help get Joe out of danger if you want to DHC joe out of battle.

The bad news. I’ve tried so hard but I don’t think there is anyway to do a double slow combo. It might be possible if Joe was +3 after his Slow super but they took that out of the game so I have no way of making it work.

Thanks, that was really helpful. I think ammy will suit my team better than frank (was joe frank doom, will be joe doom ammy). As far as the double slow you can go from ammy to joe with the double slow, just not joe to ammy right? A while back I had an idea about using slow during x-factor since it’s still listed as being +3 on hit within the book and that it should increase a significant amount but it seems that they removed all combo-ability after hitting slow.

Yeah I think the frame data is wrong on Joe’s Slow Super. And yes you can go from Ammy to Joe. Its not worth it though because Ammy’s super is still running during while Joe is slowing the opponent. Once he’s done, ammy’s super won’t last much longer. The key is going from Joe to Ammy which I still don’t know how to do all in one combo.

yeh, i remember trying to figure out how to do it a while back. I think you’d have to slow, then combo into vale of mist with another combo. You can do an instant OH with raw tag after a slow, or something like low.a xx bomb, raw tag. It’s an idea, but i know as Doom, I could raw tag, then get about six reps with foot dive before slow ran out.

I recall that everything was slowed when under Joe’s Slow, even blocking, so this may be a viable tactic if you can force the opponent to block.

After reading all of this Joe Ammy stuff I’ve been thinking about making a Joe (shocking pink)/Dante (jam session)/Ammy (cold star) team. The only thing I’m worried about is the lack of a long range horizontal assist because I used to use sentinel instead of Ammy but i found him to be way too bad of an anchor to be worth keeping. What does everyone else think about this team?

Because of your assists it looks like you’ll have to take a more defensive route when playing Joe on point. Of course if you can get your opponent in the corner then Joe can become a real monster if you can get you opponent blocking one of your assists.

Yea I’m definitely going for a more zoning heavy Joe team here. Corner resets are pretty much guaranteed if I have the opponent in the corner with Joe since that overhead is so good.

After trying it out for a little bit, the only thing that annoys me about this team is the low damage output. Joe doesn’t do a lot of damage, Dante doesn’t do a lot of damage, and Ammy doesn’t do a lot of damage. But hopefully Joe’s Voomerang spam can chip out enough health to make the damage difference negligible.