Let's rock, baby! - The Viewtiful Joe Team/Assist Thread

After reading this thread I want to try tron out now. They do seem to work together fairly well.

Definitely try her out, their assists and DHC’s complement each other extremely well, IMO. Air Desperado > DHC > Lunch Rush or Lunch Rush > DHC > Mach Speed is just buttah. Tron seems to be a solid anchor as well, she functions just fine as a loner. She’s an amazing battery, hits like a truck with or without meter, and just becomes obscene with the threat of lvl 3 X-Factor guard cancel into her lvl 3 grab super.

My team Joe/Deadpool/Morrigan is great at that. You can pretty much DHC any hyper into any other hyper. the best are Joe and Deadpool into each other. The only thing is you can only dhc into morrigan’s finishing shower in the corner and you cant dhc from finishing shower in the air.

Yet another thing that makes Tron’s assist so good for Joe is that it makes Joe’s overhead practically invisible. If you are right next to your opponent while they are blocking Tron’s fire, it might as well be an unblockable, cuz they’re getting overhead’d or sweep’d into a combo.

Hey everyone, great thread, I too want to get good with Viewtiful Joe on point, I really think he has the potential to be really powerful.

Here is the team I am currently trying to master: Joe / Chun Li / Wesker

Chun Li has her kicking assist, I find it is pretty good for Joe to cross up, and if her kicking assist lands, I know it launches the opponent a bit too high for Joe’s lower attacks so I just start my combo with Groovy Uppercut M, AirH, Double Jump, Air M, Air H, Air S, M, S and so on and so forth.

Once the combo is done, Wesker comes in and OTG with his gun shot, and boom easy SLOW Hyper for Joe.

Chun Li has also lots of good OTG combos with Wesker, and she is a rushing MACHINE.

Then Wesker at the end is good because I think that he is a strong character without assists, so he is a great last resort in a match.

I put them all in their white costumes it looks pretty cool too!

You guys have great ideas, I too cannot wait for Shuma, I really want to see what he can do.


Has anyone tried Joe with C. Viper’s kick assist? I’m thinking it might work well!

not dissing this idea, but i dont think you can really combo after it can you?

I really like wesker for his otg assist. I can also help set up with unblockables but I never seem to pull them off in a match.

Question: Does Chun Lightning Leg Assist plus Joe Cross up Air S create an unblockable???

Not quite. More of a “hard to blockable”. The opponent just needs to block whichever side Joe is on, Chun’s constant pressure makes this more difficult. A ‘true’ unblockable setup would be hitting Joe’s j.S (high attack that can only be blocked standing) and Wesker’s OTG assist (low attack that can only be blocked crouching) at the exact same time.

I’m kind of back at square one now. I haven’t had much success with Chun Li as second character. I’m now running Viewtiful Joe / ??? / Wesker.

Any suggestions?

Alright folks so I started working on a Joe / Shuma / Wesker team and here is what I have so far:

Viewtiful Joe Voomerang
Shuma Gorath Mystic Smash
Wesker Samurai Edge

I find Shuma’s Mystic Smash goes really well with Joe’s combo startup. It covers him well and if the assist hits it keeps the enemy on the ground. It’s also a bit of a confusing assist as it starts low and arcs upward and down again, so I think most people will automatically block low so you can get that overhead in.

Also it hits for like 12 hits or something so it keeps them in guard stun for more than enough time for you to mix up Joe’s low and high attacks.

I find Shuma’s Hyper Mystic Smash is a great way to THC out of Joe’s Mach Speed. I have not yet tried to THC it in from Joe’s Desperado though.

Furthermore, Shuma is just a really fun character to play and I’m really enjoying him.

Wesker is great for hitting low while Shuma jump dash j.M cross up and of course we all know Wesker helps out with Joe as well. I have not tried any Shuma combos on an enemy inflicted with Slow, but with Shuma’s jump cancels, I’m quite excited about the possibilities!

Let me know if you guys find anything, it seemed like quite a few of you really wanted to try Shuma with Joe.

P.S. I put them all in white colors and it looks awesome!!!
Color numbers:
Joe 3
Shuma 4
Wesker 2

What about Shuma’s Mystic Ray Assist as an OTG option for Joe?

It works? :V

I wish. mystic ray is way too slow to be used as an otg.

The guide lied :c - damn you, Buktooth,

Although mystic ray does not OTG I switched over to that one. It’s a great full screen OTG and although it does not cover Joe coming in as much, it’s useful for keeping those zoners busy when you pair it with Voomerang spam.

currently rocking dante/magneto/vj team. Is it for the best I switch the order from d/m/vj to d/vj/m? Also, should I change from jam session to crystal asisst for dante?

Tried some corner combos with Joe, using Mystic Ray to try an OTG - surprisingly, it worked a few times.

From my experiences, the timing for Mystic Ray to OTG an opponent is kinda strictic on most of Joe’s combos options.

Joe/Tron/Dante for me now. I am having some trouble timing Dante’s otg assist. Its like mission mode all over again.

Arthur (Daggers), Viewtiful Joe (Shocking Pink), Wolverine (Tornado Claw)

The three smallest characters with the lowest health in the game, all on one team haha, but they’re still a force to be reckoned with. Joe’s Shocking Pink assist creates some really interesting situations for Arthur; I have set ups where if the opponent tries to bat the bomb back at me, it explodes almost on contact. As such, they learn that they have to block it once it’s out. I use this opportunity to either chip the shit out of them, or power up Arthur and swap him out. If I have the bar, I’ll power up Wolverine too and finally DHC into Joe. Now he’s backed by one of the best approach + pressure + zoning assists in the game, plus a sped up AAA. I personally think Joe is a secret high tier, so with this configuration he gets even scarier.

Joe’s zoning game is ridiculous on its own, but with powered up daggers, there’s literally no end to the projectiles on the screen. The daggers also help me get in and land overheads too. They all DHC beautifully into one another, so I can do 800 000 damage combos with 2 bars, but most of their combos build their own meter, so I do big damage for cheap.