I only played Sentinel to support Joe. I’m likely dropping them both. Gotta have that Phoenix Wright. I’ll probably play him for fun still though.
Anybody have any plans of trying new characters with joe? Ill probably see how joe/vergil or joe/strider is.
Im plan on Using Rocket Raccon & Vergil (mabey Frank)
With joe. Expect a lot of Videos from me soon, They’ll be in the joe Video thread though
Hmmm… Good Question
Or just go with my old team Joe/Wesker/Taskmaster
Im not sure Joe and frank will have much synergy since It seems Frank get more of a benefits from THC’s unless you use the groovy upper assist.
Tip: never use wesker. hes the root of all evil!
I always use the Upper assist.
I see. Then Mabey that team might be alright
I sure hope so, but I gotta do some extensive testing like… all next week lol
I’m kind of surprised not too much mention of Storm around here…
I go VJ/Storm/Morri
campcampcampcampcampcamp lolll
Gonna throw in some VJ/Felicia/whatever though. Low double hitting fast MMMM that’s good.
Ill probably continue to use Joe/Dante. They have some pretty good synergy. Striders kick assist looks promising so ill probably mess with that day 1.
Im no so sure vergil will be good with viewtiful Joe. I have so assist to help me get in. Mabey I need Doom still
I’m at a big loss in UMvC3. My old team of V.Joe/Deadpool/Tron just doesnt work anymore, so I’m looking for new characters. But so far I havent found anyone.
Can anybody give me inputs on making a team? I wanna play V.Joe on point, and the characters I’m interested in for the most part are Vergil, Firebrand, Dr.Doom, Strider, Deadpool, Wesker, and Morrigan. I’m also interested in Frank West and Phoenix Wright but I dont know how to make them work.
V. Joe and Rocket Raccoon have incredibly synergy. If you incorporate the Log Trap assist into Joe’s BnB, it nets you 660k with one bar; I think I can push it even higher than that if I optimize the combo. The log trap covers a lot of vertical space, which makes it great for controlling the upper part of the screen during IAD Voomerang spam. It’s almost impossible to hit Rocket Raccoon while he’s performing this move because he crouches first.
My absolute favourite part about Joe + RR is that they have incredible THC synergy. If you set Joe to Groovy Upper or Shocking Pink assist, his THC becomes Mach Speed, which has 1F start up (as a THC) and 32 frames of invincibility.It’s completely safe because Joe recovers first; your opponent is forced to block the laser shot from Rocket Raccoon’s Rock n’ Roll while you go for a cross up or an overhead! And that’s if it’s blocked. If it hits, Joe can follow up with a full air combo, netting close to 500k. This THC is an incredibly powerful tool for punishing even the safest assist calls, you can very easily kill two characters with X-Factor. Joe should be able to do this with a couple other characters as well, like Dante, but I haven’t tested it out.
Other than rocket raccon, do you guys know any new characters that work well with joe? Im having some trouble teaming him with some of the newer characters. Ghost rider seems decent since ghost riders chain attack carry the bombs and joe gets an otg assist from ghost rider.
So far I’m using Joe then Rocket Raccoon with the Claymore. I’m still not settled on an anchor. What I like about claymore is that you can lay one down as soon as the enemy hits the ground. On wake up they have no choice but to block it and it gives you ample time to either jump dash air s or command forward m.
My anchor has to have a good full screen beam as it helps Joe and RR a lot to get in there and open them up. So far I like Dr. Strange but when I get home tonight I’m going to try Hawkeye. I will let you all know how that goes.
Joe/Dante/Strider seems pretty good. Shocking pink does wonders for extending striders combos that leave the oponent at hard knockdown state. For example, gram>Shocking pink assist>M Teleport to whatever. Its pretty cool. Im still messing around with things. Ill try and post a video because im bad at explaining things lol.
Hey all! Here’s a little update on my post about my Joe/RR/Hawkeye team.
I know everyone loves that log assist for RR, but seriously, that claymore is AMAZING for Joe. I always put one down next to a knocked down character and they have no choice but to block it. It gives you so much time to decide if you want to Jump Air Dash S, command M overhead or instant jump air H into H RHK. It helps joe to put even more pressure.
Plus, when you take out a character, put a claymore down right in front of where the next character will come in. It’s so good because it requires 2 hits to destroy and it’s so small. Giving you a free combo if you land your mixup correctly!
I’m still so-so about Hawkeye though. His chip damage is phenomenal, he’s a great anchor I find, but that arrow assist is not substantial enough for joe to come in from far away. I’m thinking doom or strange.
But seriously folks, play around with that claymore. Let me know what you all think if you’re curios enough to try it!
Hi, names Ghostfreak and as you can tell I am very new to the forums and Joe as a character since I decided within myself to pick him up at least a week ago. I would have done so sooner in vanilla, but wasn’t able to because I had felt within myself that the game wasn’t… whats the word I’m looking for. Complete? I don’t know, that’s how it felt to me. But besides that I now find him highly enjoyable and a blast to play, especially online againsta sea of Wesker’s, Vergil’s, Dante’s and God knows what else is out there. My team at the moment is Viewtiful Joe (Voomerant), Frank West (Shopping Cart) and Morrigan (I shuffle between Dark Harmonizer and Shadow Blade depending on how I feel and who I am fighting up against.
So far I am liking the team synergy here, though I would appreciate it if you all would kindly give criticism and suggestions since I believe that you guys were playing him long before I was. And I always felt that VJoe and Morrigan make excellent Bff’s, along with Morrigan and Frank since he benefits from her Finishing Showers as does Joe.
Thanks guys and hope to hear from any of you in the near future.
I’m pretty set on Viewtiful Joe and Doom, with his plasma beam assist. And i’m trying to find a mid-screen mixup starting with jump S. In the corner, I can call the assist, do jump S, or airdash/double airdash behind S, and then either f+b xx mp.upper or cr.hk xx mp.upper, then airdash into a combo, or another j.s/j.h, j.s if they block. This works really well in the corner, but mid-screen I can’t consistently land the two.
Could someone point point me in the right direction as far as consistent high/low mixups with joe on point and doom mid-screen?
I tried to use doom with joe but the problem is his beam assist doesn’t keep them grounded if it hits, and joe’s normals aren’t as lenient when it comes to it. My fix was doing airdash -> J.H -> J.S that way you are still hitting them when the beam is over and they are closer to the ground for your hitconfirm. If they block then you’re good for another mixup. Just watch for hitscaling if it does hit, I always combo into slow in these cases.
You are better off with an assist that will always keep them grounded but doesn’t give alot of pushback midscreen. Taskmaster’s arrows are perfect for that. Or if you really want a beam assist, try Ironman. His assist will keep them grounded on hit so you won’t have to worry about whiffing your normals.
EDIT: Forgot to add stuff about ironspam