Let's rock, baby! - The Viewtiful Joe Team/Assist Thread

What method do you use to get your opponent double slowed?

Haven’t floated around this board lately, but I thought I’d share my new team formation. Before, I was using Flash Metroid’s older setup: Joe(Groovy Upper)/I.M.(Unibeam)/Tron(Fire). Voomerang pressure with Unibeam is really nice, but my Iron Man just wasn’t cuttin it. If Joe died, it was pretty much a sure bet I.M. was on his way out.

Anywho, now I’m running with Spencer(Slant Grapple)/Joe(Voomerang)/Tron(Fire). Partly in favor of the DHC glitch (Spencer BnB > DHC Glitch > Joe BnB nets 1.3 million starting with 1 meter) and partly because I like the idea of having my best character in the 2nd slot. Voomerang is decent cover for Spencer to get in behind as well.

Hi everyone this is my first post I was wondering if I could get help on adjusting my team a little since its constantly changing due to matchups and all I use V.Joe on point btw ill give a list of characters I am comfortable/able to use depending on characters if no good projectiles joe is Voomerang.

~Trish - (Fails her divekick combo’s badly online/Keepaway) Ast- Low Voltage-V + Hopscotch-A
~Deadpool - (Drain Bread and Butters/Keepaway) Ast- Katana Rama-B + QuickWork-A
~ Dormmamu - (Keepaway to the Max/I usually charge his Spells) Ast- Anti/Air-B Liberation-V
~ Ryu - (Balanced/But I have problems rushing in since his overhead sucks) Ast- Shoryu-A Tatsu-V
~ Akuma - (Balanced/Demon Flip+Zone Pressure) Ast- Demon Flip-V rarely Tatsu-B
~ Iron-Man -(Training Him Currently Liking Repulsor) Ast- All

I aplogize if this list is crappy I had to include info of what i can do with most characters that i find playable or able to assist my team I do have others in mind Wolvy Spencer Wesker even She-Hulk
My main problem is rushing down and defense Like im usual shutdown by Anti-airs and Beams I tried using tron bonne but that led me into messing up her semi infinite really badly and Dante well…noooo
I can fend off welly and choose to play a more fair playstyle then sitting around spamming or running away plz id appreciate that help and thank u very much in advance even if u dont have much to say contributing great words is better then contributing nothing

P.S. I posted this before but Zoogstin was so kinda enough to redirect me here

I can only give you tips with Iron Man. Once you learn how to IAD Voomerang spam with Joe, Iron Man’s Unibeam assist will be your greatest asset. Repulsor blast is great for defense but it won’t help you as much with projectile wars or rushdown as Unibeam will.

Ah okay Ill try learning Iron-Man more i learned his ground flight combo as for the third character should they have an OTG?

I’m now using Vjoe(shocking pink)/Dante(weasel shot)/Wesker(samurai edge).

Dante’s weasel shot is REALLY good for Joe. It keeps them in the same place for a good amount of time and allows you to run mixups. It’s also one of the tougher assists to punish because he jumps back to do the shot.

Samurai Edge for obvious reasons (unblockables and otg > slow).

The shocking pink is used for when I have Dante on point. It sets up my glitch combo.





team Viewtiful Joe and Friends. TOO cheap.





purple city all-stars. one of my favs.:tup:





GREAT team!:tup:magneto can be anchor or lead here.





DANGEROUS! vjoe/viper is too slept on.





…and once again. can be played in various orders.





team I’ll Take You On…derp





one of my fav hsien-ko teams. yjdk.

Hows My Team:

V.Joe: Groovy Upper
Deadpool: Katana-Rama
Doctor Doom: Plasma Beam

Im really considering using Deadpools Upward guns assist. from what Ive seen while testing it really helps against characters like Magneto, Zero, Storm & Many more but its very situational. BUT on the other hand the only Way I can follow up from Joes Air Throws is with katana-rama.

I’d say that its a really good team. Joe with Plasma beam assist is really really good.

Which assist should i be using for deadpool though?

I figured katana-rama was okay because it helps with Joe’s damage. Its a little redundant to have 2 get off of me assists even though Deadpools does cover some dead spots in your defense.

The only problem I have is Im constantly calling my assists. and I sometimes randomly call deadpool (while he has the katana-rama assist) and Get punished very badly. its a habit im trying to grow out of though

Yeah I noticed in your videos you would call Deadpool out of the blue instead of Doom.

ya, Thats my biggest weakness. when i get into a match, I lose my mind. I Break under the pressure. I feel like if im not calling an assist im gonna lose my point character.

Geez don’t freak out that much. Joes uppercut is really good anti-air against a lot of crap.

I suppose your right. In all honestly i dont really want to use deadpool. I just use him since he’s really good at taking advantage of viewtiful joe’s slow-mo super

Joe/Deadpool have amazing synergy

Definitly! Joe & Akuma also Share great synergy. gotta love all the infinites you can do with Slow-Mo.
Im starting to pick akuma up. Im really liking him.

Joe / Deadpool / Sentinel all the way.

I’m dropping Joe but yeah.

Don’t Drop Joe!
He’s such a great character. Drop Sentinel =P