Let's rock, baby! - The Viewtiful Joe Team/Assist Thread

Shuma’s OTG assist is slow, but definitely workable. I’ve found if you triple jump during your air combo, it’ll take Joe too long to get to the ground after he slams the opponent down. Just do BnB > Launch > jM jM jH > double jump > jM jH > M RHK > airdash > H S > Shuma OTG. Joe will land much faster making the timing to call Shuma way easier.

Definitely need to spend more time in the lab with Shuma, but my Joe/Shuma/Tron team seems to be just what I was looking for. I’ve already blabbed about how good Tron’s flame is for Joe and his up close game, and now Shuma’s lazer is just amazing when running away with Voomerangs.

Currently running Joe/Wesker/Sentinel. Probably gonna change Wesker for Deadpool or someone else with a decent otg assist.

Joe totally wrecks shit when he gets in. Overhead is probably the best command normal in the game, I love it.

And sentinel drones + crossup aerial S + overhead if they block it all seems so freaking unblockable.

Only problem is… Getting in. Played one of my PSN friends today and his Spidey runaway coupled with his Lame/Rushdown Taskmaster and his keepaway deadpool made me reevaluate my team. I’m not too great with Wesker and Sentinel could very well be changed as well…

Thank you for your input, WarioMan - let us know if you find more stuff with Shuma/Joe. :3

I run Joe/Deadpool/Morrigan and the synergy between Joe and Deadpool is great. First off, his katana rama is a really good otg, 2nd you can dhc any of joe’s hypers into happy happy trigger and sometimes cuttin time, and you can also dhc happy trigger into desperado or cuttin time into slow, which is great.

I also have a lot a lot of trouble getting in. But if theyre laming me out, i just call in morrigans assist and gain a bunch of meter while i just take a lil chip and maybe some assist damage. After you gain like two bars of meter, they will ussually get irritated… If morrigan gets too hurt to keep calling her or I gain a bunch of meter, ill take a guess/counter a projectile with desperado dhc happy trigger, and now i have an opportunity to either camp them myself with deadpool and voomerang assist or rush on in.

i play wolverine hulk but im thinking about pairing wolverine with arthur instead and im curious about your set up since im learning joe now…

i might go

joe/dr doom/wolverine

your team is very very intresting though so i might play around with them hehe

Ok so for a while i was running


Morrigan was great for her clutch factor and her meter build assist, but I noticed that I didnt have any assists to help joe who needed it the most, morrigan’s DHCs were weak, and i got a lot of meter anyway…

So i swapped my team to

Tron’s assist is like, broken good especially with Joe. Call it in when rushing down to keep um in place, and hide your Foward+M overhead. After landing a combo into katana rama into slow, call Tron in to further limit your opponents options. Keeps them in place to have even more trouble getting out of Slow traps, and Tron’s invincibility catches random tag, allowing for joe to launch um up and combo. Finnally Tron herself is very clutch in level 3 xfactor (not as much as morrigan but still good) and the team has good, fullscreen DHCs (catch an opponent with the happy happy trigger or desperado, thats like 700K for 3 meters… not always worth it but its still there.)

It should be noted that you should change the order of your team occasionally because what if someone snaps your anchor and kills them.

Unless you play Phoenix. Keep that bitch third.

I’m having a bit of a team identity crisis. I am rocking Dante/Magneto/Viewtiful Joe at the moment, though i not sure about how compatible the three are. I use Jam Session,Disruptor,and Groovy Upper as the assists. Should I change the assist types, order or even a character?

i would say change dante to crystals for otg and get the timing down. I really dont like any other mag assist and joe is AA. I think with otg options that can mix things up a bit.

i’ll post without searching…

Anyway, I found a handful of uses for Viewtiful Joe’s Shocking Pink: (1) with Wesker you can heavy counter and teleport while the opponents blocking/getting hit. It’s possible to combo from neutral after the absorb and teleport then XFC. (2) with Hulk (and other characters) you can gamma wave the bombs across the screen. (3) with all characters if you’re in the middle of a hit confirmed combo to launch and you press launch and assist at the same time then do two air normals and a hard knock down you get an automatic OTG (e.g. Wesker cr.A, cr.B, cr.C, S+A1, air.B, air.C, air.S, (OTG) lvl3 super) (launch and hard knock down if X-factored)

Also Joe can Self-OTG with shocking pink: lock down assist (e.g. dormmamu black hole/ Dante Jam Session) light shocking pink, tick throw (OTG), mach speed/godhand/desperado.

