Let's rock, baby! - The Viewtiful Joe Team/Assist Thread

Basically a thread to discuss the best assists and teams to complement Joe’s aresenal. Also teams that will benefit from Joe’s assists.

Right off the bat, Joe’s problem is he lacks decent projectiles to dominate the screen and horrible range on Normals.

I’d like to think his best qualities are bring annoying and constantly using his dive kicks to pressure. Aerial combat with Joe is fun because of his triple jump and air Joe, both of which can lead to desperado for nice damage.


Joe needs assists that aid him getting in. His slow walkspeed and awkwardly floaty jump tell this.

His assists also need to be able to decently OTG. Comboing into his Viewtiful God Hand hyper means cutting combos short and sacrificing damage.


Voomerang goes fullscreen

random reserve post just in case

I like chun-li’s lightning leg assist with joe.

the active frames are so long that you can do crossover j.S, c.L/f.M mixup. if it hits you can do a triple jump combo into j.S, which makes him free fall, setting up another chun assist. if you have them in slow, chun’s assist is even better because they can’t react to you mixing up f.M and c.L .

I like the way you think. I’ve been using this assist on my Joe team.

I think he might need something that helps him get in though, his mobility seems a bit sub par, couple that with the loss of his horizontal dive kick and i can see a good keepaway giving him nightmares. Maybe pair him up with the hulks gamma wave assist, and on the flip side, im sure his slow super will help the hulk a lot if you can figure out efficient ways of getting the hulk in after hitting it.

Well when I get the game tomorrow I want to test how joe works with doom. I hear good things about his hidden missile assist so I wonder if that can help him get in. But I do like the idea about hulk because joe can help him with slow.

From what i have heard is that doom shield is still really good! Though i think that he can work well with ammy on cold star,but i dont like her low health. As time advances i think that will change.

Hey guys, fresh face on this board, but I’ve been playin the game for a couple days now. I’m definitely gonna keep Joe on point, and I seem to have the biggest issue getting in right now. I got Spencer in slot 2 and just put Doom as my anchor. I’ll hafta play online a bit to see if Doom’s rocks or missiles cover Joe’s ass best.

Amaterasu is a solid partner for Joe with Cold Star assist. It helps lockdown the opponent and lets Joe get in easier.

Ammy’s unbelievably versatile and Cold Star is one of the better assists in the game so she’s good with basically anyone. She’s in my #2 spot at the moment.

Really might have to use her. Do you think that joe needs otgs or no cuz i might put ammy in my 23 spot.

Yet again joe can otg by him self and so can ammy so i think that might work much better, but if ammy gets killed.

I don’t necessarily think he needs OTG assists per say, but they’d help his sub-par damage output.

In my experience, I’ve found that when you have the meter it’s best to go ahead and hit the Viewtiful God Hand hyper combo and immediately throw out a lockdown assist for cross ups and such so you can maybe reset for more damage. It’s a little hard for Joe to get in on certain characters, so when you actually do you want to make it count.

Thats what i was planning to do and both joe and ammy can otg by themselves so i think im ok with joe/ammy/doom only one low health character on that team! Thanks

What’s the trick with Joe’s OTG? I can’t seem to be able to do it with M red hot kick like in his trailer…

It must be a hard knockdown (with S). Also try L and M red hot kicks.

If someone can try Joe with She Hulk’s OTG Torpedo assist that would be godlike.

I’m trying it now, I’m gotten torpado assist to hit one time, but the timing seems to be hard…I’m having an easier time with weskers low shot, or deadpool’s katanarama

Also, how does RHK L/M OTG? I’m not getting ig

I can confirm that Red Hot Kick M doesn’t OTG, they changed it since the trailer :confused:

Regardless, I’ve been getting good results from Hulk’s Gamma Wave to extend corner combos into Slow, and Doom rocks to help get in.

So, my main team is Deadpool/Doom/Joe. I’ve been using Quick Work for Deadpool, but I’ve been thinking of using Katana-Rama just for the OTG and combo-ability of it so I can combo into God Hand.