You should be able to net some respectable damage with joe/dante:
(old but probably still viable and there’s probably a better combo now.)
You should be able to net some respectable damage with joe/dante:
(old but probably still viable and there’s probably a better combo now.)
I personally use extra meter for Dante’s devil trigger. His thunderbolt move in DT can’t be advanced guarded and does a lot of chip. If you mix that with cold star you probably will get a ridiculous amount of chip.
so I had a theory team I wanted to mess around with and was curious what you guys thought about it to make it better. Namely I wanted to do VJoe(b)/Deadpool(a)/Sentinel(a) and had a few questions before I start. Mainly, because I haven’t really messed around with these characters outside of deadpool and occasional Sentinel anchors that I’m horrible with, I was curious about the assists. The main reason I run Joe’s B assist is since I plan on having him on point probably till he dies, but on the off-chance someone tries to snap in Sentinel, I can Cross-over combination Mach Speed. I’m curious if anyone has run Deadpool/Joe and messed around with Shocking Pink assist + Bolo shenanigans. Last real question would be is it worth giving up Katanarama’s forced ground bounce for Quick Work low assist. Joe has that super dirty overhead, and obviously making something that’s already dirty even more dirty is never a bad thing, I just wonder if Katanarama does more for him.
Just some thoughts and any insight I could get before I head over to my friends house tomorrow to play would be nice
IMO, the low assist is much more useful, probably unlikely that you’ll be using it with joe’s f+b overhead because you’d need to have your opponent locked down. Most likely you’ll be doing left right mixups, calling Deadpool, air dashing behind the opponent and then using j.s for the unblockable. Sent’s drone assist (which I assume you’re using) will help you get in, but i dunno if you’ll have enough time after sent cools down to call dead pool in and get the unblockable. Deadpools other assist (the one that OTGs) is only useful if you find it really important to be able to otg into slow.
This is definitely not true
Proof? Please show me because if Joe does do a lot of damage then it would help me out a lot because every time I get a hit with him, I end up doing around 600K only…
You’re right. Joe’s standard solo bnb does just over 660K with one bar. Unless you start the combo with his j.S then that prorates to combo to about 573k. By today’s marvel standards its not a lot but this is decent enough to put a decnet dent in a lot of characters’ health bar.
However since you’re trying Joe, Ammy, Dante I’d recommend this combo. I do it all the time and it hurts. Just replace Ironman with Dante’s Jam Session and you’ll have a 800k combo for one bar:
Joe can do over 700 by himself
Holy crap… That is awesome… With DHC into Dante’s Million Dollars I could probably break 1 mil damage I think… Just gotta check how much meter that gains. Thanks man this is awesome!
@ Realplayer
Mach speed, DHC to Viper, DHC to Stalker flare, teleport, launch down.
Going to get back into playing the game soon, and wanted a new joe team. I was thinking joe/dorm/x23 as i feel it could have good synergy, and although neither of the assists help joe get in, dorm’s dark hole can help his mixups once he is in as well as extend combos and x23 can set up unblockables as well as allow combos off of throws (which I feel is one of joes biggest weaknesses). Anybody else run joe with dormammu?
I’m starting to pick Dorm up. I was trying to find uses for his bomb assist but there aren’t many it seems, not enough hitstun to let him power up.
He can do what I said above though. Mach speed, stalker flare, launch off it.
TBH comboing after throws isnt that big of a deal IMO. Joe has good options on pressure after a throw. Just by throwing a L/M bomb and doing w/e.
Being random is what Joe does best.
I use to run Joe/Dorm team before. Its alright. Dark hole assist isnt that good unless you have good sense of spacing to use it.
Other then that just use the pillar for a decent OTG/ AA.
But using the Vanilla ender (Air Joe H xxSix Cannon) to Stalker Flare connects. Pushing them up slowly.( Mostly in corner)
Lets Dorm power up then just Teleport, j.S to anything you want. Or just do a flashy Teleporting, j.S barrage.
yeah the biggest reason I wanted to pair the two (besides the fact that I love playing them both and am pretty good with each) is the six machine into stalking flare dhc that will allow dorm to power 3 spells. That, and I can see a thc at two meters being a powerful assist punish to call out whenever I’m having trouble getting in, as well as hole being a decent assist to lockdown and extended combos.
I used to use pillar with thor for an otg for tod’s and it worked well with him even though its slow. Does pillar work to otg for joe? If so, do you guys have any examples of a combo to do with it? because I remember trying and if you double or triple jumped in an air series it didnt otg fast enough. If I can get good damage of that otg though, I can replace x23 with a better assist for joe as well as anchor (although I like her dirt nap bs).
Dash back and charge up a vrang instead. Either way they go they’ll get hit by it.
Pillar assists like Dorm and Dante are good for him in the corner because it lets him pull out a bomb and still launch after + launch down into it for the scaling reset…which doesn’t seem to work for me. The fuck. Did something happen to it?
Anyway, yeah. Dunno about midscreen, actually.
Idk. I like a Bomb L/M xx Groovy Up L/M, IAD Voomerang spam.
The pillar works ok for an OTG in the corner. Dont really know any other ways unless you staircase them down for something for the hard knockdown.
And the scaling resets seemed to have worked or not by being random. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt.
Even staying to long in training mode just makes it stop working. Atleast thats how it was in vanilla.
The bomb doesn’t do anything and has a chance to fuck yourself up. Holding that button is retardedly restricting for something like it, and especially for Joe when he needs all three buttons almost all the time in neutral game.
Charged voomerangs are one of his most dangerous tools, let him get one off and that’s the end of your character if you don’t have bar.
I feel like the bomb is a decent defensive tool though. When I’m doing keepaway IAD vrangs against a character without a teleport (or at least a tracking one) many times they will resort to superjumping in, and thats when I throw a light bomb and just wait. Most of the time they open with magic series and just get nailed by the bomb explosion leading into a full combo. Sometimes ending a block string with a light bomb can work also. Unpredictability is joe’s best friend
Any thoughts on Joe/storm synergy?