I finally caved and put Tron on my team. She’s so boring on point, I hate her, but she makes Joe a lot scarier so it’s worth it.

What is your team Tofu? I also use Joe/Tron and I’m currently looking for a third character. I was considering Storm, She-hulk, Taskmaster, Doom, Ammy and few others. I like She-hulk the most (she has some sexy setups with gustaff fire and her assist is great for Joe), but I’m afraid a team of Joe/She-hulk/Tron could have some serious problems with strong keepaway :confused:

Taskmaster/Sentinel are amazing anchors. Spencer is too.

As long as you have a good cover assist and you can IAD voomarangs i can not tell you how many people i can beat out in a projectile war. If you have a solid pressure game and divekick, and slow down you really shouldnt have that hard of a job getting in.
Yea with doom shield and voomarangs i can beat out arthur without armor and i can beat a number of reagular people like ryu on my own with out assist. Just watch out for random shinku hados cuz that hurts.

I say if you like She-Hulk, you should use her! :slight_smile: Justin Wong can get in on any team with her, and he only backs her up with Tron’s Gustaff Fire. Granted it is Justin Wong, and he makes everything look easy, but you should be able get in if you make some good guesses. Play around with Joe/Tron/She-Hulk and if you don’t like it, shuffle your team around a bit.

To answer your question, my third character is Arthur with Dagger Toss assist. I think it’s secretly one of the best assists in the game because it’s so versatile. They’re kind of like smaller Sentinel Drones that travel horizontally and come out faster. When I’m rushing down I’ll call Arthur and go for mix ups; since the three daggers aren’t a true block string, your opponent can’t rely on absolute guard to avoid your overheads while crouch blocking. They have to sit there and guess what Joe is going to do, which is impossible. :rofl: I can also use Dagger Toss to combo off Joe’s instant overhead without meter by doing :uf:+:h:+:a2: xx :h:-Red Hot Kick. When I land, I have enough time to do a cr.:h: and go into my BnB.

When I’m zoning, I like to do IAD Voomerang, call Arthur, do :h:-Shocking Pink, throw a Voomerang at it; that’s a total of six projectiles on screen that your opponent has to deal with haha. They also can’t bat your Shocking Pink back at you because they’ll get hit by something else. Joe DHCs into Arthur beautifully off anything, including Air Desperado, does about 780K if you time it properly. Sorry for the long write up, but if anyone is considering putting Arthur on their team, I’d recommend it.

I am getting the hang of Dante’s otg assist. Dante and joe have some nice DHC options. I am still messing around with joe’s basic bnb ending with cannon in the air to Devil trigger with dante stuff. Dante really loves a slowed down opponent. But everyone loves a slowed down opponent.

My team is Joe (Not sure on assist, may use bombs), Shuma (Mystic Ray), Doom (Missles).

One thing I have been messing around with is calling out Doom’s missle assist, super jumping in the air with Joe and doing a heavy red hot kick, and even if they block it, the missles come down on them a second later and with Joe’s nearly invisible overhead, it creates a nice 50/50 mix up. If they get hit by the red hot kick AND the missles (Have to delay the rhk for this to happen), then I go into slow down since any combo would be pretty scaled.

Oh, and Shuma’s there for OTG/I like him :).

Thoughts on that set up?

Edit: Oh, and shuma helps when I am zoning with Doom, I call him out when I do Doom’s plasma beam so he covers the air a bit and limits them.

Who do you guys think would be better for Joe, Taskmaster with H. Shot assist or She-Hulk with her Torpedo assist? I’m having such a hard time choosing.

Good thing I use all 3 lol.
If your second partner has an OTG assist, then I’d say Taskmaster. I don’t know about H. shot though, I use light and it works well for my rush down. Of you dont have another OTG assist, then go with Torpedo She-hulk. Just make sure you have a projectile assist to cover her on point.

^H. Shot equals Horizontal, not the literal :h: shot (Verrtical)

Also switched my team around a bit. Joe/Chris/Wesker. I’ll see how this works out.