Ah ok then XD
I’ve said this before, but the pushback on those arrows allow Joe to hit confirm his jump :h:, cross up IAD :s: into ground chain more easily.
Something interesting I found, is that if you use joes shocking pink assist, then hold the assist button, if the bomb hits, then the tag in will juggle. Definitely comboable on hit by everyone if the slow status is inflicted, should be comboable with certain characters.
Found some DHCs Combos into Godhand with Hulk on point, these only work in the corner though.
Joe w/Shocking Pink Assist.
[]st.c, s+A1, air.b, air.s, [OTG], air.b, air.b, air.c, air.s, h.gw xx gamma crush DHC Godhand (or DHC Mach Speed XFC Godhand)
-the timing off of raw gamma crush is after the seventh hit before the opp hits the ground.
[]st.c, s+A1, air.b, air.s, [OTG], air.b, air.b, air.c, air.s, gamma quake DHC Godhand (or DHC Mach Speed XFC Godhand)
-the timing is pretty immediate before the rocks even come out of the sky. For mach speed they finish before the launch, but hit-stun decay makes air follow-ups difficult/impossible.
[*]h.aa-gc,h.follow-up gamma wave dhc godhand
-the timing is immediate, so the rocks don’t even come out and there’s just the ground bounce
Hey Joe fans,
So after a lot of experimenting, I am proud to say that I think I have finally found me Joe team.
Joe Groovy Uppercut
Tron Gustav Fire
Wesker Samurai Edge
I use the fire to get in and crossup with overhead S and I go into my combos from there. Finish with a Wesker OTG into god hand. The only problem I have is that if I am completely in the corner, because of Joe’s small size, Wesker comes in too close for the shot to hit. If anyone has a solution to that one, I would love you.
Tron is just fun to use and I find Joe and Tron complement each other quite well. Tron makes great use of Wesker’s OTG as well.
This team also has great DHC capabilities. There’s room to be creative and unpredictable.
I walked away with a 10 game win streak on ranked and I’m not even that good of a player. If anyone decides to give this team a shot and you find anything, please let me know, I’m having a lot of fun with it so far.
Those are the two best possible assists for Joe IMO, or for any character really. Tron and ESPECIALLY Wesker just add synergy to any team.
i am currently using this team:
joe - voomerang assist
wesker - samurai edge
akuma - tatsumaki
i use voomerang because you can relaunch with wesker on the corner with it and doesnt stun scale too much
and with akuma you can call in joe and teleport to the other side to confuse the opponent
(if they try to hit joe i just cancel teleport to shoryu super)
any tips for this team ???
specially what are my options if akumas tatsu hit opponent (only on corner i can mostly guarantee a followup with joe)
i have to agree that tron is joes BEST assist too
If Akuma’s Tatsu hits, you can wavedash twice and cancel your dash into cr.:h:. From there, you can go into your combo of choice. The thing is, Joe isn’t fast enough to make good use of Akuma’s Tatsu assist; characters like Magneto and Wolverine are better with Akuma.
The team that I’ve been using a lot is:
Joe (Voomerang)
Iron Man (Unibeam)
Dorm (Purification)
When I want to rush, I use unibeam to get in and crossup with j.s/j.h and for zoning, Purification and Unibeam are both really good.
VJ/Dante/x? any ideas for an anchor? Also do you think weasel shot or jam session would be best? Weasel shot would be great for lockdown for a free 50/50, but jam session is nice for a get off me assist and may set up some combos for joe… needs some labwork. Who else has that combo swagger? Skrull kinda does and is a nice anchor. Dunno if his assists would help joe much. Tenderizer could hold them long enough to get a bomb out though… I’d stick tron there but I hate Tron anchor. Maybe vj/tron/dante. I also play chris/spencer/trish/amaterasu/storm/doom (though I don’t like doom anchor either really).
My team is joe,haggar, ammy upper, lariat, coldstar any opinions, tips?? Shouod. Switch to voomerang assist?
Upper is fine. I use it.
In combos?
No anti-air. People seriously do not know how good that move is. I abuse is as an anti-air when I play Joe on point. Joe’s upper beat’s tron’s j.C spam clean on point and as an assist.
Does it have any invincibility? Choosing Groovy Upper as an assist is also beneficial because it gives you a Mach Speed with 1F start up during THCs. I use Shocking Pink purely for relaunch combos for my other characters, Joe doesn’t see a lot of assist use for my team otherwise.
I dont think upper has any invincibility. Gets beaten out by almost anything when I tried to use it.
Joe is on point for my team of Joe Deadpool Tron, but sometimes when I get Deadpool out due to a team combo or a DHC I use joes voomerang to assist Deadpool’s zoning.
yeah joes groovy uppers dont have any invincibility whatsoever assist type or not
maybe as an assist can win against certain moves because of the angle the uppercut goes
I use Groovy Upper all the time and win due to its fast startup and good attack box. From my experience it beats a lot of moves. Not all but many. Also because Joe’s pressure is so strong especially with an assist, its good to stop jump outs, mostly because I like how long it stays active. I do use Joe’s Upper assist in my amaterasu combo’s though.
when you upper tron out of the lariat, can you combo off of that?
Most of the time, no. Sometimes, but most of the time ,no
idea: Ammy, joe and trish looks amusing. the most annoying dhc. double slow then round harvest lockdown. while slowed you can throw traps with trish and pressure even more with ammy assist. if you happen to do a knockdown combo you can use joe’s rhc to otg.
Dormammu would be decent for a team like this or anyone with a good beam really. hsien ko would add to the annoyance factor with her assist and constant projectiles. a low hitting assist could set up unblockables.