Let's rock, baby! - The Viewtiful Joe Team/Assist Thread

My team has been Joe/Deadpool/Hsien-Ko

Deadpool’s katana-rama! assist is great, lets you do a launcher air combo otg into slow, or relaunch into air joe into desperado, with the option to DHC into Deadpool’s Gun Hyper.

Im not that good with Hsien-Ko yet, but the way Ive been using her is Launch with joe, team aerial combo to hsien ko, dark force then sawp out asap and abuse her dark force pendulum assist (So good!)
Im thinking of swapping hsien ko for chun eventually tho, or a good assist only type character.

Joe on assist has been pretty crappy. Idk what to put his assist as. I thought that groovy upper had invincibility but it doesnt so idk…I was thinking of switching to voomerang to help hsien ko get in and deadpool keep um out.

Btw, the team looks sick! Haha, joe color 1 deadpool color 1 and hsien ko color 2! Red n black baby :smiley:

I use Voomerang assist for Joe, since it goes full screen.

So far I’ve been using Joe/Chris/Ryu and it’s going pretty well. The idea was to have a simple, basic, solid team and it’s feeling that way. The only big problem is that Ryu’s shoruken was meant to get charactera who are more aggressive than Joe and Chris out of my face and it us a TERRIBLE reversal. Are any assists good reversals that you know of?

I’ve been using Chris’ gunfire assist to help Joe get in or add a little leniency to his combos. It’s simple and effective. I’m considering switching to the land mine assist to exploit Joe’s supposed synergy with OTG attacks.

As for Joe, I put him on groovy uppercut for the same reasons Ryu is on SRK. Honestly, it stops some air dashes on the approach but is probably better off extending combos.

Using Joe/Dante/Doom. Doom’s hidden missile actually does a good job of adding pressure with Joe, but i’m still testing to see if i want to use that or the AA assist.

Any one with a low assist that OTGs is highly recommended. I also like using Doom rocks.

Im going to try chun but and wesker maybe.

Just writing, haven’t forgot about the thread. Just testing a lot of crap.

Also I’ve been trying out Joe/Chris/Sent and Joe/Akuma/Sent

I really wish we had more info on Shuma Gorath. From looking at the Brady guide, he has an OTG assist and seems to be quite beast on his own. I’ll most likely be replacing Hulk for Shuma when he finally drops.

Shuma does seem to be really be really good especially with the new laser sweep move. OTG assist on Shuma seems to have good range.

Right now, I using Joe/Super Skrull/ and i’m bouncing everywhere for my 3rd char. possible Sent.

I think I’ve finally come up with a team that I’m pretty happy with. Joe/Hulk/Iron Man. So far, I’m happy with it, but I guess we’ll see how that goes.

dormamu works well with joe to im using him now but i really do like him as a character.

You guys can explain your team choices a bit, yknow.

Currently running with Arthur/Joe/Wesker in that order. 25 game win streak with this team, lol

Currently using Arthur/Joe/Wesker

All using the beta Assists (Samurai Edge for Wesker, Groovy Upper for Joe, Dagger Toss for Arthur)

As soon as game starts I go gold with Arthur and switch to Joe. I use Arthur’s assist to aid Joe’s slow walk speed so I can get in and use the God Hand slow hyper. If I’m facing a, say, Sentinel I normally save meter so I can loop the Bracelet for an easy kill on a giant nuisance.

Wesker is the last hope of the team. Good damage and insane mixups. Normal magic series into OTG Samurai, XFC into Level 3 solves so many problems.

DHC’s are kinds of meh on this team unless I have someone cornered while I bracelet, then I use Joe’s Mach speed for a free Launcher into air combo into Air Desperado.

It should be noted Sentinel’s A Assist (upward drones) compliment every team ever. FACT.

Bad thing tho is that he stays out on the screen for sooo long, but who wont back up there assist.

V Joe / Ammy / Iron Man has been working pretty well for me. Cold Star and Unibeam have been good for both allowing him to get it on an opponent and playing a bit defensively if needed, but I feel like I could replace Iron Man with someone more suited for the other two, thoughts?

Right now im trying Joe(voomerang)/Wesker(samurai edge)/Ironman(Unibeam). I switch my point character between wesker and joe depending on what the other team has. Ironman’s unibeam is really good for helping Joe get in and cross up with his air:s: is really good. Unibeam is also good for some really good mixups with wesker. Wesker’s otg assist is good for joe after a basic air combo ending in:s: I can call wesker and use any of my hypers. I haven’t tried yet but im pretty sure that Ironman with wesker’s low assist you can do some really good unblockables.

So, I did some experimenting with Joe/Chris using the grenade toss assist. As far as I can tell, the land mine is not only considered a mid attack, but also cannot OTG. Either that or I’m just really botching the timing after an air combo. Any confirmations to the contrary?

Otherwise, gunfire is very practical. It gives Joe some additional fire power and can extend combos in simple and practical ways. Another great benefit is that it can be used to compensate for the recovery time on Joe’s :h: Red Hot Kick, making it an even better rush down attack.

Groovy Uppercut also compliments Chris well by setting up some easy juggles.


Chris’ grenade toss assit DOES OTG, it just takes a little long to go off.

I wonder what game is good for joe? A keepaway game or a rushdown game? I try to rush with joe, but I just can’t get in agains sentinels with dooms assist…

He is more of a rushdown. Try and using an assist that can help him get in like Doom’s rocks or missiles, Chris gunfire, Sentinal drones etc.