Let's rock, baby! - The Viewtiful Joe Team/Assist Thread

Looking to pick a Joe with a team built around him. Going to probably Run Joe/Horizontal projectile or beam assist/ Missiles

Any thoughts on Joe-???/ Hawk-straight arrows/Dr Doom Missiles
-Missiles for derpy zoning and mixups. Are there any optimized missile combos with Joe?
-Straight arrows for horizontal coverage in projectile wars and derpy super jump height mixups with Joe’s divekick
-I might consider Taskmaster too but I’m not sure

What assist do you recommend to use with Joe in a team like this?

I don’t see any reason to use any other assists but those. Plasma Beam is nice but you have Hawkeye.

hey guys i’m running joe/wesker/hawkeye and i like this team, i’m getting pretty tired of wesker. i just wanted some thoughts on my current team and would appreciate suggestions on some replacement characters for wesker.


Do it

joe/hawkeye/rr or joe/rr/hawkeye??

i think i’ve tried this before and i really liked it but gave up because my raccoon sucked. guess i should try it again.

RR second.

I say RR because <3 RR

i ran RR on anchor and it went ok i guess. i just don’t know what to do with him! i’ll probably throw him second so he can have an assist and i miss my hawkeye anchor lol.

but i actually like RR. i could easily throw doom on my team but meh, he doesn’t appeal to me.

I’m sorry, but I meant which assist should I pick for Joe (Voomerang/Bomb/DP).

RR is a shitty anchor so good

Pretty sure Hawkeye and Doom don’t have ways to abuse the bomb glitch (although I never tested Doom extensively), so DP assist is perfect for mach speed THCs. I bet they both can follow up off Mach Speed’s launch.

Joe’s DP assist is actually pretty good for starting jump loops too. But aside from that he doesn’t really have useful assists, so just pick w/e.

I acutally use the DP assist. That move has a really good hitbox. I use it as my “get off me” assist.

So this is my “idea” team at the moment: Frank West (Shopping Cart), Dante (Jam Session), Viewtiful Joe (Bomb) . My idea was to always keep dante in the middle and swap joe/frank depending on my opponent team (e.g. zoning/ground game). So I’m pretty set on Frank/Dante Synergy, and Joe/Frank Synergy, what are some of the things that Joe/Dante can do together? I’ve been using Danke’s (TeamBrownTown’s) Superior tech on Dante/Joe/Morrigan as a starting point, but i’m not quite sure where else to take it.

Any ideas/suggestions?
Edit: for those interested:

That’s mad old. D: I don’t see one combo being good synergy-wise. That’s why I didn’t really find that video helpful at all before.

aintnofam1ly uses Joe/Dante. If you can find him or find some vids/archives of him off Peacefuljay’s stream he’d help you. His Joe is better than mine imo.

Hey, I’m thinking of picking up Joe, and my theory team for him right now is Joe / ??? / Shuma. I don’t know what to put in between there, but I’m thinking Shuma will be a great assist for Joe, helps him fill up the screen n shit. But I need the middle character, preferably one that will help me apply pressure for a long time. Thanks.

There’s always Ammy. I think she would complete your team nicely.

Random all’d a team to stick with and got Joe, Dante, Strider.

I think the assists could help Joe out a bit, but for anyone who has used a combination of Joe/Dante or Joe/Strider got any tips?

joe and dante is pretty good. you’ll be stylish AND viewtiful!

…anyone with info with joe/dante care to clarify/qualify their synergy? I mean yeh, I can use Jam session mid-screen after ia.voomerang to cover a air backdash voomerang, but what can Dante do as far as mix-ups involving bomb etc?

This is just something I do with Dante and the bomb assist.

Corner: Any dante bnb that leads to a hard knockdown. Call joe :dp::l::l: bomb explodes :qcf::uf::h: :dp::m::m: (for ground bounce reset) into whatever.
or if you want a reset
Corner: Any dante bnb that leads to a hard knockdown. Call joe :dp::l::l: bomb explodes :qcf:
:h::h: from here you can do a cross up, fake crossup or just go low. If you are in DT you can use the double air dash for extra fun. This also works midscreen if there isn’t much hsd.

Sorry if this is sloppy but im in school right now. Ill post more things later if anyone found this helpful.

What do you guys think of Joe/Ammy/Doom? Ammy’s cold star to help extend combos, but I’m looking for an assist that’s not Frank that I can DHC into that goes across the screen, like shopping cart. Also, Doom’s beam is my favorite way of getting in. They all seem to DHC into each other really well. What do you guys think? Who would work with Joe/??/Doom?

Sounds great, but Joe/Doom/Ammy might be better. That way you get Cold Star for Doom mixups, as well asthe now famous Doom/Ammy THC and all the other shenanigans they can do.