Let's rock, baby! - The Viewtiful Joe Team/Assist Thread

I’d say Joe is very balanced in general. I’d suggest abusing his capable long distance game in tandem with a long distance assist to put the pressure on. Usually, your opponent will be forced to overwhelm your long range tactics or take to the air. If they start trying to compete from afar, they’re prime for some air dashing or Red Hot Kicks. If they take to the air, you can use Joe’s small size and maneuverability to fight in the air or place yourself favorably beneath them.

Basically, I think Joe requires a slower and more careful approach than rushdown types like say, X-23 or Zero.

it works really well because wesker can use the unibeam for mixups and what not i have been trying this and the arthur thing but some times i replace iron man for doom.

I think its just me but im trying to find a good team for dhc sync with joe. Its kinda hard or it might just be me.

I think its just me but im trying to find a good team for dhc sync with joe. Its kinda hard or it might just be me.

I wonder if modok’s barrier assist is good for joe?

I can see that really helping his far game and maybe even covering him on the approach. Of course, I haven’t played MODOK at all so I’m not even sure what properties that thing has. Does it stop everything or just projectiles? If it nullifies normal attacks and stuff do, that might be amazing for letting Joe do some low air dashing rush down.

Also, some additional info for Joe/Chris users.

Joe’s Groovy Uppercut assist is great for putting Chris in favorable positions against the opponent. I was experiment with some set ups yesterday and found some very handy, simple combos that push the opponent out and some that even force them to eat a great deal of chip damage.

For instance, using a short ground string with Chris and using Joe to extend the combo briefly gives you a few screen controlling options…

c.:l:c.:m::h::f:+:h:+(partner 1 or 2)xx(:h:Grenade Toss,) :b::h:

This will push the opponent away from you and leave them in the air as you safely toss out your grenade. By following it up with the Flamethrower, you push the opponent even further away from you and toward the grenade, which will eventually explode. As you can imagine, this works great when the opponent ends up in the corner toward the end of the combo, because they will most likely have to sit right on top of the resulting fire pit, allowing you to land a barrage of Gun Fire. If they happen to do a forward air recover to get away from the waiting grenade, you can stick a short backdash into the sequence right before the flame thrower, forcing them to land right on top of it. This will push them out again, chip, and let you resume Chris’ amazing keepaway game.

Groovy Uppercut also sets up convenient opportunities to use Chris’ otherwise slow Gun Fire specials or simply extend some standard ground strings to be followed up with air combos.

My team that can do pretty beast is: Joe/Deadpool/Sentinel. Joe and deadpool are for the combo’s and style and sentinel is mainly to either A:assist to help me get in and get some good combo’s in or B:finish off someone by chipping them to death or get a couple of nice little aerial combos to finish off. :slight_smile:

I also like to do a Joe/Ironman/sentinel (either way my team’s gonna have sentinel)

I’ve been messing with Joe/Skrull/Sent for a day or too. Skrulls tenderizer assist, to me, helps joe get in pretty alright. Joe for rushing, skrull for damage dealing BnB’s (tenderizer, into a super always works out nicely), and sent for some good air combos. I’m pretty happy with my team, so far.

Just thought i’d drop these basic She-hulk torpedo assist combos with with Joe on point:

From mid-screen:
ST.:l:, ST.:m:, ST.:h:, CR.:h:, :s:, AIR:m:, AIR:m:, AIR:h:, AIR:s:, LAND, :a1:, :qcf::atk::atk:

In corner:
ST.:l:, ST.:m:, ST.:h:, CR.:h:, :s:, AIR:m:, AIR:m:, AIR:h:, AIR:s:, LAND, :a1:, :dp::atk::atk:, AIR:m:, AIR:m:, AIR:h:(x3), AIR:qcf::atk::atk:

Triple jump chain works with the first one, i’m just too lazy to type it :woot:
Also, try timing the desperado when She-hulk is halfway between you and the opponent.

I’m using Joe/M.O.D.O.K/Doom. Modok’s barrier assist really helps Joe and dooms missles is also good for Joe the only thing is that M.O.D.O.K is really hard to play…

Currently running a Dante/Joe/Doom team - very effective using Dante’s jam session, Joe’s boomerang, and Doom’s hidden missiles. I was using Doom’s instant at first, but noticed that i can play a very good keep away game with Joe from afar and using the hidden missiles to create confusion on the screen, once the missiles hit, i immediately go in for more rushdown. If my opponent is rushing me down, usually Dante’s assist is good to keep them off, but i seem to suck at timing my assists so sometimes, i get suckered into a hyper atk and both my guys eat huge dmg :confused:

Running Joe/Tron/She-Hulk

Tron has invincibility frames on her gusta fire assist which reallu helps joe deal with projectiles while slowly moving in. Also it is very easy to hit confirm combo off of

With she Hulk I use her Torpedo assist because it really does the job with OTG. Also the DHC these three have can be deadly if timed correctly. I also feel she hulk can get in where joe cant and vice versa…

Alright, I just changed my anchor from Doom to Tron. I love using Doom rocks to cover my approach with Joe, but the more comfortable I get with Joe’s mobility, the less I’m having to rely on Doom’s punishable assist. Plus, the inv frames on Tron’s fire are too good to pass up, and successful hit leads to an easy :m: Groovy Upper > BnB.

V.Joe’s Groovy Upper assist also helps out Tron’s corner combos as well. Her BnB corner combo ends in a hard knockdown where she can OTG with c.:h:, but can’t follow up on her own. With Joe’s assist, she can OTG, call Joe’s Upper, s.:h: > Huge Servbot > s.:h: > Lunch Rush.

And of course, throwing in Hulk’s OTG assist can also extend combos for Joe and Tron. I’m definitely having great success with Hulk on my team, but he’s gettin the boot when I can finally get my hands on Shuma >__>

I’m hoping too that Shuma can compliment Joe as well. I’ve always loved Shuma-Gorath since MSH, lol. Right now, I’m running Joe, X-23, and having a really hard time deciding on a third… I’ve tried Amaterasu, Zero, Arthur, and C. Viper. I’ve had the best success with C. Viper, but that leaves my squad really lacking against keep away.

I play rush down style, so if anyone has any suggestions as to what characters/assists could help me complete my team, the advice would be greatly appreciated.

i was thinking zero/vjoe/hulk zero with shippuga ,vjoe voomerang/hulk gamma wave … i just started gettin the hang of these 2 rushdown characters alot more and well hulk my faavorite marvel character EVER!!! so im jus trying to keep him in and he is also my anti-sentinel :smiley:

Hmmm I’m interested in partnering Joe with Viper as well. What ideas do you have with that combination so far may I ask?

im not saying dont play 23 on that team but i say if you go for unblockables thats fine but some time of teammate who has a good cover assist and good health with good dhcs will really help you.

When I ran that team, I had Viper with Burning Kick assist to set up unblockables/cross-up confusion and just went from there. Viper’s really nice with good combos, but lacks a projectile, so with X-23 as well, I was having trouble getting in on keep away players. I would suggest a third with good health as Cactuarlover mentioned, along with good projectiles/teleports to help you close that space.

I finally settled on Doom for my third, making my team Joe/X-23/Doom. I use his Plasma Beam assist as it’s pretty quick and has great durability against other projectiles, making it a lot easier for my rushdown to get started. As a side note, Doom loves it when his opponents are slowed, but who doesn’t, lol.

Projectile assists that hit multiple times are great for Joe’s j.:s: crossups because they push the opponent towards you.

Try doing
:a1:, IAD, J.:s: into the “Brady Bnb” or whatevs :smiley: